Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Company Posts for LinkedIn] Formatting/rendering issuesIn case anyone else needs this, you can fix the rendering issues by editing /plugins/company-posts-for-linkedin/public/class-linkedin-company-posts-public.php as follows:
- Add two more regex lines:
$post_content = preg_replace('!(((f|ht)tp(s)?://)[-a-zA-Zа-яА-Я()0-9@:%_+.~#?&;//=]+)!i', '<a target="_blank" href="$1">$1</a>', $post['content']);
// above is the existing regex in the file. Add the next two lines immediately below it:
$post_content = preg_replace('/{hashtag|\\#|/', '#', $post_content);
$post_content = preg_replace('/}/', '', $post_content);2. Remove URL escaping:
$company_posts .= '<span class="linkedin-title">' .esc_html($post_content) . '</span>';
// above is the existing line with html escaping of the content. Edit it to remove the esc_html() function:
$company_posts .= '<span class="linkedin-title">' . $post_content . '</span>';This will fix up the display. Hashtags will display as plain text prepended by the ‘#’ symbol, but will not have a link. http/https link URLs will be displayed and linked appropriately.
Confirmed – updated version works like a champ. Thanks for the fast fix, you are awesome!
Try updating your WordPress and this plugin to the latest version.
- This reply was modified 5 months ago by datacate.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Company Posts for LinkedIn] Impossible to Authorize MeOpen your app in the LinkedIn developers panel, then click on the ‘Products’ tab and click the button next to ‘Advertising API’ to request access. Give that a few minutes and refresh the page to see if you’ve been granted access. Once it’s granted, try again.
@bike if you seem does MP2 or 3 support captcha, MP’s official position is that captchas are no good and they do not support them in any version that I know of. WP-SpamShield seems to have fixed the issue for me (or perhaps it just stopped on it’s own).
I’ve used and continue to use Mailchimp for a variety of things, but in this particular case I’m making extensive use to Mailpoet’s ability to automatically send out a newsletter email from a blog post and I hate to lose that – is there a plugin or hack that allows Mailchimp to do the same thing?
I the meantime I’ve installed WP-SpamShield and am going to put the subscription form back up and see if that stems the tide to an acceptable level.
Same here, started around the same day (Sept 21). Had to remove the mailpoet subscription form from two sites, and because of apparent caching of the form on the spammer/hacker’s side, I also had to disable Mailpoet completely on one of the sites to stop the onslaught. Four days later and I’m still getting streams of delivery delay notifications and now my SMTP provider is clamping down.
Mailpoet’s blah-blah article about how captcha is no good, etc has a bit of a blind spot in that they apparently never anticipated some kind of brute force attempt which would involve hitting your subscription form a million times with fake email addresses which create a storm of ‘undeliverable’ emails if you use double opt-in, or fill your message list with a bazillion bogus emails if you don’t. Properly-used captcha would prevent both of these scenarios.
Mailpoet, if you are listening, and you give half a crap, please fix this!!!!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [EventCalendar] Google Maps not finding typed in addressHello Sona –
Followed that link, answered the questions (Google Maps JavaScript API, calling from webserver) generated a new key and set up Calendar to use the new key, waited a few minutes. Now it works! So you were right, there was an issue with the key. Note to others, when you start to type a valid address in the location bar in the map, autocomplete should provide suggestions just like it does with Google maps in your brower. If you don’t see that, then it’s not working and you may want to try Sona’s suggestion.
Thanks – in that case I’ll chalk this up to some issue with the mail server provided by the host and keep an eye on it.
It is not an excluded category (nor was it before I changed the category name). I’d love to test this but I have live subscribers on this list and even if I create a new category just for testing, most subscribers have ‘subscribe to new categories automatically’ checked, so they’d get my test messages. I don’t want to add confusion to the mix.
The email for the post in question was never delivered. If you can think of way I can test this, I’d love to hear it. Otherwise I’d ask that you test it yourself (create category, change name, do a test post/send) and let me know the results.
EdForum: Plugins
In reply to: [MailPoet Newsletters (Previous)] Automatic scheduled newsletters not sentThanks, not using CPanel but in any case I’ve resolved this. It was a combination of two issues:
1. wget was giving some weird results, so I switched to using curl;
2. The newsletters are going out oddly delayed. I’m running the cron every 15 minutes, but newsletters end up getting sent 30+ minutes later than their scheduled time, and the delay is pretty consistent. The server’s time is set correctly so I’m at a loss as to why this is the case. It’s not a dealbreaker, but it’s strange. Any ideas?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [FrescoChat Live Chat] Frescochat plugin breaks SSL siteResolved – Frescochat support responded very quickly as follows:
There was indeed an image for the selected chat bar style which was
being downloaded from HTTP. This is fixed now.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [cformsII] Q&A Verification no longer working after upgradeOdd, did not see that when I searched initially.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [If Shortcode] Installation errorYeah, running 5.2.17 – for this particular site it’s on a shared server so I have to wait on admins for an upgrade. I figured it was a PHP version thing. Found a different way to handle my issue. Closing this ticket.
So it turns out that this was neither CSS nor the plug-in that was at fault, but rather the Insert PHP shortcode plugin. I had the pdb shortcode wrapped in that shortcode because I’m passing it some data from the environment, and in producing the output it as somehow adding spurious <P> tags to input and select elements. I switched to a different plugin for handling php code and that took care of that. Marking as resolved.