Forum Replies Created
This issue was fixed in release 5.3.
Yes, some sort of conflict with “Simple Lightbox” plugin :<
Thank you for the advice ragarding PHP errors.
Two updates. First sorry for the not working second link, I forgot that the drafts are not public. The second update – the page is not show correctly also if its status is set to “pending review”. So it is only shown in the draft state. It looks like the other event options do not matter.
I am trying to keep my work and my private life separate ;D
But thank you for the advice.I think I have the same problem. I just had a new install of this plugin. I created one group in UAM which is associated with editors.
I have a number of post categories. I select only one and assign the editor group to it.
But for some reason now all posts and even all pages have this group associated and they are not public anymore! ?? It’s not possible to edit page access control, because it says the user group assotiation is derived from the mentioned post category!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Sociable] [Plugin: Sociable] facebook Like! not workingBump!
Any news about this? I have not investigated a lot, but it looks like I have the same problem ??Hmm, strange. It lloks like the cache folder is not where you say (uploads/wp-ui/cache). This is what is shown at the top of the options page wen I do clear cache command:
Warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: Unable to access Xxxxx/trafik/wp-content/uploadswp-ui/cache in Xxxxx/trafik/wp-content/plugins/wp-ui/inc/wpui-helpers.php on line 154
Cache files were cleaned successfully.I have created this folder manually (with permissions), then “clear cache” says:
Warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: File exists in Xxxxx/trafik/wp-content/plugins/wp-ui/inc/wpui-helpers.php on line 154
Cache files were cleaned successfully.It looks strange that the function fails, but a success message is shown.
Where I can find the cache related documentation?
It is very strange that “Reset Defaults” brings the thumbnails back, and “Save Options” destroys everything.
Well, that page already used two styles (blue and green), but I have also added one more accordion (this one outside the table) with the default style set to one of jquery styles. This did not help. The accordion outside table behaves the same way.
I used a different website theme (from elegantthemes.com), that noes not have the box-sizing:border-box set. And then it works as it should – well, almost. Almost – because the missing thumbnails seem to affect the tab size, so some of them had a scrollbar. But this is fixed if I set your plugin to default (then the thumbnails show up).
It looks like the
div.wp-tab-content {box-sizing : content-box;}
custom style does the trick for me.Hmm, it still does not help :<
Maybe there is a bug in Java Script? I saw that sometimes there can be problems with Java Script (jQuery for example) code and box-sizing:border-box rule. I say so because if I just disable that rule than all works fine (except that then the theme design is broken).Sorry, I tested it in my browser yesterday. You can see the problem today on the link I gave to you.
After a few hours I will also look again into this problem.
I had to add .wp-tab-content-wrapper to the selector to make it somehow work.
This shows the content, but the background still disappears :/Yes it does (with the standard one from Worpress).
BTW, I think something got changed on the way from the RC version to the latest versions. Before it was behaving ehactly like the location page (only missing
).I see it happens when I select the presswork theme, but it is strange, because a similar list of events for a location page works fine.
It is set to yes, by default. The format is also default.
I get better results if I set this option to no. Then I get a list in “standard” posts format.