Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: wordTube] myplaylist just for audioDarn it. Alex, I love what you’ve done with the code for v2, but unfortunately the v4 Player from JW sux right now ?? so I’m gonna have to stay with v1.6 of wordTube which is working exactly as I need it on my site.
A question: Now that I’ve installed v2 of wordTube, the settings have a ‘delete’ option to get rid of it before I go ahead and deactivate it. If I click the ‘delete’ option, will it delete all my settings for wordTube 1.6 too?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: wordTube] myplaylist just for audioThanks Alex, I’m taking a look through v2 now. In the meantime, here’s an update to my above post for anyone using v1.6.
I was having difficulty getting the player controls to show, which this version fixes (by removing the IE fixes!). This version also changes the mode of the shortcodes slightly (from my original version above) – they now IGNORE the mp3 settings on the wordTube admin page (which now really only apply to the MEDIA shortcode).
This version makes available two shortcodes as I wanted to give my users the ability to specify whether to show the equaliser or not, rather than there being a global setting. See the notes in the code for details of the shortcodes.
I’ve tested this successfully on:
Firefox v 3.0.1 on Ubuntu Linux
IE 6.0.29 on Win XP_SP2 – Flash player 9,0,47,0
IE 7.0.5730 on Win XP_SP2 – Flash player 9,0,47,0NOTE: I have NOT tested the Excerting or RSS side of this (as I don’t use that), so if that’s important to you then please check it all works!
<?php /* Plugin Name: wordTube Plugin URI: https://alexrabe.boelinger.com/?page_id=20 Description: This plugin creates your personal YouTube plugin for WordPress. Author: Alex Rabe & Alakhnor Version: 1.60 Author URI: https://alexrabe.boelinger.com/ ------------------------------------ Music Playlist Update Ver: 13-Aug-2008 This update author: Dave H This update: Modifies the: CheckForTags(), searchvideo(), excerpt_searchblank(), ReturnPlaylist() functions. NOTE: I have commented out the IE fix for 'width' and 'height' in returnMedia() and returnPlaylist() as they were messing up the player in IE 6 for me. Works good for me now. Adds a new function: ReturnMusicPlaylist() to process the new tags. New tags created: [MYMUSICPLAYLIST=x] Displays a music player with playlist. This tag ignores the wordTube 'mp3 display' setting. [MYEQMUSICPLAYLIST=x] Displays a music player with playlist and an equaliser. This tag ignores the wordTube 'mp3 display' setting. ------------------------------------ Copyright 2006-2008 Alex Rabe , Alakhnor The wordTube button is taken from the Silk set of FamFamFam. See more at https://www.famfamfam.com/lab/icons/silk/ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ global $wp_version; // define URL define('WORDTUBE_URLPATH', get_option('siteurl').'/wp-content/plugins/' . dirname(plugin_basename(__FILE__)).'/'); define('WORDTUBE_ABSPATH', ABSPATH.'wp-content/plugins/' . dirname(plugin_basename(__FILE__)).'/'); // Check for WP2.5 installation define('IS_WP25', version_compare($wp_version, '2.4', '>=') ); $WPwordTube = new wordTubeClass(); // Insert the add_wpTube() sink into the plugin hook list for 'admin_menu' if (is_admin()) { include ( WORDTUBE_ABSPATH . '/wordtube-admin.php' ); } /****************************************************************** /* Main class. ******************************************************************/ class wordTubeClass { var $has_player; var $player = ''; var $mp3player = ''; var $wordtube_options; var $variableblock; var $displaywidth; var $displayheight; var $width; var $height; var $controlheight; var $PLTags = array('0', 'most', 'video', 'music'); var $xmltag; var $GetFlashPlayer = '<a href="https://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer">Get the Flash Player</a> to see the wordTube Media Player.</div>'; var $randID; /****************************************************************** /* Constructor: Loads parameters and pre-formatted string. Add filters ******************************************************************/ function wordTubeClass() { global $wpdb; // data base pointer $wpdb->wordtube = $wpdb->prefix . 'wordtube'; $wpdb->wordtube_playlist = $wpdb->prefix . 'wordtube_playlist'; $wpdb->wordtube_med2play = $wpdb->prefix . 'wordtube_med2play'; // check for player type and prefer the mediaplayer if (file_exists(WORDTUBE_ABSPATH.'mp3player.swf')) { $this->player = 'mp3player.swf'; $this->mp3player = 'mp3player.swf'; } if (file_exists(WORDTUBE_ABSPATH.'flvplayer.swf')) $this->player = 'flvplayer.swf'; if (file_exists(WORDTUBE_ABSPATH.'mediaplayer.swf')) $this->player = 'mediaplayer.swf'; $this->has_player = ($this->player != ''); if ($this->mp3player == '') $this->mp3player = $this->player; $this->wordtube_options = get_option('wordtube_options'); if ($this->wordtube_options['showcontrols']) $this->controlheight = 20; else $this->controlheight = 0; $this->PermanentVideoVariables(); // Action activate script in header add_filter('wp_head', 'integrate_swfobject'); // Action calls for all functions if ($this->wordtube_options['excerpt']) add_filter('the_excerpt', array(&$this, 'excerpt_searchvideo')); else add_filter('the_excerpt', array(&$this, 'excerpt_searchblank')); add_filter('the_content', array(&$this, 'searchvideo')); remove_filter('get_the_excerpt', 'wp_trim_excerpt'); add_filter('get_the_excerpt', array(&$this, 'wp_trim_excerpt')); // Action calls for RSS feed add_action('rss2_item', array(&$this, 'add_wpTube_rss2_file')); add_action('the_content_rss', array(&$this, 'add_wpTube_rss2_file')); } /****************************************************************** /* Hooked filter for the_excerpt to skip the_content filter ******************************************************************/ function wp_trim_excerpt($text) { // Fakes an excerpt if needed global $post; if ( '' == $text ) { $text = get_the_content(''); $text = str_replace(']]>', ']]>', $text); $text = strip_tags($text); $excerpt_length = 55; $words = explode(' ', $text, $excerpt_length + 1); if (count($words) > $excerpt_length) { array_pop($words); array_push($words, '[...]'); $text = implode(' ', $words); } } return $text; } /****************************************************************** /* Insert table menu ******************************************************************/ function add_wpTube2() { if (function_exists('add_submenu_page')) { add_submenu_page( 'edit.php' , __('Media Center','wpTube'), __('Media Center','wpTube'), 'edit_posts' , 'wordtube/wordtube-admin.php' ); add_options_page(__('wordTube','wpTube'), __('wordTube','wpTube'), 'manage_options' , 'wordtube/wordtube-options.php'); } } /***********************************************************************************/ /* This function checks for Tags cheaply so we don't waste CPU cycles on regex if it's not needed /***********************************************************************************/ function CheckForTags( $content ) { if ( stristr( $content, '[video' )) return TRUE; if ( stristr( $content, '[media' )) return TRUE; if ( stristr( $content, '[myplaylist' )) return TRUE; if ( stristr( $content, '[mymusicplaylist' )) return TRUE; if ( stristr( $content, '[myeqmusicplaylist' )) return TRUE; return FALSE; } /****************************************************************** /* Search for [Media=X] in excerpt /* Each video in excerpt needs to be taken as a whole word. /* Therefore, do not show all the \n\t. ******************************************************************/ function excerpt_searchvideo($content) { return $this->searchvideo($content, true); } /****************************************************************** /* Search for [Media=X][Video=X][Playlist=X] in Content /* $exc used with excerpt to strip code formatting tag (\n\t). ******************************************************************/ function searchvideo($content, $exc=false) { global $wpdb; if (!$this->CheckForTags($content)) return $content; //Tag VIDEO is Deprecated $search = "@(?:<p>)*\s*\[VIDEO\s*=\s*(\w+|^\+)\]\s*(?:</p>)*@i"; if (preg_match_all($search, $content, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($matches as $match) { $dbresult = $wpdb->get_row('SELECT * FROM '.$wpdb->wordtube.' WHERE vid = '.