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  • I thin kit’s great, but there are times when it just feels a bit busy and overwhelming. Not quite sure how to solve that one though, as I guess it’s about as elegant as it can be. Time will tell!

    Thread Starter davestewart


    >And yes, wp-cron.php should be running automatically. The fact that it does not indicates some kind of problem with your server.

    Thanks Otto for your reply.
    I’ve spoken to tech support and asked if they have some kind of block on automatic processes. They said:

    “We do not have a block on the automatic process the cron job is something you have to setup”

    Anyway – I ran the script as you suggested and it’s worked – GREAT! It took ages though.

    I still need to figure out WHY it’s not running automatically. Does anyone have any ideas?


    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: setup_postdata problem


    Of course if WordPress was properly documented, everyone would know this.

    Thread Starter davestewart


    Well I just went ahead and did it, and it couldn’t be easier.

    • I just stick a URL in the Page Content area
    • Set the template as Page Redirect
    • Publish


    More info and download is here.



    Well I did the same thing a few months ago quite easily.

    I included the header.php file in the static HTML page. This brought in all the wordpress-specific functions, then I just ran a function to grab the latest entry and display the HTML (probably the_post() or something).

    Quite easy, really.



    To my (limited) knowledge, the page title is normally written in the header.php page, so you probably need to change it there.

    Just change the contents of the HTML <title> tag to

    <title><?php bloginfo('name'); ?></title>

    Or check this page for options on your existing setup:



    Make sure you check both the start and end of the file for whitespace! This has got me before…

    Thread Starter davestewart


    Not sure if this solved it or not, but I randomized the dates and everything is now working.

    Thread Starter davestewart


    No takers for this one?

    Thread Starter davestewart


    Holy smokin’ database Batman!

    `include_once “../wp-blog-header.php”;

    There’s a lot of code being output here! Does this grab EVERYTHING in the database!?

    I don’t have my 200 entries in yet, but when I do, will every single page-load for the site grab all the entries, every time?

    Is this the WordPress way then? Grab everything once (whether you need it or not) then just have it available?

    I hope I’m not barking up the wrong tree, I’m just trying to understand.


    Thread Starter davestewart


    OK, OK! I’m new to WordPress and still figuring it all out.

    I’m building an index page for a CMS, and I’m going to be listing 150 – 200 posts, all in their respective categories. Each one will show the title and a metadata intro below it.

    So the Loop is different from the get_posts() then?

    get_posts() seems to grab a lot of stuff from the database! But the Loop doesn’t? I guess I need to get in and play some more…

    Thread Starter davestewart


    Hi Otto,
    Thanks for spending some time on my post.

    I read up about pings and understand the idea, but perhaps not the implementation, yet. No matter, I’m sure when the time comes things will be clearer…

    Also, I now understand that cron is a task scheduler, which answers the future posts question.

    However, I still don’t understand WHY I have 337 entries in my postmeta table, so I ran the following SQL command…

    SELECT post_id, meta_key, COUNT(post_id) AS count FROM wp_postmeta GROUP BY post_id, meta_key

    …to count the types of entry for each post_id:

    post_id meta_key count
    3 _encloseme 8
    3 _pingme 8
    4 _wp_page_template 1
    5 _encloseme 28
    5 _pingme 28
    6 _encloseme 6
    6 _pingme 6
    7 intro 1
    7 _encloseme 89
    7 _pingme 89
    8 _wp_attached_file 1
    8 _wp_attachment_metadata 1
    9 _wp_attached_file 1
    9 _wp_attachment_metadata 1
    10 _wp_attached_file 1
    10 _wp_attachment_metadata 1
    11 _wp_attached_file 1
    11 _wp_attachment_metadata 1
    12 _encloseme 15
    12 _pingme 15
    13 _encloseme 7
    13 _pingme 7
    15 intro 1
    15 _encloseme 12
    15 _pingme 12
    16 intro 1
    17 intro 1

    I mean… WHY have I got EIGHT-NINE entries for post 7!! The only person who has really read this post is me (it took a LOT of editing!)

    Are you saying that wp-cron SHOULD be running (and deleting them)? If not (or is broken) should I just go in and delete them myself?

    I really only use WordPress as a CMS, you see.

    Thanks again in advance for your help.

    Thread Starter davestewart


    Well I had well over 300 entries, so it doesn’t look like they are being automatically handled!

    I made the spam connection as my blog gets literally no visitors, but quite a few spambots per day that make comments. Therefore 8 posts x 20 spams x 2 entries (_encme and _pingme) = 320 entries! Is this just a co-incidence?

    I’m new at this WordPress lark so I’m yet to understand exactly what you’re explaining to me. Can you explain what “pings” are “enclosures” are?

    Also, I’m not sure what you mean by “future dated posts”.
    Many thanks,

    Thread Starter davestewart


    No takers for this one?

    Thread Starter davestewart


    >> Just could have been put in a more diplomatic manner.

    A fair point! I didn’t realise that it was all done by you and I.

    To be clear, I wasn’t actually slagging the documentation that’s been done, I was slagging the fact it’s incomplete which is a higher-level (management) issue.

    Thanks to everyone who’s contributed!


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