Backup For WP
Forum Replies Created
Can you please kindly help us with a bit more info to better assist with the issue? Kindly let us know how you are backup the data and let us know if is there any error you are getting after conducting the backup. So that we will analyze the issue and assist you in fixing the issue.
Hi, Sorry for the inconvenience caused you extremely. Can you please help us with a bit more info to better assist with the issue? Kindly let us know how you are backup the data and let us know if is there any error you are getting after conducting the backup. So that we will analyze the issue and assist you in fixing the issue.
Hi. Kindly feel free to reach out if you have any queries or issues related to the plugin in case you are interested to use our plugin further by opening a new topic.
Hi, Thank you for reaching us and sorry for the delay in response. For this, We have raised the GitHub ticket in our repository. We will fix the issues and get back to you with an update soon.
Here is the reference GitHub link to track the updates:
Hi, We are sorry for the inconvenience, and thank you for reaching us. We already have created a GitHub ticket:? regarding this option.
And our developer will add this option as soon as possible and ojnce it gets done then we will get back to you with an update.
You’re welocome. Once it gets fixed then we will get back to you with an update.
Hi, Sorry for the inconvenience. For this, I’ve raised the GitHub ticket in our repository. We will fix this and get back to you with an update once it gets fixed.
Here is the reference GitHub link to track the updates:
We are marking this topic as resolved due to inactivity. You can feel free to reach out to us if the issue is persistent. We will assist you to resolve them.
Hi, Hope you’re doing well. Can you please let us know, are you tried the above suggestions? Kindly confirm and do let us know if you need any assistance. We are here to assist you if you need any help.
We are sorry for the inconvenience. Kindly do let us know if you need any assistence further, So that we will help you out to resolve if you need any assistence.
Hi, Yes, It is working fine. You can see in the following screengrab for reference:
Can you please cross check the information what you are trying to give? Because it seems you have given wrong details. Kindly cross check your information that you are giving and let us know back the response. So that we will assist you accordingly to resolve your issue.
Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for reaching us. There are two possible solutions for this.
1) Check that your hosting account has enough available storage remaining to download, unpack and replace the plugin files in question.
2) Create the “temp” folder in wp-content folder
then add the following code to the end of wp-config.php
/* Set WordPress temporary directory */
define(‘WP_TEMP_DIR’, ABSPATH . ‘wp-content/temp’);Please give it a try the above suggested points and let us know back if you need any assistence, So that we will assist you accordingly to resolve them.