$match[1]); if ($dbresult) { $replace = $this->ReturnMedia($dbresult->vid, $dbresult->file, $dbresult->image, $dbresult->width, $dbresult->height, $dbresult->autostart, $exc); $content = str_replace ($match[0], $replace, $content); } } } $search = "@(?:<p>)*\s*\[MYEQMUSICPLAYLIST\s*=\s*(\w+|^\+)\]\s*(?:</p>)*@i"; if (preg_match_all($search, $content, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($matches as $match) { $dbresult=false; if (!in_array($match[1], $this->PLTags)) $dbresult = $wpdb->get_row('SELECT * FROM '.$wpdb->wordtube_playlist.' WHERE pid = '.$match[1]); if (($dbresult) || in_array($match[1], $this->PLTags)) { $replace = $this->ReturnMusicPlaylist($match[1] , $exc, 0, 0, true); $content = str_replace ($match[0], $replace, $content); } } } $search = "@(?:<p>)*\s*\[MYMUSICPLAYLIST\s*=\s*(\w+|^\+)\]\s*(?:</p>)*@i"; if (preg_match_all($search, $content, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($matches as $match) { $dbresult=false; if (!in_array($match[1], $this->PLTags)) $dbresult = $wpdb->get_row('SELECT * FROM '.$wpdb->wordtube_playlist.' WHERE pid = '.$match[1]); if (($dbresult) || in_array($match[1], $this->PLTags)) { $replace = $this->ReturnMusicPlaylist($match[1] , $exc); $content = str_replace ($match[0], $replace, $content); } } } $search = "@(?:<p>)*\s*\[MYPLAYLIST\s*=\s*(\w+|^\+)\]\s*(?:</p>)*@i"; if (preg_match_all($search, $content, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($matches as $match) { $dbresult=false; if (!in_array($match[1], $this->PLTags)) $dbresult = $wpdb->get_row('SELECT * FROM '.$wpdb->wordtube_playlist.' WHERE pid = '.$match[1]); if (($dbresult) || in_array($match[1], $this->PLTags)) { $replace = $this->ReturnPlaylist($match[1] , $exc); $content = str_replace ($match[0], $replace, $content); } } } // To do: 1 loop to get the media list, then query, then one loop to replace (useful for post with multiple media) $search = "@(?:<p>)*\s*\[MEDIA\s*=\s*(\w+|^\+)\]\s*(?:</p>)*@i"; if (preg_match_all($search, $content, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { $auto = (is_single() && $this->wordtube_options['startsingle']); $i=1; foreach ($matches as $match) { $dbresult = $this->GetVidByID($match[1]); if ($dbresult) { if ($i==1 && $auto) $autostart = true; else $autostart = $dbresult->autostart; $replace = $this->ReturnMedia($dbresult->vid, $dbresult->file, $dbresult->image, $dbresult->width, $dbresult->height, $autostart, $exc); // Premices of future output // $replace .= 'Counter: '.$dbresult->counter; $content = str_replace ($match[0], $replace, $content); $i++; } } } return $content; } // end search content /****************************************************************** /* Search for [Media=X] in Content ******************************************************************/ function excerpt_searchblank($content, $exc=false) { if (!$this->CheckForTags($content)) return $content; //Tag VIDEO is Deprecated $search = "@(?:<p>)*\s*\[VIDEO\s*=\s*(\w+|^\+)\]\s*(?:</p>)*@i"; if (preg_match_all($search, $content, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($matches as $match) { $content = str_replace ($match[0], '', $content); } } $search = "@(?:<p>)*\s*\[MYEQMUSICPLAYLIST\s*=\s*(\w+|^\+)\]\s*(?:</p>)*@i"; if (preg_match_all($search, $content, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($matches as $match) { $content = str_replace ($match[0], '', $content); } } $search = "@(?:<p>)*\s*\[MYMUSICPLAYLIST\s*=\s*(\w+|^\+)\]\s*(?:</p>)*@i"; if (preg_match_all($search, $content, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($matches as $match) { $content = str_replace ($match[0], '', $content); } } $search = "@(?:<p>)*\s*\[MYPLAYLIST\s*=\s*(\w+|^\+)\]\s*(?:</p>)*@i"; if (preg_match_all($search, $content, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($matches as $match) { $content = str_replace ($match[0], '', $content); } } $search = "@(?:<p>)*\s*\[MEDIA\s*=\s*(\w+|^\+)\]\s*(?:</p>)*@i"; if (preg_match_all($search, $content, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($matches as $match) { $content = str_replace ($match[0], '', $content); } } return $content; } // end search content /****************************************************************** /* Utility function: format a video with new params /* Additions: width and height can be set to new values ******************************************************************/ function ReturnMedia($video_id, $act_file, $act_image='', $new_width=0, $new_height=0, $autostart=false, $exc=false) { // $act_file=str_replace('&', '&', htmlspecialchars($act_file, ENT_QUOTES)); $act_file=rawurlencode($act_file); $playertype = $this->player; $settings = ''; $playmode= 'single'; if ($exc) $this->xmltag = ""; else $this->xmltag = "\n\t"; if ($new_width==0) $act_width = 320; else $act_width = $new_width; if ($new_height==0) $act_height = 240; else $act_height = $new_height; $path_parts = pathinfo($act_file); // Special output for mp3 if ($path_parts["extension"] == "mp3" && ($this->wordtube_options['mp3controls'] != 'default')) { if ($this->wordtube_options['mp3controls'] == 'mini') { $act_height = 20; // fixed for mp3 $playertype = $this->mp3player; } else { $settings .= $this->xmltag.'so.addVariable("showeq", "true");'; $act_height = 70; // fixed for equalizer $playertype = $this->mp3player; } } elseif (!$this->wordtube_options['showcontrols']) $settings .= $this->xmltag.'so.addVariable("displayheight", "'.$act_height.'");'; if ($autostart) $settings .= $this->xmltag.'so.addVariable("autostart", "true");'; $settings .= $this->xmltag.'so.addVariable("id", "'.$video_id.'");'; // neeeded for IE problems //$settings .= $this->xmltag.'so.addVariable("width", "'.$act_width.'");'; //$settings .= $this->xmltag.'so.addVariable("height", "'.$act_height.'");'; $settings .= $this->variableblock; // Builds object $replace .= $this->ScriptHeader($video_id, 'single'); $replace .= $this->xmltag.'var so = new SWFObject("'.WORDTUBE_URLPATH.$playertype.'", "'.$video_id.'", "'.$act_width.'", "'.$act_height.'", "7", "#FFFFFF");'; $replace .= $this->xmltag.'so.addVariable("file", "'.$act_file.'");'; $replace .= $this->xmltag.'so.addVariable("image", "'.$act_image.'");'; $replace .= $settings; $replace .= $this->ScriptFooter($video_id, 'single'); // returns custom message for RSS feeds if (is_feed()) { $replace = ""; // remove media file from RSS feed if (!empty($act_image)) $replace .= '<br /><img src="'.$act_image.'" alt="media"><br />'."\n"; if ($this->wordtube_options['activaterss']) $replace .= "[".$this->wordtube_options['rssmessage']."]"; } if ($exc) str_replace("\n\t", "", $replace); return $replace; } /****************************************************************** // ### Returns playlist from video content search /* Additions: width and height can be set to new values // showeq is only sent from returnMusicPlaylist() function below ******************************************************************/ function ReturnPlaylist($video_id = 0, $exc=false, $dwidth=0, $dheight=0, $showeq=false) { $playertype = $this->player; $settings = ''; if ($exc) $this->xmltag = ""; else $this->xmltag = "\n\t"; $act_file = WORDTUBE_URLPATH."myextractXML.php?id=".$video_id; if ($dwidth == 0) $dwidth = $this->wordtube_options['width']; if ($dheight == 0) $dheight = $this->wordtube_options['height']; if ($this->wordtube_options['playlistright']) { $width = $dwidth + $this->wordtube_options['playlistwidth']; $height = $dheight + $this->controlheight; } else { $width = $dwidth; $height = $dheight + $this->wordtube_options['playlistsize']; } $settings .= $this->PlaylistVariables($dwidth, $dheight); // show equaliser if specified if ($showeq) $settings .= $this->xmltag.'so.addVariable("showeq", "true");'; // neeeded for IE problems (actually, needed to control playlist setup) //$settings .= $this->xmltag.'so.addVariable("width", "'.$width.'");'; //$settings .= $this->xmltag.'so.addVariable("height", "'.$height.'");'; $settings .= $this->variableblock; // Builds object $replace .= $this->ScriptHeader($video_id, 'playlist'); $replace .= $this->xmltag.'var so = new SWFObject("'.WORDTUBE_URLPATH.$playertype.'", "'.$video_id.'", "'.$width.'", "'.$height.'", "7", "#FFFFFF");'; $replace .= $this->xmltag.'so.addVariable("file", "'.$act_file.'");'; $replace .= $settings; $replace .= $this->ScriptFooter($video_id, 'playlist'); // returns custom message for RSS feeds if (is_feed()) { // remove media file from RSS feed $replace = ""; // replace with media image if exists if (!empty($act_image)) $replace .= '<br /><img src="'.$act_image.'" alt="media"><br />'."\n"; // add rss message if option checked if ($this->wordtube_options['activaterss']) $replace .= "[".