Had to figure it out on my own because I’m on a time crunch. Here is how you add custom replacement tokens.
Open wp-content/wp-survey-and-quiz-tool/lib/wpsqt/Tokens.php:
in the getTokenObject() function, add the following line:
self::$instance->addToken(“YOUR_CUSTOM_TOKEN“, “Description of your token that appears in the plugin.“)
in the setDefaultValues() function, add the following line:
$this->setTokenValue(‘YOUR_CUSTOM_TOKEN‘, ( isset($_SESSION[‘wpsqt’][$quizName][‘Custom_YourName‘]) ) ? $_SESSION[‘wpsqt’][$quizName][‘Custom_YourName‘] : ‘Anonymous User’);
Open wp-content/wp-survey-and-quiz-tool/pages/site/quiz/section.php:
At the top of the page add the following
if( !isset( $_SESSION[‘wpsqt’][$quizName][‘Custom_YourName‘] ) && $_REQUEST[ ‘Custom_YourName‘ ] != ” ){
$_SESSION[‘wpsqt’][$quizName][‘Custom_YourName‘] = $_REQUEST[ ‘Custom_YourName‘ ];
Note: Replace the italicized values with whatever your want. Names of request objects of the custom form fields will have spaces removed and prefixed by “Custom_”.
Example: Your Name becomes Custom_YourName