Forum Replies Created
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Responsive] Footerdoesn’t seem to work without genesis-framework.
any other ideas / plugins?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7 Datepicker] Doesn't workHas anyone come up with a solution for this yet?
Any support appreciated!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7 Datepicker] Doesn't workI have the same problem…
no date picker for the date of birth field.
[date date-849 date-format:dd/mm/yyyy animate:fold year-range:1990-2013 first-day:0 change-month change-year buttons]
Any help is much appreciated!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Len Slider] Doesn't Display[lenslider id=”E87CDE3DFA”] doesn’t seem to work.
Nothing is displayed at all.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Len Slider] Doesn't DisplayIs [lenslider] not enough?
do I need the id e.g. E87CDE3DFA somewhere?
I can’t see the LenSlider button anywhere above the post editor.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Len Slider] Doesn't Displayrealised that info needed images to ‘save’ the slides.
still doesn’t display on post via shortcode though.
Any help appreciated!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [MailPoet Newsletters (Previous)] Social Iconswhich folders do i need to update please?
there are large, medium and small then each have numbers folders.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WPNewCarousels] [Plugin: WPNewCarousels] Links not workingExcellent! Thank you! I look forward to the next version.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WPNewCarousels] [Plugin: WPNewCarousels] Links not workingHiya,
The plugin now works fine! Thanks!
However, when looking for jquery.js to update as suggested I found 6 copies of this across various plugins and folders.
Do they all need updating!?!?
The ability to change the order and delete slides would be a great feature in the next version if possible!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WPNewCarousels] [Plugin: WPNewCarousels] Links not workingthanks again.
where is the path to my jquery.js file to replace it with this new one?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WPNewCarousels] [Plugin: WPNewCarousels] Links not workingArjun,
Where do I find the latest version please?
Sorry for all these questions!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WPNewCarousels] [Plugin: WPNewCarousels] Links not workingHiya,
I have removed the cookie-law-info plugin and this seems to have allowed it to work.
I have another plugin [slidorion name=”YOUR NAME”] which seems to have a similar problem not working though.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WPNewCarousels] [Plugin: WPNewCarousels] Links not workingHiya,
Obviously the removal of cookie-law-info can be replaced by another plugin. What is the implication for the rest of the site if I remove jquery.js?
Thank you for all your help!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WPNewCarousels] [Plugin: WPNewCarousels] Links not workingHi Arjun,
Thanks for your email! Your help is much appreciated!
I have changed the links within the wp-new-carousel set-up page to be https:// rather than just www.
I have followed your instructions within chrome and found the following, alhtough, not being a ‘techy’ am unsure of the errors and how to correct them.
————————–dk-ret comment preview…..
$j = jQuery.noConflict();
function() {// Commentpreview Plugin is written by Frank Bueltge
// https://bueltge.de/live-kommentarvorschau-mit-jquery-und-wordpress/541/
$j( ‘#comment’ ).one( ‘focus’, function() {
$j( ‘.comment-form-comment’ ).prepend( ‘<div id=”comment-live-preview”></div>’ );
});var $comment = ”;
$j( ‘#comment’ ).keyup( function() {
$comment = $j(this).val();
$comment = $comment.replace( /\n/g, “
” ).replace( /\n\n+/g, ‘‘ ).replace( /(<\/?)script/g,”$1noscript” );
$j( ‘#comment-live-preview’ ).html( $comment );
within script.js
————————–(function($) {
$(function() {
try {
if (typeof _wpcf7 == ‘undefined’ || _wpcf7 === null)
_wpcf7 = {};_wpcf7 = $.extend({ cached: 0 }, _wpcf7);
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beforeSubmit: function(formData, jqForm, options) {
jqForm.find(‘img.ajax-loader’).css({ visibility: ‘visible’ });
return true;
beforeSerialize: function(jqForm, options) {
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data: { ‘_wpcf7_is_ajax_call’: 1 },
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$(n).find(‘.wpcf7-acceptance’).click(function() {
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return this.each(function() {
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into.find(‘:input’).focus(function() {
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{ _wpcf7_is_ajax_call: 1, _wpcf7: id },
function(data) {
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$(‘#’ + unitTag).wpcf7RefillCaptcha(data.captcha);if (data && data.quiz)
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return this.each(function() {
var form = $(this);$.each(captcha, function(i, n) {
form.find(‘:input[name=”‘ + i + ‘”]’).clearFields();
form.find(‘img.wpcf7-captcha-‘ + i).attr(‘src’, n);
var match = /([0-9]+)\.(png|gif|jpeg)$/.exec(n);
form.find(‘input:hidden[name=”_wpcf7_captcha_challenge_’ + i + ‘”]’).attr(‘value’, match[1]);
};$.fn.wpcf7RefillQuiz = function(quiz) {
return this.each(function() {
var form = $(this);$.each(quiz, function(i, n) {
form.find(‘:input[name=”‘ + i + ‘”]’).clearFields();
form.find(‘:input[name=”‘ + i + ‘”]’).siblings(‘span.wpcf7-quiz-label’).text(n[0]);
form.find(‘input:hidden[name=”_wpcf7_quiz_answer_’ + i + ‘”]’).attr(‘value’, n[1]);
};$.fn.wpcf7ClearResponseOutput = function() {
return this.each(function() {
$(this).find(‘div.wpcf7-response-output’).hide().empty().removeClass(‘wpcf7-mail-sent-ok wpcf7-mail-sent-ng wpcf7-validation-errors wpcf7-spam-blocked’);
$(this).find(‘img.ajax-loader’).css({ visibility: ‘hidden’ });
};$.fn.wpcf7FillResponseOutput = function(message) {
return this.each(function() {
——————————How do I find and correct the errors?
Thanks again!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WPNewCarousels] [Plugin: WPNewCarousels] Links not working