$this->wordtube_options['rssmessage']."]"; } if ($exc) str_replace("\n\t", "", $replace); return $replace; } function ReturnMusicPlaylist($video_id = 0, $exc=false, $dwidth=0, $dheight=0, $showeq=false) { // let's disable the checking of the wordTube settings for mp3controls // so that the content creator gets to choose whether to show equaliser. // radical or what! /* if ($this->wordtube_options['mp3controls'] == 'mini') { $dheight = 0.1; // fixed for mp3 - can't send 0 or default settings used } else { //$showeq=true; $dheight = 49; // fixed for equalizer } */ // here we default to equaliser off, unless $showeq is passed as true // which will only happen with the MYEQMUSICPLAYLIST tag. $dheight = 0.1; // can't send 0 or default settings will be used if ($showeq) $dheight = 49; // resize player to show equaliser $replace = $this->ReturnPlaylist($video_id, $exc, 0, $dheight, $showeq); return $replace; } /****************************************************************** // ### Returns header part of inserted script /* Used for both media and playlist ******************************************************************/ function ScriptHeader($video_id, $playmode = 'single') { $replace = ''; $this->rand = rand(0,1000); $replace .= "\n".'<div class="wordtube '.$playmode.$video_id.'" id="WT'.$this->rand.'">'; $replace .= $this->GetFlashPlayer; $replace .= $this->xmltag.'<script type="text/javascript" defer="defer">'; if ($this->wordtube_options['xhtmlvalid']) $replace .= $this->xmltag.'<!--'; if ($this->wordtube_options['xhtmlvalid']) $replace .= $this->xmltag.'//<![CDATA['."\n"; return $replace; } /****************************************************************** // ### Returns footer part of inserted script /* Used for both media and playlist ******************************************************************/ function ScriptFooter($video_id, $playmode = 'single') { $replace = $this->xmltag.'so.write("WT'.$this->rand.'");'; if ($this->wordtube_options['xhtmlvalid']) $replace .= $this->xmltag."//]]>"; // WordPress change the CDATA end tag if ($this->wordtube_options['xhtmlvalid']) $replace .= $this->xmltag.'// -->'; $replace .= $this->xmltag.'</script>'."\n"; return $replace; } /****************************************************************** // Sets up playlist part of code (fixed for playlist) ******************************************************************/ function PlaylistVariables($dwidth, $dheight) { $variables = ''; // 0 = diable the control bar $variables .= $this->xmltag.'so.addVariable("displayheight", "'.$dheight.'");'; if ($this->wordtube_options['playlistwidth'] != 0 ) $variables .= $this->xmltag.'so.addVariable("displaywidth", "'.$dwidth.'");'; if ($this->wordtube_options['thumbnail']) $variables .= $this->xmltag.'so.addVariable("thumbsinplaylist", "true");'; if (!$this->wordtube_options['shuffle']) $variables .= $this->xmltag.'so.addVariable("shuffle", "false");'; if ($this->wordtube_options['autostart']) $variables .= $this->xmltag.'so.addVariable("autostart", "true");'; if ($this->wordtube_options['autoscroll']) $variables .= $this->xmltag.'so.addVariable("autoscroll", "true");'; return $variables; } /****************************************************************** // Sets up fixed part of code once /* Used for both media and playlist ******************************************************************/ function PermanentVideoVariables() { if ($this->wordtube_options['usewatermark']) $this->variableblock = "\n\t".'so.addVariable("logo", "'.$this->wordtube_options['watermarkurl'].'");'; if ($this->wordtube_options['repeat']) $this->variableblock .= "\n\t".'so.addVariable("repeat", "true");'; if ($this->wordtube_options['overstretch']) $this->variableblock .= "\n\t".'so.addVariable("overstretch", "'.$this->wordtube_options['overstretch'].'");'; if ($this->wordtube_options['showdigits']) $this->variableblock .= "\n\t".'so.addVariable("showdigits", "true");'; if ($this->wordtube_options['largecontrols']) $this->variableblock .= "\n\t".'so.addVariable("largecontrols", "true");'; if ($this->wordtube_options['showfsbutton']) $this->variableblock .= "\n\t".'so.addVariable("showfsbutton", "true");'; if (!$this->wordtube_options['showicons']) $this->variableblock .= "\n\t".'so.addVariable("showicons", "false");'; $this->variableblock .= "\n\t".'so.addVariable("backcolor", "0x'.$this->wordtube_options['backcolor'].'");'; $this->variableblock .= "\n\t".'so.addVariable("frontcolor", "0x'.$this->wordtube_options['frontcolor'].'");'; $this->variableblock .= "\n\t".'so.addVariable("lightcolor", "0x'.$this->wordtube_options['lightcolor'].'");'; $this->variableblock .= "\n\t".'so.addVariable("volume", "'.$this->wordtube_options['volume'].'");'; $this->variableblock .= "\n\t".'so.addVariable("bufferlength", "'.$this->wordtube_options['bufferlength'].'");'; if ($this->wordtube_options['showfsbutton']) { // obsolete in V3.5 (for Flash V9) $page_url = 'https://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; // need for fullscreen mode $fullscreen_path= WORDTUBE_URLPATH.'fullscreen.html'; $this->variableblock .= "\n\t".'so.addVariable("fullscreenpage", "'.$fullscreen_path.'");'; $this->variableblock .= "\n\t".'so.addVariable("fsreturnpage", "'.$page_url.'");'; // required for V3.5 $this->variableblock .= "\n\t".'so.addParam("allowfullscreen", "true");'; // transparent doesn't work with fullscreen mode // $this->variableblock .= "\n\t".'so.addParam("wmode", "transparent");'; } else { $this->variableblock .= "\n\t".'so.addVariable("showfsbutton", "false");'; $this->variableblock .= "\n\t".'so.addParam("wmode", "transparent");'; } if ($this->wordtube_options['statistic']) $this->variableblock .= "\n\t".'so.addVariable("callback", "'.WORDTUBE_URLPATH.'wordtube-statistics.php");'; } /****************************************************************** // Add single media file to RSS feed ******************************************************************/ function add_wpTube_rss2_file() { GLOBAL $wpdb, $post; $search = "/\[MEDIA=(\d+)\]/"; //search for 'media' entry preg_match_all($search, $post->post_content, $matches); if (is_array($matches[1])) { foreach ($matches[1] as $content_id) : $search = "[MEDIA=".$content_id."]"; $dbresult = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $wpdb->wordtube WHERE vid = '$content_id'"); if ($dbresult) { $file_type = pathinfo(strtolower($dbresult[0]->file)); $mime_type = "application/unknown"; if ($file_type["extension"] == "mp3") $mime_type = "audio/mpeg"; elseif ($file_type["extension"] == "flv") $mime_type = "video/x-flv"; elseif ($file_type["extension"] == "swf") $mime_type = "application/x-shockwave-flash"; elseif ($file_type["extension"] == "jpg") $mime_type = "image/jpeg"; elseif ($file_type["extension"] == "jpeg") $mime_type = "image/jpeg"; echo '<enclosure url="'.$dbresult[0]->file.'" length="1" type="'.$mime_type.'"/>'."\n"; } endforeach; } } /****************************************************************** // init wpTable in wp-database if plugin is activated ******************************************************************/ function wptube_check() { require_once(WORDTUBE_ABSPATH . 'wordtube-install.php'); wordtube_install(); } /****************************************************************** // Return a media record with its ID ******************************************************************/ function GetVidByID($id=0) { global $wpdb; if ($id == 'last' or $id == '0') $dbresult = $wpdb->get_row('SELECT * FROM '.$wpdb->wordtube.' ORDER BY vid DESC LIMIT 1'); elseif ($id == 'random') $dbresult = $wpdb->get_row('SELECT * FROM '.$wpdb->wordtube.' ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1'); else $dbresult = $wpdb->get_row('SELECT * FROM '.$wpdb->wordtube.' WHERE vid = '.