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  • Ah, excellent. A solution to my current IE6 problem, almost as soon as I started searching… many thanks for posting!

    Has there been any progress in this area, by any chance?

    I’m setting up a number of WP sites that will be used by colleagues (mostly novice WP-users) and they’re already saying the way the category list reorganises itself to show current categories at the top is very confusing.

    I’d much rather simply retain the parent/child relationship between the categories and display that by default. Any ideas?

    Scratch that last reply. Turns out it’s a different problem entirely.

    I tried moving the blog in question to a new www. domain instead of a sub-domain and that didn’t help.

    Then I tried deactivating plugins one by one – that didn’t fix the problem.

    Then it occurred to me that the pro theme I’m using – Caulk – makes use of a php function called ‘timthumb’ to create thumbnail images for use with each post. Nice functionality, but I’ll bet that’s what was causing the problems. Because as soon as I swapped to a different theme, the preview images were available again.

    I’ll be dropping Caulk’s author a line now to let him know what the problem is and see if there’s a fix.

    But if anyone else is having similar trouble – swap your theme and see if that helps…

    I’m having the same problem – the preview image doesn’t appear on the media edit mode screen. In FF there’s just a space where the image should be, in IE there’s a missing image icon.

    And checking the image properties, the filename for the missing preview image is given as:


    Now then, I run a whole bunch of WP sites, all WP 2.9.2 and all on the same server architecture (or I assume so – as it’s the same setup with the same hosting company anyhow). But this problem only seems to occur on sites which are set up as sub-domains rather than www domains. i.e. https://demo.[main-domain].net as opposed to https://www.[main-domain].net (don’t try to click those links, folks, they’re just examples and I can’t seem to turn the auto-linking off…)

    This is just speculation on my part (and way beyond my ability to look into properly) but does anyone know whether this would affect the functionality of wp-admin/includes/image-edit.php? Specifically the section:

    <img id="image-preview-<?php echo $post_id; ?>" onload="imageEdit.imgLoaded('<?php echo $post_id; ?>')" src="<?php echo admin_url('admin-ajax.php'); ?>?action=imgedit-preview&_ajax_nonce=<?php echo $nonce; ?>&postid=<?php echo $post_id; ?>&rand=<?php echo rand(1, 99999); ?>" />

    …which seems to be loading the preview image?

    Thread Starter darren-turpin


    Hi Dan –

    There’s a possible solution down at the bottom of this thread:

    If you’re having the same issues that I’ve been having for a while (caused by Fasthosts’ own custom error pages clashing with WP’s 404 page and fasthosts showing no interest whatsover in working on a fix) then that should sort you out.


    Yep – that works:

    An extremely elegant and simple interim solution to the problem as well. Thank you Nyleveia!

    Actually, there may be hope… one of the freelance suppliers we use at work manages to run WordPress installations on Fasthosts Windows servers. There’s some sort of server-side patch or hack required to enable clean permalinks. Not sure of the details, but I’ll try to find out more info.



    Fingers most definitely crossed, aye! ??



    Interesting… exactly the same copy & paste brush-off response that I received as well.

    I’ve written to the sales department to point out that their support dept are effectively telling existing customers to **** off and solve their own problems and that this is more likely to result in an exodus of WP users to new hosting providers, but so far, no response.

    I guess they’ve run a cost-benefit analysis and decided that losing a few (dozen? hundred? thousand?) customers will cost them less than actually solving the problem.


    Still waiting to hear something positive. Had an email from the support guy I spoke to initially who said he’d managed to gather enough evidence of a problem for the third-line engineers to get involved, so hopefully they’ll be looking at it before too long.

    Actually, that other post is one of mine as well… was hoping to attract the notice of someone who knows a lot more than me about server management, but so far no luck.

    And Fasthosts have, sadly, gone silent on the issue. Will chase again on Monday and if nothing is forthcoming, will start considering a mass-migration in the new year.

    I’ve posted a detailed run-down of what Dale and I have discovered so far here. Hopefully we’ll get there one way or the other…

    Hi Matt –

    Dale at FH has managed to get a couple of the FH engineers to look into the problem from their end and he’s asked me to post a more detailed spec of the problem here – which I’ll do shortly – in case anyone with a bit more in-depth knowledge of the workings of either WordPress or server management has any ideas…

    But no actual solution just yet, no. I have pointed out though, that if FH gets a rep for being non-WP friendly it could put a lot of potential customers off their hosting packages, so I think they’re taking it seriously. Dale certainly is.


    Having exactly the same problem with a whole selection of WP sites (various versions) all of them hosted on Fasthosts in the UK.

    Have been talking to Fasthosts support and they’ve identified some sort of clash (although they haven’t been much more specific than that with the line:

    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

    in the .htaccess files, which is something essential to do with permalinks (?)

    The problem doesn’t occur on another WP site I have hosted with DataFlame, but clearly have issues as well, so I’m guessing it’s to do with some server setup that these two hosts have in common?

    Still talking to Fasthosts support about the issue. If I find a definite solution, I’ll post one here.

    Hi Matt –

    I’m afraid I don’t have a solution (yet) but I am working on exactly the same problem (see

    I’ve been in touch with a chap called Dale at Fasthosts support and he suggested that the problem may be to do with the way WP uses the line

    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

    in the .htaccess file – which (although I’m no expert) seems to be something to do with the control of Permalinks.

    The same problem is happening across every WP site I have hosted with Fasthosts (and there are a few) and I think is something to do with the way they manage their custom error pages. I know it’s a FH-specific problem because I have another WP site hosted with DataFlame (although, ironically, I’m in the process of moving it over to Fasthosts…) and the error page works perfectly there.

    Alas, though, my technical knowledge is limited, so I’m kinda stuck at this point. But if anyone else out there with more knowledge of the inner workings of the permalinks, .htaccess files etc. can shed any light, it would be much appreciated!

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