Forum Replies Created
Yep, also having problems. Flags disappear and are replaced by an unordered list bullets. Looking at the HTML there is no IMG reference.
The language selector also shows as 0pt font – thus it is invisible. I’m using GLT with Vantage Premium theme in case that is important.
See below…
I’d be happy to test too Daniel.
Just tested this with v2.03 and the problem is still there.
Daniel, any update?
That’s odd @gabe. I’m running 1.78 with W3 Total cache and I get multiple backups 4 out of 7 days.
Perhaps you’ve just been lucky. I had 4 backups last night but the day before I only had one. Can you keep an eye on that and if you’re still only getting one backup in a week, can you post back. I’m sure that’d be important new information for Daniel.
Dan.@gabe, I also used W3 Total Cache and version 1.7? of BackWPup happily for some time. Then I think the last upgrade of W3 Total Cache caused an incompatibility and made BackWPup perform multiple backups.
Perhaps you too only upgraded W3 Total Cache recently?
I worked with Daniel to nail down what the multiple backup problem was and I believe he traced it to W3 Total Cache’s caching of the cron system.
I also believe that there is nothing more Daniel can do about it until something changes in W3 Total Cache. Daniel told me that other people/developers have similar problems with W3 Total Cache’s cron management.
Having said all of that there are people who have posted on here about multiple backup problems, but they say that they don’t use W3 Total Cache.
So perhaps you have a problem that isn’t linked to W3 Total Cache?
Gabe, BackpWPup is not compatible with W3 Total Cache. It has something to do with W3 Total Cache’s caching of the cron jobs.
It’s a new blog so my file was only 860K when compressed.
I don’t know the DropBox API but the message above suggests that you are passing an incorrect signature base string and that it has nothing to do with file size…
2011-07-07 01:32.15: [ERROR] DropBox API: Invalid signature. Expected signature base string:…………….
I’ve just realised the answer to my own question 1) above.
I had read “BackWPup Working” as comment that BackWPup is SUCCESSFULLY Working but I now see that it is probably just a comment that BackWPup is in the process of Working.
Point 2) remains though.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BackWPup – WordPress Backup & Restore Plugin] BackWPup 2.01I installed BackWPup 2.01 and after the installation I got the following message from the WP plugin screen:
The plugin generated 245 characters of unexpected output during activation. If you notice “headers already sent” messages, problems with syndication feeds or other issues, try deactivating or removing this plugin.
I’ve upgraded to 3.2 and 2.0 and I see the same error as others on this thread.
The following message is displayed 29 times times each under the other on the Backup Job screen. I only have defined one job and these 29 messages appear underneath it in the Information column. It’s as if by computing the text to display in the Information column it is causing this problem. But why 29 times I don’t know as I only have one job.
I was previously on 1.7.8
Daniel, if you again want me to test something before you release it let me know.
Message displayed…Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in …/wp-content/plugins/backwpup/pages/func_backwpup.php on line 248
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [W3 Total Cache] Multible Backup with BackWPup and W3 Total CacheThere does appear to be a connection between W3 Total Cache and the BackWPup plugin carrying out too many backups.
Per Daniel’s instructions I ran my system with W3 Total Cache disabled when my backup job kicked in last night.
This morning I see that only ONE backup job ran. So whilst that is not conclusive it certainly looks like there is an issue between the two plugins.
Until a fix comes along I guess you have a ‘choice’ to disable W3 Total Cache or live with multiple backups or find another way to backup your WP database and files.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Backwpup duplicate backupsDo either of you use W3 Total Cache?
I believe that Daniel is investigating a potential issue working with W3 Total Cache.
(I have the same problem as you describe too Bobtb)
Daniel, the jobs run one after another. I’ll send the logs to the email account from your main (in the German language) web site.
Daniel, great plugin by the way. I’ve been suffering with the multiple backup problems – although not as badly as some on here.
I’ve been updating the plugin as you’ve released new versions over the last 2 days (1.74..1.77) but have still been getting the problem.
I installed 1.77 last night to see if that solved the problem but this morning I saw that the plugin had run 5 times for the same backup job. Each time I was emailed a log file and each time it said that the backup has been completed successfully.
My configuration:
– Backup to DropBox
– Store a maximum of 8 files in DropBox
– Job type Database Backup
– Activate scheduling ON
– Minutes 0, Hours 03, Days ANY, Day of Month ANY, Day of Week ANY
– Backup file: LR_Daily_SQL_
– Send log to my email address
– Store backups on server too – “/MYWPROOTFOLDER/wp-content/backwpup-XXXX/” (I’ve changed the items in CAPS)-All 5 files were stored successfully in my DropBox account. Only the 8 newest files are there – the oldest ones were deleted. All 5 backup files also present in my backwpup-XXXX folder too.
-I have one other scheduled backup job which is a file and database backup. It runs on the 1st and 15th day of the month so it shouldn’t have interfered here.
From the log file hidden HTML elements:
<meta name=”backwpup_version” content=”1.7.7″ />
<meta name=”php_version” content=”5.2.17″ />
<meta name=”mysql_version” content=”5.1.54-msl-usrs-sure2-log” />
<meta name=”backwpup_logtime” content=”1309057368″ />
<meta name=”backwpup_errors” content=”0″ />
<meta name=”backwpup_warnings” content=”0″ />
<meta name=”backwpup_jobid” content=”2″ />
<meta name=”backwpup_jobname” content=”Daily XXXXXXXXX XXXXXX SQL” />
<meta name=”backwpup_jobtype” content=”DB” />
<meta name=”backwpup_backupfilesize” content=”899412″ />
<meta name=”backwpup_jobruntime” content=”10″ />I’d be happy to help try to resolve this if you want me to try different things.
Kind regards