$id); return $dbresult; } /****************************************************************** /* Widget display section ******************************************************************/ function widget_show_wordtube($args) { extract($args); // Each widget can store its own options. We keep strings here. $options = get_option('widget_wordtube'); $title = $options['title']; $mediaid = $options['mediaid']; $width = $options['width']; $height = $options['height']; $dbresult = $this->GetVidByID($mediaid); // These lines generate our output. echo $before_widget . $before_title . $title . $after_title; $url_parts = parse_url(get_bloginfo('home')); echo '<p>'; if ($dbresult) if ($width == 0) $width = $dbresult->width; if ($height == 0) { if ($dbresult->width == 0) $height = $dbresult->height; else $height = $width / $dbresult->width * $dbresult->height; } echo $this->ReturnMedia($dbresult->vid, $dbresult->file, $dbresult->image, $width, $height, $dbresult->autostart); echo '</p>'; echo $after_widget; } /****************************************************************** // Widget admin section ******************************************************************/ function widget_wordtube_control() { global $wpdb; $options = get_option('widget_wordtube'); if ( !is_array($options) ) $options = array('title'=>'', 'mediaid'=>'0'); if ( $_POST['wordtube-submit'] ) { $options['title'] = strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST['wordtube-title'])); $options['mediaid'] = $_POST['wordtube-mediaid']; $options['width'] = $_POST['wordtube-width']; $options['height'] = $_POST['wordtube-height']; if ($options['width'] == '') $options['width']=0; if ($options['height'] == '') $options['height']=0; update_option('widget_wordtube', $options); } $title = htmlspecialchars($options['title'], ENT_QUOTES); $width = $options['width']; $height = $options['height']; // The Box content echo '<p style="text-align:right;"><label for="wordtube-title">' . __('Title:') . ' <input style="width: 200px;" id="wordtube-title" name="wordtube-title" type="text" value="'. $title.'" /></label></p>'; echo '<p style="text-align:right;"><label for="wordtube-mediaid">' . __('Select Media:', 'wpTube'). ' </label>'; echo '<select size="1" name="wordtube-mediaid" id="wordtube-mediaid">'; echo '<option value="last" '; if ($options['mediaid'] == 'last') echo 'selected="selected" '; echo '>'.__('Last media', 'wpTube').'</option>'."\n\t"; echo '<option value="random" '; if ($options['mediaid'] == 'random') echo 'selected="selected" '; echo '>'.__('Random media', 'wpTube').'</option>'."\n\t"; $tables = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $wpdb->wordtube ORDER BY 'vid' ASC "); if($tables) { foreach($tables as $table) { echo '<option value="'.$table->vid.'" '; if ($table->vid == $options['mediaid']) echo "selected='selected' "; echo '>'.$table->name.'</option>'."\n\t"; } } echo '</select></p>'; echo '<p style="text-align:right;"><label for="wordtube-mediaid">' . __('Width (0 for media default):', 'wpTube'). ' </label>'; echo '<input type="text" id="wordtube-width" name="wordtube-width" value="'.$width.'" />'; echo '<p style="text-align:right;"><label for="wordtube-mediaid">' . __('Height (0 for media default):', 'wpTube'). ' </label>'; echo '<input type="text" id="wordtube-height" name="wordtube-height" value="'.$height.'" />'; echo '<input type="hidden" id="wordtube-submit" name="wordtube-submit" value="1" />'; } } // end wordTube class /***********************************************************************************/ /* Get wordtube options. /***********************************************************************************/ function wt_get_options($option) { global $WPwordTube; return $WPwordTube->wordtube_options[$option]; } /****************************************************************** /* Replace media/playlist in a content with custom width and height (for media) /* If width & height = 0, returns database video sizes /* If only height = 0, adjust height to width in proportions of database sizes /* width and height auto-adjust only applies to media (not to playlist) ******************************************************************/ function searchvideo($content, $width=0, $height=0, $exc=false) { global $wpdb, $WPwordTube; if (!$WPwordTube->CheckForTags($content)) return $content; $search = "@(?:<p>)*\s*\[MYMUSICPLAYLIST\s*=\s*(\w+|^\+)\]\s*(?:</p>)*@i"; if (preg_match_all($search, $content, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($matches as $match) { $dbresult=false; if (!in_array($match[1], $WPwordTube->PLTags)) $dbresult = $wpdb->get_row('SELECT * FROM '.$wpdb->wordtube_playlist.' WHERE pid = '.$match[1]); if (($dbresult) || in_array($match[1], $this->PLTags)) { $replace = $WPwordTube->ReturnPlaylist($match[1] , $exc, $width, $height); $content = str_replace ($match[0], $replace, $content); } } } $search = "@(?:<p>)*\s*\[MYPLAYLIST\s*=\s*(\w+|^\+)\]\s*(?:</p>)*@i"; if (preg_match_all($search, $content, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($matches as $match) { $dbresult=false; if (!in_array($match[1], $WPwordTube->PLTags)) $dbresult = $wpdb->get_row('SELECT * FROM '.$wpdb->wordtube_playlist.' WHERE pid = '.$match[1]); if (($dbresult) || in_array($match[1], $this->PLTags)) { $replace = $WPwordTube->ReturnPlaylist($match[1] , $exc, $width, $height); $content = str_replace ($match[0], $replace, $content); } } } $search = "@(?:<p>)*\s*\[MEDIA\s*=\s*(\w+|^\+)\]\s*(?:</p>)*@i"; if (preg_match_all($search, $content, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { $i=1; foreach ($matches as $match) { $dbresult = $wpdb->get_row('SELECT * FROM '.$wpdb->wordtube.' WHERE vid = '.$match[1]); if ($dbresult) { if ($width == 0) $pwidth = $dbresult->width; else $pwidth = $width; if ($height == 0) { if ($dbresult->width == 0) $pheight = $dbresult->height; else $pheight = $pwidth / $dbresult->width * $dbresult->height; } else $pheight = $height; if ($startfirst && $i == 1) $autostart = true; else $autostart = $dbresult->autostart; $replace = $WPwordTube->ReturnMedia($dbresult->vid, $dbresult->file, $dbresult->image, $pwidth, $pheight, $autostart, $exc); $content = str_replace ($match[0], $replace, $content); $i++; } } } return $content; } /****************************************************************** /* Return video by id with new width and height /* If width & height = 0, returns database video sizes /* If only height = 0, adjust height to width in proportions of database sizes ******************************************************************/ function wt_GetVideo($id, $width=0, $height=0) { global $wpdb, $WPwordTube; $dbresult = $WPwordTube->GetVidByID($id); if ($dbresult) { if ($width == 0) $width = $dbresult->width; if ($height == 0) { if ($dbresult->width == 0) $height = $dbresult->height; else $height = $width / $dbresult->width * $dbresult->height; } return $WPwordTube->ReturnMedia($id, $dbresult->file, $dbresult->image, $width, $height, $dbresult->autostart); } return ''; } /****************************************************************** /* Return video by id with new width and height ******************************************************************/ function wt_GetPlaylist($id, $width=0, $height=0, $exc=false) { global $WPwordTube; return $WPwordTube->ReturnPlaylist($id, $exc, $width, $height); } /****************************************************************** /* integrate SWF Object in HEADER ******************************************************************/ function integrate_swfobject() { echo '<!-- Start Of Script Generated By WordTube -->'."\n"; if (function_exists('wp_enqueue_script')) { wp_enqueue_script('swfobject', WORDTUBE_URLPATH.'javascript/swfobject.js', false, '1.5'); wp_print_scripts(array('swfobject')); } else { ?> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo WORDTUBE_URLPATH; ?>javascript/swfobject.js"></script> <?php } echo '<!-- End Of Script Generated By WordTube -->'."\n"; } // Load tinymce button if (IS_WP25) include_once (dirname (__FILE__)."/tinymce/tinymce.php"); else include_once (dirname (__FILE__)."/javascript/wordtube-button.php"); /****************************************************************/ /* Loads language file at init /****************************************************************/ function wt_lang_init () { // Load language file $locale = get_locale(); if ( !empty($locale) ) load_textdomain('wpTube', WORDTUBE_ABSPATH.'languages/' . 'wpTube-'.$locale.'.mo'); } // init load language add_action('init', 'wt_lang_init'); /****************************************************************** /* Widget ******************************************************************/ function widget_show_wordtube($args) { global $WPwordTube; $WPwordTube->widget_show_wordtube($args); } function widget_wordtube_control() { global $WPwordTube; $WPwordTube->widget_wordtube_control(); } // Widget declaration function wordtube_widget() { if (!function_exists('register_sidebar_widget')) return; register_sidebar_widget('WordTube', 'widget_show_wordtube', 'wid-show-wordtube'); register_widget_control('WordTube', 'widget_wordtube_control', 300, 230); } // Run our code later in case this loads prior to any required plugins. add_action('widgets_init', 'wordtube_widget'); ?>
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: wordTube] myplaylist just for audioJust in case you didn’t notice the comments in the code, my update above adds one new tag.
