Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Tribe Object Cache] Support for Zend OpCache?After some additional research, I can answer my own question. To get a key-value cache, you have to use something in addition to OPcache. I’ll install memcached and TOC should just work!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Active Directory Integration] Need the Bind UserIndeed, AD Integration has stopped working in our environment since that change.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: manage_posts_custom_column not workingIn 3.1.x, the syntax is different for managing custom columns for custom post types. You would use the following code to add a column for a custom taxonomy named “foo_skill” on the edit page for a custom post type named “foo_portfolio” (always namespace your custom post types and taxonomies using a unique prefix!):
add_filter('manage_foo_portfolio_posts_columns', 'manage_foo_portfolio_columns'); add_action('manage_foo_portfolio_posts_custom_column', 'print_foo_portfolio_column'), 10, 2); function manage_foo_portfolio_columns($existing_columns) { $existing_columns['foo_skill'] = 'Skills'; return $existing_columns; } function print_foo_portfolio_column($column_name, $post_id) { if( $column_name == 'foo_skill' ) { global $typenow; // global WP post type variable $terms = get_the_terms($post_id, 'foo_skill'); if ( !empty( $terms ) ) { $out = array(); foreach ( $terms as $term ) $out[] = '<a href="edit.php?post_type=' . $typenow . '&foo_skill=' . $term->slug . '">' . esc_html(sanitize_term_field('name', $term->name, $term->term_id, 'foo_skill', 'display')) . '</a>'; echo join( ', ', $out ); } else { echo 'No Skills.'; //No Taxonomy term defined } } }
Never mind my workaround. After investigating further, I discovered that one of my taxonomies was registered with ‘public’ => false. This was preventing multiple-taxonomy queries from working correctly, though single-taxonomy queries on the private taxonomy were working just fine.
Scribu, thanks for all your contributions to the WP platform! I am relatively new to WP, and I continue to be amazed by community and the platform.
You might want to update the plug-in page to reflect the current behavior—I just spent about an hour trying to figure out why QMT seemed to be adding taxonomy results as opposed to filtering out results. Then I found this thread.
Unfortunately, my current project is scheduled to go live next week so I can’t move to 3.1 right now. Instead, I’ve got a workaround inside the loop, which is a bit more complicated than my original multi-taxonomy query.
If anybody wants to do a similar workaround, here’s one approach. Note I haven’t tested it in the pasted format but it should give you the general idea.:
<?php $listbody = ''; $product_line = "bumper-stickers"; $selected_location = 'portland'; $query_args = array( 'post_type' => $content_type, 'posts_per_page' => -1, // GET ALL POSTS, USE THE POST LIMIT INSIDE THE LOOP 'taxo_product_line' => $product_line, // 'taxo_locations' => $selected_location // THIS WILL WORK IN WORDPRESS 3.1 ); $myloop = new WP_Query($query_args); static $displaycount = 0; // USING A COUNTER OUTSIDE THE LOOP TO CHECK IF NO POSTS WERE RETURNED if ( $myloop->have_posts() ) { while ( $myloop->have_posts() ) : $myloop->the_post(); static $post_count = 0; $post_limit = 10; if ($post_count == $post_limit) // { break; } // CUSTOM FILTERING FOR THE LOCATION TAXONOMY. THIS WILL BE MOVED TO WP_QUERY IN WORDPRESS 3.1 $postlocation_objects = get_the_terms(get_the_ID(),'taxo_locations'); $postlocations = array(); foreach ($postlocation_objects as $term) { $slug = $term->slug; $postlocations[] = $slug; } if (in_array($selected_location, $postlocations)) { // WE HAVE POSTS FOR THIS LOCATION $listbody .= get_the_content(); $count++; $displaycount++; } endwhile; if ($displaycount == 0) $listbody .= 'No posts for you!'; // WORKAROUND TO CHECK IF NO CONTENT WAS RETURNED FOR THIS LOCATION } else // We don't have any content for this region { $listbody .= 'No posts for you!' } echo $listbody ?>
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: Using a plugin to add a static PHP pageThanks for the reply, but that’s not really what I’m trying to do.
I don’t want to reuse the page template, because it is specific to this custom page content (i.e. there will only be a single Location Picker page on the site). Beyond that, I don’t want to store the page in the WP database for a variety of reasons (e.g., I want to enable the entire functionality by clicking “Activate” for this feature in the Plugins list).
I just finished implementing it using the lightbox approach I defined above—hooking into the ‘wp_footer’ action to insert a hidden location picker, which I display in a lightbox when the user clicks the link. But this adds an unnecessary “get_terms()” call to every page on the site; I’d prefer to only run that query when the user actually goes to change their location, i.e. only when they go to the Location Picker page.