Forum Replies Created
oomskaap, great!
I’ve came to this solution just an hour ago while reading about SQL queries )) Just wanted to clear thumbnail cache. I’m happy my investigation wasn’t useless ))
oomskaap, u need an sql-query smth like this:
DELETE FROM wp_postmeta WHERE meta_key = '_thumbnail_id';
but I didn’t test it and do not take any responsibility for any troubles, you understand…
same problem for another plugins with such functionality.
same problem for another plugins with such functionality.
that’s the link that shows what changes in 3.4 were made. We also see that WP still uses “_thumbnail_id”. will try to delete changes and see what happens.
well yep, but ‘_wp_attached_file’ contains url to one specific image (with one size), while ‘_thumbnail_id’ stores ID of the thumbnail, so any of the sizes (small, medium, large, …) can be easily picked via our php query, i guess.
Also tried different plugins, but seems like WP used that ‘_thumbnail_id’ for ages, and now something went wrong :/
But does “Twenty Eleven” show thumbnail or just the original image from the post? Seems that just an image.. Plus, we already know a possible solution..
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: 3.4 Removed Thumbnails from Homepagewaterworthr, there’s the explanation for our problem.
damn.. same problem. We need someone who could fix the database gently ?? and update the plugin, too..
I’m sorry for my English, but what I mean is that going to “..page2.html#comments” from page1.html will load page2.html and then scroll you to “comments” anchor there, wich is very convenient (for viewing exact comment and so on). So it is another page but with scrolling to needed area..
Is it possible to do?
# anchor is very useful to go to certain are of webpage, which is used with plenty comment plugins to go directly to needed comment. that’s why it appears to be so important..
Dean, is there any chance to check the adress and ignore the link to the same page displayed, or do the job if not? Well actually it would be great if just the page rolls to the anchor, like it is done by default..
well, sometimes the link is quite correct, but some content is shown only to registered users, while guests get customized 404.
but anyway, this sounds like my personal problem and wish, probably i’ll get it work some other way.
thanks for your patience and work.
ok, that’s what i’ve found.
1. as it said in changelog,
Anchor links (hash (#) links) are now ignored by the ajax process.
works just fine for links to the same page, but clicking a link with # for another page does not use ajax. So there probably should be a check whether link follows another page or not.
2. plugin shows “Error! There seems to be a problem, please click the link again.” instead of showing “404” page. Seems quite logical in some way, but on the other hand sometimes we need to use customized 404-page, so… a tiny problem here ??
Greatest work ever, Dean!
2.4.7 works fine! Thank you!
and, well, one more pretty important moment:
navigation in page by links with the ‘#key’ is broken.For example, I have a #bottom key for my bottom page element, but when I press the link *…samepage#bottom* it loads the page again and doesn’t navigate me to the element.