It uses whatever the MP3 settings are in the wordTube settings.
Place a [MYMUSICPLAYLIST=x] tag into your page.
The specified playlist should of course only contain MP3’s, but if it contains videos then you either just get the audio, or a thin strip of video played (if you have the equaliser switched on).
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Center wordTube Video and Audio PlayersAlternatively, if you don’t want to go into HTML, put the player into a table and center the table row.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: wordTube] myplaylist just for audioHi Ieso, this is exactly what I needed, so the code is below (I hope – first time here) if you want it.
Basically, what I wanted was the same features as the media playlist, but with a much reduced display area which is either hidden or shows the equaliser (depending on the setting in wordTube settings).
Below is a replacement for the wordTube.php code. Just replace the one in Plugin Editor with this one.
Disclaimer: it works on my site, but it may break yours. Use at your own risk, etc. etc. Your choice.
<?php /* Plugin Name: wordTube Plugin URI: https://alexrabe.boelinger.com/?page_id=20 Description: This plugin creates your personal YouTube plugin for WordPress. Author: Alex Rabe & Alakhnor Version: 1.60 Author URI: https://alexrabe.boelinger.com/ ------------------------------------ Music Playlist Update Ver: 12-Aug-2008 This update author: Dave H This update desc: Modifies the: CheckForTags(), searchvideo(), excerpt_searchblank(), ReturnPlaylist() functions. Adds a new function: ReturnMusicPlaylist() This update usage: Place a [MYMUSICPLAYLIST=x] tag into your page. The specified playlist should of course only contain MP3's! ------------------------------------ Copyright 2006-2008 Alex Rabe , Alakhnor The wordTube button is taken from the Silk set of FamFamFam. See more at https://www.famfamfam.com/lab/icons/silk/ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ global $wp_version; // define URL define('WORDTUBE_URLPATH', get_option('siteurl').'/wp-content/plugins/' . dirname(plugin_basename(__FILE__)).'/'); define('WORDTUBE_ABSPATH', ABSPATH.'wp-content/plugins/' . dirname(plugin_basename(__FILE__)).'/'); // Check for WP2.5 installation define('IS_WP25', version_compare($wp_version, '2.4', '>=') ); $WPwordTube = new wordTubeClass(); // Insert the add_wpTube() sink into the plugin hook list for 'admin_menu' if (is_admin()) { include ( WORDTUBE_ABSPATH . '/wordtube-admin.php' ); } /****************************************************************** /* Main class. ******************************************************************/ class wordTubeClass { var $has_player; var $player = ''; var $mp3player = ''; var $wordtube_options; var $variableblock; var $displaywidth; var $displayheight; var $width; var $height; var $controlheight; var $PLTags = array('0', 'most', 'video', 'music'); var $xmltag; var $GetFlashPlayer = '<a href="https://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer">Get the Flash Player</a> to see the wordTube Media Player.</div>'; var $randID; /****************************************************************** /* Constructor: Loads parameters and pre-formatted string. Add filters ******************************************************************/ function wordTubeClass() { global $wpdb; // data base pointer $wpdb->wordtube = $wpdb->prefix . 'wordtube'; $wpdb->wordtube_playlist = $wpdb->prefix . 'wordtube_playlist'; $wpdb->wordtube_med2play = $wpdb->prefix . 'wordtube_med2play'; // check for player type and prefer the mediaplayer if (file_exists(WORDTUBE_ABSPATH.'mp3player.swf')) { $this->player = 'mp3player.swf'; $this->mp3player = 'mp3player.swf'; } if (file_exists(WORDTUBE_ABSPATH.'flvplayer.swf')) $this->player = 'flvplayer.swf'; if (file_exists(WORDTUBE_ABSPATH.'mediaplayer.swf')) $this->player = 'mediaplayer.swf'; $this->has_player = ($this->player != ''); if ($this->mp3player == '') $this->mp3player = $this->player; $this->wordtube_options = get_option('wordtube_options'); if ($this->wordtube_options['showcontrols']) $this->controlheight = 20; else $this->controlheight = 0; $this->PermanentVideoVariables(); // Action activate script in header add_filter('wp_head', 'integrate_swfobject'); // Action calls for all functions if ($this->wordtube_options['excerpt']) add_filter('the_excerpt', array(&$this, 'excerpt_searchvideo')); else add_filter('the_excerpt', array(&$this, 'excerpt_searchblank')); add_filter('the_content', array(&$this, 'searchvideo')); remove_filter('get_the_excerpt', 'wp_trim_excerpt'); add_filter('get_the_excerpt', array(&$this, 'wp_trim_excerpt')); // Action calls for RSS feed add_action('rss2_item', array(&$this, 'add_wpTube_rss2_file')); add_action('the_content_rss', array(&$this, 'add_wpTube_rss2_file')); } /****************************************************************** /* Hooked filter for the_excerpt to skip the_content filter ******************************************************************/ function wp_trim_excerpt($text) { // Fakes an excerpt if needed global $post; if ( '' == $text ) { $text = get_the_content(''); $text = str_replace(']]>', ']]>', $text); $text = strip_tags($text); $excerpt_length = 55; $words = explode(' ', $text, $excerpt_length + 1); if (count($words) > $excerpt_length) { array_pop($words); array_push($words, '[...]'); $text = implode(' ', $words); } } return $text; } /****************************************************************** /* Insert table menu ******************************************************************/ function add_wpTube2() { if (function_exists('add_submenu_page')) { add_submenu_page( 'edit.php' , __('Media Center','wpTube'), __('Media Center','wpTube'), 'edit_posts' , 'wordtube/wordtube-admin.php' ); add_options_page(__('wordTube','wpTube'), __('wordTube','wpTube'), 'manage_options' , 'wordtube/wordtube-options.php'); } } /***********************************************************************************/ /* This function checks for Tags cheaply so we don't waste CPU cycles on regex if it's not needed /***********************************************************************************/ function CheckForTags( $content ) { if ( stristr( $content, '[video' )) return TRUE; if ( stristr( $content, '[media' )) return TRUE; if ( stristr( $content, '[myplaylist' )) return TRUE; if ( stristr( $content, '[mymusicplaylist' )) return TRUE; return FALSE; } /****************************************************************** /* Search for [Media=X] in excerpt /* Each video in excerpt needs to be taken as a whole word. /* Therefore, do not show all the \n\t. ******************************************************************/ function excerpt_searchvideo($content) { return $this->searchvideo($content, true); } /****************************************************************** /* Search for [Media=X][Video=X][Playlist=X] in Content /* $exc used with excerpt to strip code formatting tag (\n\t). ******************************************************************/ function searchvideo($content, $exc=false) { global $wpdb; if (!$this->CheckForTags($content)) return $content; //Tag VIDEO is Deprecated $search = "@(?:<p>)*\s*\[VIDEO\s*=\s*(\w+|^\+)\]\s*(?:</p>)*@i"; if (preg_match_all($search, $content, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($matches as $match) { $dbresult = $wpdb->get_row('SELECT * FROM '.$wpdb->wordtube.' WHERE vid = '.$match[1]); if ($dbresult) { $replace = $this->ReturnMedia($dbresult->vid, $dbresult->file, $dbresult->image, $dbresult->width, $dbresult->height, $dbresult->autostart, $exc); $content = str_replace ($match[0], $replace, $content); } } } $search = "@(?:<p>)*\s*\[MYMUSICPLAYLIST\s*=\s*(\w+|^\+)\]\s*(?:</p>)*@i"; if (preg_match_all($search, $content, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($matches as $match) { $dbresult=false; if (!in_array($match[1], $this->PLTags)) $dbresult = $wpdb->get_row('SELECT * FROM '.$wpdb->wordtube_playlist.' WHERE pid = '.$match[1]); if (($dbresult) || in_array($match[1], $this->PLTags)) { $replace = $this->ReturnMusicPlaylist($match[1] , $exc); $content = str_replace ($match[0], $replace, $content); } } } $search = "@(?:<p>)*\s*\[MYPLAYLIST\s*=\s*(\w+|^\+)\]\s*(?:</p>)*@i"; if (preg_match_all($search, $content, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($matches as $match) { $dbresult=false; if (!in_array($match[1], $this->PLTags)) $dbresult = $wpdb->get_row('SELECT * FROM '.