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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: can't open the admin-page anymoreHuzzah! Well done for persevering with it! Web stuff isn’t really THAT hard to get your head around, and the rewards for solving tough techie problems are all their own.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: can't open the admin-page anymoreGlad to be of help sir. Kinda feeling warm and fuzzy now…
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: can't open the admin-page anymoreNo. That’s your wordpress admin page.
When you set up your domain name and hosting, your ISP will have given you a link whereby you can sort out all your email addresses, the URL that the domain points to, all that sort of stuff. For example, https://admin.1and1.co.uk
It is sounding to me like you may need to hire someone to sort this out for you – and I’m not that person I’m afraid! ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: can't open the admin-page anymoreI get to PHPMyAdmin from within my host’s control panel. Log on to yours, and you should find a link to PHPMyAdmin in the database section of your control panel (it’s like an application on your server). You then log into PHPMyadmin using your database username and password, or your hosting control panel username & password, or even your FTP username and password and then you’ll be able to see all the data on your database, and (I’M TOTALLY GUESSING HERE) somewhere in one of the tables may be the URLs that you changed. But I have no real idea here as I’ve never done this so i don’t know where the data will actually be.
So please don’t leap into your database blindly – what you change here will affect the site and could break it even more!!
Hopefully someone else can give you better advice than me!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: can't open the admin-page anymoreOne thing is clear: you’ve lost the connections to the CSS style sheet and probably the database too – and who or what is https://www.arbeiten3333.de?
I assume you changed the URLs in the admin system itself? Now you can’t log back in so you can’t change them back?
The easiest way to have done it was to have just made a new index.htm page (with the under construction stuff on) on your server and changing the name of your wordpress index.php to something else, like wordpress_index.php or something like that. But that’s just hindsight.
This problem is out of my knowledge to fix – my best guess would be that you need to log in to the database with PHPMyAdmin and find where the URLs are and change them back manually. But I could be completely wrong there.
Someone else?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Word Press Stopped workingOh, we’re sorry. We didn’t know that. We’ll do it right now. Can you maybe help us there?!! ??
No worries ??
Well, I’m no expert on this stuff. I can only speak from my own experience, which is limited. But having your own topic means that your question is exposed to the experts out there…
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Word Press Stopped workingNeed to start your own topic dude. Don’t hijack someone else’s. ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Word Press Stopped workingWell, you need to open wp-config.php by transferring it to your computer via FTP and then opening it in your text editor. You’re looking for the following stuff:
// ** MySQL settings - You can get this info from your web host ** // /** The name of the database for WordPress */ define('DB_NAME', 'database_name_here'); /** MySQL database username */ define('DB_USER', 'username_here'); /** MySQL database password */ define('DB_PASSWORD', 'password_here'); /** MySQL hostname */ define('DB_HOST', 'localhost'); /** Database Charset to use in creating database tables. */ define('DB_CHARSET', 'utf8'); /** The Database Collate type. Don't change this if in doubt. */ define('DB_COLLATE', '');
It’s all in the top section of the file.
Basically, if any of the data in the MySQl settings is different to what your ISP gave you when you set up the database, then WordPress can’t work. You mentioned that you have other blogs working in the same hosting account. How many databases does your ISP allow you to have?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Exploding blog!You’re a genius. Thanks so much. All sorted now. Cheers!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Word Press Stopped workingHey, you’re speaking to a brother here! Not that I’m sure of any imminent divine intervention… ??
Have we established yet whether you can view the files on the server via FTP? I think that’s where you have to start as you need to make certain that nothing on the wp-config.php file has changed.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Word Press Stopped workingOK, let’s do some terminology here. When I say ‘FTP’, I mean are you able to log on to the server using an FTP client, such as Filezilla etc, as opposed to just visiting the website through a browser. If you can do that (FTP stand for File Transfer Protocol btw) then you’ll be able to access your wp-config.php file and check the settings.
I also note that you’re not using the very latest version of WordPress – you should sort that out really! If you can’t log into the admin to do it from there, you can do the upgrade manually via FTP. Instructions are here: I mean here
Perhaps some one more wise than I (not hard, to be honest) can advise on whether an upgrade will clean out any nefarious code? I know it won’t sort anything in the theme itself.
It might also be useful to know what your web address is so that folk can see it and understand better what you mean when you talk about logging in to the site etc. ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Word Press Stopped workingDon’t want to be a doom and gloom poster, but passwords and database connections don’t change on their own. Leastwise, not in my experience! You need to check the data on your wp-config.php file to make sure it correlates with what your ISP provided you. If it doesn’t, then either the ISP changed the details without telling you (possible) or someone has changed the settings (maliciously or otherwise) on your wp-config.php or that file has become corrupted on the server (also possible)
If a third party has been able to access your server, then all kinds of nasty things may now be happening, all out of your control as they’ve locked you out. Does your FTP connection still work?
I did have a similar problem when I moved a client’s site a little while ago. Got as far as ringing tech support (always an interesting experience) but as usual, I had several helpings of humble pie as it emerged I’d typed the password in wrong.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: can't get multi headers to workThank you so much. I can’t believe I hadn’t spotted that myself – I was even reading the codex page that you linked to!
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: Hiding an element on my homepage but not single postshaving got past the .blah, that a much more elegant and easy solution than mine! I’d go for that one!
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: Hiding an element on my homepage but not single postsI’m a noob too, but this should work – you need to make a template for your homepage. This is really dead easy. (hopefully if I get anything wrong here, a guru can correct me so you might be best hanging on a bit before implementing my advice!)
Copy whichever php doc it is that is currently composing your homepage (it’s going to be the one that you added the offending code to). It’ll be page.php, or post.php something like that. call this new php doc homepage.php or something like that.
Open it in your preferred editing program (or even in the Appearance Editor) and add the following to the page, before the first <?php> call or any thing at all – literally right at the top:
<?php /* Template Name: homepage */ ?>
Then remove the code that makes the unwanted box appear. Save and upload to your theme’s directory.
Then in the dashboard, add a new page called home or whatever, and choose your homepage template from the template options on the right. This will make a page with all the functionality of your normal blogging homepage but without the box that you wish to hide.Finally, go to settings in the dashboard and ‘reading’ There, you’ll find the bit that lets you specify where the blog appears – home page or otherwise.
Now. That’s what I’d do. As I said, I could be completely wrong – hopefully some more learned wordpresser can confirm the above or tell you to utterly ignore what I’ve just said!