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  • The addition of a http_head hook is really nice.. I think that should be folded into 1.3, the more hooks the better.
    I really like this plugin – its elegant and simple, and doesn’t rely on dodgy user agent strings.. which is such an outdated method that I can’t understand why people would still use it.
    Plus it doesn’t mess with anything else that what it says.. unlike similar solutions.

    Thread Starter darkcryst


    You know… scratch all this. I’m an idiot.. thank for listening.
    However.. I’m glad I got some GREAT responces!
    The ritual whipping may now begin…

    Thread Starter darkcryst


    I hate to argue with such fine people… but %category% actually doesn’t work as a fall through.
    Example: I have set up the structure of:
    say I have a category “news” does NOT go to that category. I can only get to it via
    or what ever I have set the category part to be.
    Mind you my nightly build is a few days old, could this make the difference? Otherwise.. it doesn’t work how you describe. Which is annoying. wierdly though the post link is correct, but it doesn’t work the other way. Odd huh?

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: processor load of plugins

    Depends on the code in the plugin really.
    All a plugin file is is a file that is included and run. That itself isn’t much of a load at all.. none really. What matters is what the plugin does.
    Also there are almost no plugins whose code will make a significant impact. So I really wouldn’t worry about it.

    Do you have Norton Internet Security? because you mention you have the anti-virus.. if you have this then turn off Privacy Control and the Ad Blocker – they cause this problem. It confused me a lot.
    The firewall in this package is fine tho, leave it on.

    Basically make sure the design works in 800×600, it doesn’t have to look its best, but at least doesn’t have horizontal scrollbars, and doesn’t break.
    Realistically it should work sub-1024 because most people don’t maximise their browser. I work on a realistic average of 900 wide for many people, but make sure that 800 wide works, and still looks pretty.

    Thread Starter darkcryst


    Yes I did mean words, sorry.
    Yeah, I tried that. The problem is I need the formatting, and the_excerpt_rss strips the formatting.
    Why the_excerpt doesn’t except a number as an argument I don’t know. Would seem logical. I’m getting the feeling I’m going to have to edit the db in phpMyAdmin, which I was hoping I didn’t have to do.
    The reason the excerpt and get_the_excerpt don’t use the RSS extract length is that they aren’t used for RSS. There are RSS functions for that. In of itself that is logical – but this leaves us without a way to control the regular excerpts. What would make more sense is that that vaule in the panel is just the generic excerpt length – RSS or not. Certainly would make life easier.
    Or am I not making sense? I always worry about that.

    Thread Starter darkcryst


    No-one? I know the question has been asked before.. but no-one answered it, and ended up talking about completely unrelated permalink issues.
    This can’t be that hard.. surely?

    Thanks for the follow-up. Thats pretty useful to know, I’m sure its written somewhere (maybe the Wiki) but I had forgotten it.

    to be fair.. that works both ways.

    There’s a simple fix to this: don’t let people who you don’t trust admin your site!

    Shouldn’t do no.
    That’s an odd one. Especially if you didn’t get a “headers already sent” error – which is what I would have expected to cause issue with plugins.
    No error message at all is odd.

    This is because the comments_template() function called in index.php (yours or the original) doesn’t look for a template file.
    This is either a bug, or it just hasn’t been implemented yet, or at least in my CVS (which needs updating – the latest might fix this).
    I’ll check if it is still not there and stick it in the bug/missing list…

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Timeline?

    You certainly don’t need to worry about it being a sinking ship… although I do agree that current version/progress info is lacking.. it is there.
    currently its in 1.3-alpha-3… so its a way off offical release it would appear.. even tho it is very stable there are, I’m sure, more things to be implemented.
    A projected featurelist would be nice tho, that showed us what fetures were currently done, sem-done, or not done at all….

    Thread Starter darkcryst


    thanks Nuke, and yeah I did expect issues, I’ve done beta testing before on software… this little bug is nothing really. I’ve actually found this nightly extremely stable and bug free (tho on occation confusing…).
    Mostly I was just convasing the rather more knowlegaable people that hang around here more often than myself.

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