$wpdb->wordtube_playlist.' WHERE pid = '.$match[1]); if (($dbresult) || in_array($match[1], $this->PLTags)) { $replace = $this->ReturnPlaylist($match[1] , $exc); $content = str_replace ($match[0], $replace, $content); } } } // To do: 1 loop to get the media list, then query, then one loop to replace (useful for post with multiple media) $search = "@(?:<p>)*\s*\[MEDIA\s*=\s*(\w+|^\+)\]\s*(?:</p>)*@i"; if (preg_match_all($search, $content, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { $auto = (is_single() && $this->wordtube_options['startsingle']); $i=1; foreach ($matches as $match) { $dbresult = $this->GetVidByID($match[1]); if ($dbresult) { if ($i==1 && $auto) $autostart = true; else $autostart = $dbresult->autostart; $replace = $this->ReturnMedia($dbresult->vid, $dbresult->file, $dbresult->image, $dbresult->width, $dbresult->height, $autostart, $exc); // Premices of future output // $replace .= 'Counter: '.$dbresult->counter; $content = str_replace ($match[0], $replace, $content); $i++; } } } return $content; } // end search content /****************************************************************** /* Search for [Media=X] in Content ******************************************************************/ function excerpt_searchblank($content, $exc=false) { if (!$this->CheckForTags($content)) return $content; //Tag VIDEO is Deprecated $search = "@(?:<p>)*\s*\[VIDEO\s*=\s*(\w+|^\+)\]\s*(?:</p>)*@i"; if (preg_match_all($search, $content, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($matches as $match) { $content = str_replace ($match[0], '', $content); } } $search = "@(?:<p>)*\s*\[MYMUSICPLAYLIST\s*=\s*(\w+|^\+)\]\s*(?:</p>)*@i"; if (preg_match_all($search, $content, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($matches as $match) { $content = str_replace ($match[0], '', $content); } } $search = "@(?:<p>)*\s*\[MYPLAYLIST\s*=\s*(\w+|^\+)\]\s*(?:</p>)*@i"; if (preg_match_all($search, $content, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($matches as $match) { $content = str_replace ($match[0], '', $content); } } $search = "@(?:<p>)*\s*\[MEDIA\s*=\s*(\w+|^\+)\]\s*(?:</p>)*@i"; if (preg_match_all($search, $content, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($matches as $match) { $content = str_replace ($match[0], '', $content); } } return $content; } // end search content /****************************************************************** /* Utility function: format a video with new params /* Additions: width and height can be set to new values ******************************************************************/ function ReturnMedia($video_id, $act_file, $act_image='', $new_width=0, $new_height=0, $autostart=false, $exc=false) { // $act_file=str_replace('&', '&', htmlspecialchars($act_file, ENT_QUOTES)); $act_file=rawurlencode($act_file); $playertype = $this->player; $settings = ''; $playmode= 'single'; if ($exc) $this->xmltag = ""; else $this->xmltag = "\n\t"; if ($new_width==0) $act_width = 320; else $act_width = $new_width; if ($new_height==0) $act_height = 240; else $act_height = $new_height; $path_parts = pathinfo($act_file); // Special output for mp3 if ($path_parts["extension"] == "mp3" && ($this->wordtube_options['mp3controls'] != 'default')) { if ($this->wordtube_options['mp3controls'] == 'mini') { $act_height = 20; // fixed for mp3 $playertype = $this->mp3player; } else { $settings .= $this->xmltag.'so.addVariable("showeq", "true");'; $act_height = 70; // fixed for equalizer $playertype = $this->mp3player; } } elseif (!$this->wordtube_options['showcontrols']) $settings .= $this->xmltag.'so.addVariable("displayheight", "'.$act_height.'");'; if ($autostart) $settings .= $this->xmltag.'so.addVariable("autostart", "true");'; $settings .= $this->xmltag.'so.addVariable("id", "'.$video_id.'");'; // neeeded for IE problems $settings .= $this->xmltag.'so.addVariable("width", "'.$act_width.'");'; $settings .= $this->xmltag.'so.addVariable("height", "'.$act_height.'");'; $settings .= $this->variableblock; // Builds object $replace .= $this->ScriptHeader($video_id, 'single'); $replace .= $this->xmltag.'var so = new SWFObject("'.WORDTUBE_URLPATH.$playertype.'", "'.$video_id.'", "'.$act_width.'", "'.$act_height.'", "7", "#FFFFFF");'; $replace .= $this->xmltag.'so.addVariable("file", "'.$act_file.'");'; $replace .= $this->xmltag.'so.addVariable("image", "'.$act_image.'");'; $replace .= $settings; $replace .= $this->ScriptFooter($video_id, 'single'); // returns custom message for RSS feeds if (is_feed()) { $replace = ""; // remove media file from RSS feed if (!empty($act_image)) $replace .= '<br /><img src="'.$act_image.'" alt="media"><br />'."\n"; if ($this->wordtube_options['activaterss']) $replace .= "[".$this->wordtube_options['rssmessage']."]"; } if ($exc) str_replace("\n\t", "", $replace); return $replace; } /****************************************************************** // ### Returns playlist from video content search /* Additions: width and height can be set to new values // showeq is only sent from returnMusicPlaylist() function below ******************************************************************/ function ReturnPlaylist($video_id = 0, $exc=false, $dwidth=0, $dheight=0, $showeq=false) { $playertype = $this->player; $settings = ''; if ($exc) $this->xmltag = ""; else $this->xmltag = "\n\t"; $act_file = WORDTUBE_URLPATH."myextractXML.php?id=".$video_id; if ($dwidth == 0) $dwidth = $this->wordtube_options['width']; if ($dheight == 0) $dheight = $this->wordtube_options['height']; if ($this->wordtube_options['playlistright']) { $width = $dwidth + $this->wordtube_options['playlistwidth']; $height = $dheight + $this->controlheight; } else { $width = $dwidth; $height = $dheight + $this->wordtube_options['playlistsize']; } $settings .= $this->PlaylistVariables($dwidth, $dheight); // show equaliser if specified if ($showeq) $settings .= $this->xmltag.'so.addVariable("showeq", "true");'; // neeeded for IE problems (actually, needed to control playlist setup) $settings .= $this->xmltag.'so.addVariable("width", "'.$width.'");'; $settings .= $this->xmltag.'so.addVariable("height", "'.$height.'");'; $settings .= $this->variableblock; // Builds object $replace .= $this->ScriptHeader($video_id, 'playlist'); $replace .= $this->xmltag.'var so = new SWFObject("'.WORDTUBE_URLPATH.$playertype.'", "'.$video_id.'", "'.$width.'", "'.$height.'", "7", "#FFFFFF");'; $replace .= $this->xmltag.'so.addVariable("file", "'.$act_file.'");'; $replace .= $settings; $replace .= $this->ScriptFooter($video_id, 'playlist'); // returns custom message for RSS feeds if (is_feed()) { // remove media file from RSS feed $replace = ""; // replace with media image if exists if (!empty($act_image)) $replace .= '<br /><img src="'.$act_image.'" alt="media"><br />'."\n"; // add rss message if option checked if ($this->wordtube_options['activaterss']) $replace .= "[".$this->wordtube_options['rssmessage']."]"; } if ($exc) str_replace("\n\t", "", $replace); return $replace; } function ReturnMusicPlaylist($video_id = 0, $exc=false, $dwidth=0, $dheight=0) { if ($this->wordtube_options['mp3controls'] == 'mini') { $dheight = 0.1; // fixed for mp3 - can't send 0 or default settings used } else { $showeq=true; $dheight = 39; // fixed for equalizer } $replace = $this->ReturnPlaylist($video_id, $exc, 0, $dheight, $showeq); return $replace; } /****************************************************************** // ### Returns header part of inserted script /* Used for both media and playlist ******************************************************************/ function ScriptHeader($video_id, $playmode = 'single') { $replace = ''; $this->rand = rand(0,1000); $replace .= "\n".'<div class="wordtube '.$playmode.$video_id.'" id="WT'.$this->rand.'">'; $replace .= $this->GetFlashPlayer; $replace .= $this->xmltag.'<script type="text/javascript" defer="defer">'; if ($this->wordtube_options['xhtmlvalid']) $replace .= $this->xmltag.'<!--'; if ($this->wordtube_options['xhtmlvalid']) $replace .= $this->xmltag.'//<![CDATA['."