I too am using Media Temple, but I am on the Grid Service. I am having trouble getting the domain mapping plugin to function appropriately.
1) I setup my primary domain and site, https://www.2020HomeSearch.com, setup the WPMU, and have successfully created sub domains. Test subdomain is bob.2020HomeSearch.com.
2) I added and purchased several new domain names and they were added to my MT account and were assigned to my main domain grid service.
3) I installed the Domain Mapping Plugin and entered my IP address on the network configuration and selected the options specified at https://ottopress.com/2010/wordpress-3-0-multisite-domain-mapping-tutorial/. I also followed this tutorial to the T several times…
4) When I go to my site dashboard for bob.2020HomeSearch.com and I assign it one of my owned domains. NewDomain.com, the site disappears and any attempt to access the site leads to a page that just says Forbidden. I can no longer even access bob.2020homesearch.com or it’s dashboard. I actually have to go back to the network admin and delete the domain mapping before I can get back in…
Any help here or insight would be extremely appreciated.
Kindest Regards,