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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] syntax error due to default value?Have all the short codes changed with the latest update?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] Reply TO errorThe “How to Resolve Configuration Errors” page is not at all helpful. It contains nothing about the error messages that everyone is receiving.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] contact form 7 configuration errorNone of my contact forms are working any more. I’ve edited them but can’t seem to get rid of the configuration errors, which make no sense to me. The Help page makes no sense to me either. https://contactform7.com/tag-syntax/
Time to switch to a different plugin perhaps?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Backup & Restore Dropbox] A 'free' plugin that costs 50 cents per backup?Thanks for your reply backup-dropbox,
Can you please direct me to the page of instructions on how to use this plugin for free?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WPtouch Pro Not Saving ChangesThanks James, will do.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Akismet Increasing DB size in the wp_commentmeta tableThe wp_commentmeta table was reduced and is now still only 7mb in size. I think it was happening because I was receiving a particularly large amount of spam and Akismet saves this spam (for 2 weeks I think) in order to learn what is and what isn’t spam. I had added some additional code to my contact forms as these were getting hit hard by spammers.
I recommend you install the plugin WP-Optimize. This can be scheduled to clean up your database on a regular basis. It’s also handy for viewing your DB’s tables without having to go into PHPMyAdmin.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Database Backup for WordPress] plugin not working every now and thenI’d also love to know why my backups no longer occur. It won’t even manually backup.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress HTTPS (SSL)] Heart Bleed BugI was also curious about Heart Bleed and Infinite WordPress.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Database Backup for WordPress] Scheduled Backup not workingI use this plugin with great success on many websites. However, a few weeks ago my daily backups stopped working. I can’t get scheduled or manual backups t work. I have un installed the plugin and reinstalled it but it still doesn’t run the backups.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Acunetix WP Security] Backup Broken After Changing WP_ Table PrefixAnyone?
My Backup is no longer sending the backups to GMail as it used to prior to changing the prefix. Instead, the Backup seems to be storing the backups on the server. The Wordfrence plugin is now reporting these backups as containing suspected malware.Attempting to override the scheduled backup by clicking on the “backup now” button just sees the process hang just after commencing – the progress bar doesn’t move no matter who long I leave it.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Widget Logic] Widget Logic Broken in WP 3.8It simply points to the Codex, which gives only a very brief mention:
Due to certain global variables being overwritten during The Loop is_page() will not work. In order to use it after The Loop you must call wp_reset_query() after The Loop.
That doesn’t really help me unfortunately. I haven’t changed any code in my theme, the only change I made is to upgrade to WordPress 3.8.
Does this mean that WordPress 3.8 changed the way global variables are handled?
The two messages that you refer to do not appear in the location above the message as you claim on any of the affected websites.
I am certainly not the only one of millions to point this out as you claim, the forums are full of users who are confused by this.
I’ve moved the style sheet to the folder, exactly as instructed by this message:
nggallery.css is currently stored in /home/site/public_html/wp-content/themes/childtheme/nggallery.css, which isn’t upgrade-safe. Please move the stylesheet to /home/site/public_html/wp-content/ngg_styles to ensure that your customizations persist after updates.
It is still giving the same incorrect message, stating that the Child theme folder is not upgrade safe (but it is) and that I have to move the style sheet to the “ngg_styles” folder (it’s already in that folder).
My problem is not “false”, it is standard and real. I can’t get rid of the error by following the instructions given in the alert message.
i removed this plugin from all other sites I run because it is an endless source of frustration. Like many others, I have wasted way too much time troubleshooting this plugin when I can simply delete it and use one that is not plagued with ongoing problems. Again, these are real problems that many are experiencing. If you think this plugin has had no trouble in the past few months you’ve not been reading the forums.
Actually tizz, the warning does very clearly state that the entire css file needs to moved out of my child directory, which it wrongly claims “isn’t upgrade safe”. Files in my Child directory are safe, contrary to what warning messages alerts.
The folder certainly does not exist, again, contrary to the alerting statement’s claims. You gave instructions on how to generate that folder, but the wanring says nothing about having to create the folder. Instead it refers to the folder as if it already exists. The folder does not exist unless you follow the steps you gave or create it manually. How are users supposed to just automatically know that?
You wrote:
Lastly, the error message is generic, it recognizes a theme (a child-theme is a theme), and it says it’s not safe for your safety.
We all know that the child theme is safe and that is a standard practice.Exactly. You are correct in stating that the warning message falsely claims that the contents of my Child theme folder is not upgrade safe. This is exactly the point I was making – the plugin should not incorrectly tell people that their Child themes are not upgrade safe when they in fact are upgrade safe. This goes against standard practise as described in the Codex as you just acknowledged. WordPress users are encouraged to use Child Themes because they ARE upgrade safe. That’s the whole point of using Child Themes.
For this plugin to tell people that Child Themes are NOT upgrade safe not only adds confusion to the user, it goes against standard WordPress practice. You say it’s a generic message, but if the standard practise stated by the WordPress Codex to use Child Themes then Child themes are the norm, not the exception, and so this generic message is going to be wrong more often than not by assuming that users are NOT using Child Themes.
This plugin has caused many people a huge amount of problems and my concern is for new WordPress users, not myself. I have removed it from all but one of my client’s websites but will remove it from that final one next time I am asked to work on it.
My NGG style sheet is in my Child theme folder and as such it is impossible for it to be overridden with any updates. This is whole point of Child themes and is standard practice as advised in the Codex. Yet I am still being told that it is not upgrade safe. The message is also telling me to move it to a folder that doesn’t even exist.
It seems that NextGen are trying to reinvent the wheel for those who are sloppy or ignorant of how to follow the standard rules of creating a WordPress website (i.e. using Child Themes). This seems like dangerous behaviour. Why cater for people who are not using WordPress properly? This will only encourage more sloppy installations of WordPress. Does anyone really want that?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] Contact Form 7 redirect not workingWell, I just found a very simple solution:
Just add this to the first of the Messages fields in the Contact form, the one titled: “# Sender’s message was sent successfully”:
Your message was sent successfully. <script> location.href="https://www.WEBSITE.com/thankyou.html"; </script>
Enclosing the code in the script tags was all that was required to trigger the code to run. I don’t know why this is required for some installations and not others but it was the only thing that worked for me. I spent over a week, many hours a day trying many different approaches, including some very complicated hacks. This simple code is the only thing that has worked so far for me.