\n"; return $replace; } /****************************************************************** // ### Returns footer part of inserted script /* Used for both media and playlist ******************************************************************/ function ScriptFooter($video_id, $playmode = 'single') { $replace = $this->xmltag.'so.write("WT'.$this->rand.'");'; if ($this->wordtube_options['xhtmlvalid']) $replace .= $this->xmltag."//]]>"; // WordPress change the CDATA end tag if ($this->wordtube_options['xhtmlvalid']) $replace .= $this->xmltag.'// -->'; $replace .= $this->xmltag.'</script>'."\n"; return $replace; } /****************************************************************** // Sets up playlist part of code (fixed for playlist) ******************************************************************/ function PlaylistVariables($dwidth, $dheight) { $variables = ''; // 0 = diable the control bar $variables .= $this->xmltag.'so.addVariable("displayheight", "'.$dheight.'");'; if ($this->wordtube_options['playlistwidth'] != 0 ) $variables .= $this->xmltag.'so.addVariable("displaywidth", "'.$dwidth.'");'; if ($this->wordtube_options['thumbnail']) $variables .= $this->xmltag.'so.addVariable("thumbsinplaylist", "true");'; if (!$this->wordtube_options['shuffle']) $variables .= $this->xmltag.'so.addVariable("shuffle", "false");'; if ($this->wordtube_options['autostart']) $variables .= $this->xmltag.'so.addVariable("autostart", "true");'; if ($this->wordtube_options['autoscroll']) $variables .= $this->xmltag.'so.addVariable("autoscroll", "true");'; return $variables; } /****************************************************************** // Sets up fixed part of code once /* Used for both media and playlist ******************************************************************/ function PermanentVideoVariables() { if ($this->wordtube_options['usewatermark']) $this->variableblock = "\n\t".'so.addVariable("logo", "'.$this->wordtube_options['watermarkurl'].'");'; if ($this->wordtube_options['repeat']) $this->variableblock .= "\n\t".'so.addVariable("repeat", "true");'; if ($this->wordtube_options['overstretch']) $this->variableblock .= "\n\t".'so.addVariable("overstretch", "'.$this->wordtube_options['overstretch'].'");'; if ($this->wordtube_options['showdigits']) $this->variableblock .= "\n\t".'so.addVariable("showdigits", "true");'; if ($this->wordtube_options['largecontrols']) $this->variableblock .= "\n\t".'so.addVariable("largecontrols", "true");'; if ($this->wordtube_options['showfsbutton']) $this->variableblock .= "\n\t".'so.addVariable("showfsbutton", "true");'; if (!$this->wordtube_options['showicons']) $this->variableblock .= "\n\t".'so.addVariable("showicons", "false");'; $this->variableblock .= "\n\t".'so.addVariable("backcolor", "0x'.$this->wordtube_options['backcolor'].'");'; $this->variableblock .= "\n\t".'so.addVariable("frontcolor", "0x'.$this->wordtube_options['frontcolor'].'");'; $this->variableblock .= "\n\t".'so.addVariable("lightcolor", "0x'.$this->wordtube_options['lightcolor'].'");'; $this->variableblock .= "\n\t".'so.addVariable("volume", "'.$this->wordtube_options['volume'].'");'; $this->variableblock .= "\n\t".'so.addVariable("bufferlength", "'.$this->wordtube_options['bufferlength'].'");'; if ($this->wordtube_options['showfsbutton']) { // obsolete in V3.5 (for Flash V9) $page_url = 'https://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; // need for fullscreen mode $fullscreen_path= WORDTUBE_URLPATH.'fullscreen.html'; $this->variableblock .= "\n\t".'so.addVariable("fullscreenpage", "'.$fullscreen_path.'");'; $this->variableblock .= "\n\t".'so.addVariable("fsreturnpage", "'.$page_url.'");'; // required for V3.5 $this->variableblock .= "\n\t".'so.addParam("allowfullscreen", "true");'; // transparent doesn't work with fullscreen mode // $this->variableblock .= "\n\t".'so.addParam("wmode", "transparent");'; } else { $this->variableblock .= "\n\t".'so.addVariable("showfsbutton", "false");'; $this->variableblock .= "\n\t".'so.addParam("wmode", "transparent");'; } if ($this->wordtube_options['statistic']) $this->variableblock .= "\n\t".'so.addVariable("callback", "'.WORDTUBE_URLPATH.'wordtube-statistics.php");'; } /****************************************************************** // Add single media file to RSS feed ******************************************************************/ function add_wpTube_rss2_file() { GLOBAL $wpdb, $post; $search = "/\[MEDIA=(\d+)\]/"; //search for 'media' entry preg_match_all($search, $post->post_content, $matches); if (is_array($matches[1])) { foreach ($matches[1] as $content_id) : $search = "[MEDIA=".$content_id."]"; $dbresult = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $wpdb->wordtube WHERE vid = '$content_id'"); if ($dbresult) { $file_type = pathinfo(strtolower($dbresult[0]->file)); $mime_type = "application/unknown"; if ($file_type["extension"] == "mp3") $mime_type = "audio/mpeg"; elseif ($file_type["extension"] == "flv") $mime_type = "video/x-flv"; elseif ($file_type["extension"] == "swf") $mime_type = "application/x-shockwave-flash"; elseif ($file_type["extension"] == "jpg") $mime_type = "image/jpeg"; elseif ($file_type["extension"] == "jpeg") $mime_type = "image/jpeg"; echo '<enclosure url="'.$dbresult[0]->file.'" length="1" type="'.$mime_type.'"/>'."\n"; } endforeach; } } /****************************************************************** // init wpTable in wp-database if plugin is activated ******************************************************************/ function wptube_check() { require_once(WORDTUBE_ABSPATH . 'wordtube-install.php'); wordtube_install(); } /****************************************************************** // Return a media record with its ID ******************************************************************/ function GetVidByID($id=0) { global $wpdb; if ($id == 'last' or $id == '0') $dbresult = $wpdb->get_row('SELECT * FROM '.$wpdb->wordtube.' ORDER BY vid DESC LIMIT 1'); elseif ($id == 'random') $dbresult = $wpdb->get_row('SELECT * FROM '.$wpdb->wordtube.' ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1'); else $dbresult = $wpdb->get_row('SELECT * FROM '.$wpdb->wordtube.' WHERE vid = '.$id); return $dbresult; } /****************************************************************** /* Widget display section ******************************************************************/ function widget_show_wordtube($args) { extract($args); // Each widget can store its own options. We keep strings here. $options = get_option('widget_wordtube'); $title = $options['title']; $mediaid = $options['mediaid']; $width = $options['width']; $height = $options['height']; $dbresult = $this->GetVidByID($mediaid); // These lines generate our output. echo $before_widget . $before_title . $title . $after_title; $url_parts = parse_url(get_bloginfo('home')); echo '<p>'; if ($dbresult) if ($width == 0) $width = $dbresult->width; if ($height == 0) { if ($dbresult->width == 0) $height = $dbresult->height; else $height = $width / $dbresult->width * $dbresult->height; } echo $this->ReturnMedia($dbresult->vid, $dbresult->file, $dbresult->image, $width, $height, $dbresult->autostart); echo '</p>'; echo $after_widget; } /****************************************************************** // Widget admin section ******************************************************************/ function widget_wordtube_control() { global $wpdb; $options = get_option('widget_wordtube'); if ( !is_array($options) ) $options = array('title'=>'', 'mediaid'=>'0'); if ( $_POST['wordtube-submit'] ) { $options['title'] = strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST['wordtube-title'])); $options['mediaid'] = $_POST['wordtube-mediaid']; $options['width'] = $_POST['wordtube-width']; $options['height'] = $_POST['wordtube-height']; if ($options['width'] == '') $options['width']=0; if ($options['height'] == '') $options['height']=0; update_option('widget_wordtube', $options); } $title = htmlspecialchars($options['title'], ENT_QUOTES); $width = $options['width']; $height = $options['height']; // The Box content echo '<p style="text-align:right;"><label for="wordtube-title">' . __('Title:') . ' <input style="width: 200px;" id="wordtube-title" name="wordtube-title" type="text" value="'. $title.'" /></label></p>'; echo '<p style="text-align:right;"><label for="wordtube-mediaid">' . __('Select Media:', 'wpTube'). ' </label>'; echo '<select size="1" name="wordtube-mediaid" id="wordtube-mediaid">'; echo '<option value="last" '; if ($options['mediaid'] == 'last') echo 'selected="selected" '; echo '>'.__('Last media', 'wpTube').'</option>'."\n\t"; echo '<option value="random" '; if ($options['mediaid'] == 'random') echo 'selected="selected" '; echo '>'.__('Random media', 'wpTube').'</option>'."\n\t"; $tables = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $wpdb->wordtube ORDER BY 'vid' ASC "); if($tables) { foreach($tables as $table) { echo '<option value="'.$table->vid.'" '; if ($table->vid == $options['mediaid']) echo "selected='selected' "; echo '>'.$table->name.'</option>'."\n\t"; } } echo '</select></p>'; echo '<p style="text-align:right;"><label for="wordtube-mediaid">' . __('Width (0 for media default):', 'wpTube'). ' </label>'; echo '<input type="text" id="wordtube-width" name="wordtube-width" value="'.$width.'" />'; echo '<p style="text-align:right;"><label for="wordtube-mediaid">' . __('Height (0 for media default):', 'wpTube'). ' </label>'; echo '<input type="text" id="wordtube-height" name="wordtube-height" value="'.$height.'" />'; echo '<input type="hidden" id="wordtube-submit" name="wordtube-submit" value="1" />'; } } // end wordTube class /***********************************************************************************/ /* Get wordtube options. /***********************************************************************************/ function wt_get_options($option) { global $WPwordTube; return $WPwordTube->wordtube_options[$option]; } /****************************************************************** /* Replace media/playlist in a content with custom width and height (for media) /* If width & height = 0, returns database video sizes /* If only height = 0, adjust height to width in proportions of database sizes /* width and height auto-adjust only applies to media (not to playlist) ******************************************************************/ function searchvideo($content, $width=0, $height=0, $exc=false) { global $wpdb, $WPwordTube; if (!$WPwordTube->CheckForTags($content)) return $content; $search = "@(?:<p>)*\s*\[MYMUSICPLAYLIST\s*=\s*(\w+|^\+)\]\s*(?:</p>)*@i"; if (preg_match_all($search, $content, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($matches as $match) { $dbresult=false; if (!in_array($match[1], $WPwordTube->PLTags)) $dbresult = $wpdb->get_row('SELECT * FROM '.$wpdb->wordtube_playlist.' WHERE pid = '.$match[1]); if (($dbresult) || in_array($match[1], $this->PLTags)) { $replace = $WPwordTube->ReturnPlaylist($match[1] , $exc, $width, $height); $content = str_replace ($match[0], $replace, $content); } } } $search = "@(?:<p>)*\s*\[MYPLAYLIST\s*=\s*(\w+|^\+)\]\s*(?:</p>)*@i"; if (preg_match_all($search, $content, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($matches as $match) { $dbresult=false; if (!in_array($match[1], $WPwordTube->PLTags)) $dbresult = $wpdb->get_row('SELECT * FROM '.$wpdb->wordtube_playlist.' WHERE pid = '.$match[1]); if (($dbresult) || in_array($match[1], $this->PLTags)) { $replace = $WPwordTube->ReturnPlaylist($match[1] , $exc, $width, $height); $content = str_replace ($match[0], $replace, $content); } } } $search = "@(?:<p>)*\s*\[MEDIA\s*=\s*(\w+|^\+)\]\s*(?:</p>)*@i"; if (preg_match_all($search, $content, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { $i=1; foreach ($matches as $match) { $dbresult = $wpdb->get_row('SELECT * FROM '.$wpdb->wordtube.' WHERE vid = '.$match[1]); if ($dbresult) { if ($width == 0) $pwidth = $dbresult->width; else $pwidth = $width; if ($height == 0) { if ($dbresult->width == 0) $pheight = $dbresult->height; else $pheight = $pwidth / $dbresult->width * $dbresult->height; } else $pheight = $height; if ($startfirst && $i == 1) $autostart = true; else $autostart = $dbresult->autostart; $replace = $WPwordTube->ReturnMedia($dbresult->vid, $dbresult->file, $dbresult->image, $pwidth, $pheight, $autostart, $exc); $content = str_replace ($match[0], $replace, $content); $i++; } } } return $content; } /****************************************************************** /* Return video by id with new width and height /* If width & height = 0, returns database video sizes /* If only height = 0, adjust height to width in proportions of database sizes ******************************************************************/ function wt_GetVideo($id, $width=0, $height=0) { global $wpdb, $WPwordTube; $dbresult = $WPwordTube->GetVidByID($id); if ($dbresult) { if ($width == 0) $width = $dbresult->width; if ($height == 0) { if ($dbresult->width == 0) $height = $dbresult->height; else $height = $width / $dbresult->width * $dbresult->height; } return $WPwordTube->ReturnMedia($id, $dbresult->file, $dbresult->image, $width, $height, $dbresult->autostart); } return ''; } /****************************************************************** /* Return video by id with new width and height ******************************************************************/ function wt_GetPlaylist($id, $width=0, $height=0, $exc=false) { global $WPwordTube; return $WPwordTube->ReturnPlaylist($id, $exc, $width, $height); } /****************************************************************** /* integrate SWF Object in HEADER ******************************************************************/ function integrate_swfobject() { echo '<!-- Start Of Script Generated By WordTube -->'."\n"; if (function_exists('wp_enqueue_script')) { wp_enqueue_script('swfobject', WORDTUBE_URLPATH.'javascript/swfobject.js', false, '1.5'); wp_print_scripts(array('swfobject')); } else { ?> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo WORDTUBE_URLPATH; ?>javascript/swfobject.js"></script> <?php } echo '<!-- End Of Script Generated By WordTube -->'."\n"; } // Load tinymce button if (IS_WP25) include_once (dirname (__FILE__)."/tinymce/tinymce.php"); else include_once (dirname (__FILE__)."/javascript/wordtube-button.php"); /****************************************************************/ /* Loads language file at init /****************************************************************/ function wt_lang_init () { // Load language file $locale = get_locale(); if ( !empty($locale) ) load_textdomain('wpTube', WORDTUBE_ABSPATH.'languages/' . 'wpTube-'.$locale.'.mo'); } // init load language add_action('init', 'wt_lang_init'); /****************************************************************** /* Widget ******************************************************************/ function widget_show_wordtube($args) { global $WPwordTube; $WPwordTube->widget_show_wordtube($args); } function widget_wordtube_control() { global $WPwordTube; $WPwordTube->widget_wordtube_control(); } // Widget declaration function wordtube_widget() { if (!function_exists('register_sidebar_widget')) return; register_sidebar_widget('WordTube', 'widget_show_wordtube', 'wid-show-wordtube'); register_widget_control('WordTube', 'widget_wordtube_control', 300, 230); } // Run our code later in case this loads prior to any required plugins. add_action('widgets_init', 'wordtube_widget'); ?>
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Brinkster updated their mysql server and I have an error.FIXITY FIX FIX FIXED IT ??
First, I’ve spent a couple of weeks trying to get TextPattern to work. I’ve now got it fixed and you can see the forum at the textpattern forum.
I’m not running WordPress myself yet on my site, but I have it running locally. Soooo, I haven’t properly tested this fix – so let me/us know if it works!
Anyway, here goes…
- Open wp-db.php (in a text editor (notepad) or something) (see * below)
- Find line 57 that reads
- Add a blank line after it
- Copy and paste the following command to it…
$this->query("set sql_mode = replace(@@local.sql_mode, 'NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES,', '')");
- Save the file
- Upload it to your site on Brinkster.
- Hopefully… Voila!
* wp-db.php should be found at
Other than it continuing to run one extra db query each page load, you do not need to remove this fix when Brinkster do get around to upgrading their server.
Hope it works for y’all.
Dave H.
PS> Brinkster just told me it’ll be another 2 weeks until they upgrade. Hmm, where have I heard that before?!?