Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Change Downloads SlugThanks for getting back to me. The only code for the plugin is this:
function dl_categories() {
// set up labels
$labels = array(
'name' => 'Download Categories',
'singular_name' => 'Download Category',
'search_items' => 'Search Download Categories',
'all_items' => 'All Download Categories',
'edit_item' => 'Edit Download Category',
'update_item' => 'Update Download Category',
'add_new_item' => 'Add New Download Category',
'new_item_name' => 'New Download Category',
'menu_name' => 'Download Categories'
// register taxonomy
register_taxonomy( 'downloads', 'sims', array(
'hierarchical' => true,
'labels' => $labels,
'query_var' => true,
'show_ui' => true,
'show_in_rest' =>true,
'show_admin_column' => true
) );
add_action( 'init', 'dl_categories' );So I’m not sure what in here would cause it to stop working when Woocommerce is activated.
Thank you so much, I didn’t realize I could do that with content! ??
Okay, so I figured that the frontend code changed, now the affected file is in the \templates\frontend\inputs\ and this line causes the problem:
echo sprintf(__("%s", "ppom"), $fm->field_label())
I switched it to:
echo $fm->field_label()
And now the labels are translated properly.
Still I’d like to see a fix in the actual plugin that I don’t have to redo with every new update.
- This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by dana_cz.
I fixed this by reinstalling the plugin that creates those tables, then disabling and uninstalling. It got rid of the tables and now Updraft can back the database up with no problems.
yeah, the table shows up when I run the command.Awesome, thank you!
TranslatePress uses gettext function to get the strings. I can’t see the strings in the TranslatePress interface with your plugin. It works fine with Contact Form 7 for example.
Could you please look into it? I don’t want to use Polylang or WPML.
I’ll let the developer know, thank you so much!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Smart Layers by AddThis] Mobile and Tablet Views Not WorkingI’m having the same issue.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Multiple content blocks] Update to 3.9Ah, that’s cool then. ?? The front page said it’s up to 3.8, so I was wondering. ?? Some of plugins that have this don’t work on 3.9, so I wanted to make sure before trying to make it work. ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Multiple content blocks] CMS pluginHeys Harold, I’m not the OP but what do you mean it’s obsolete? I need to place content blocks in my theme (don’t like to use widgets, especially for my clients), so that they can edit it via the ‘edit page’ and not widgets. Is there a new functionality in new WP that I missed?
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Subdomain dashboard 404Ok, contaacted provider and he helped me set it up. Thanks for the help! ??
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Subdomain dashboard 404I have no problem with the main wordpress install, permanent links work just fine.
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Subdomain dashboard 404It’s a standard 404 page of my provider.
I did remove the www, it didn’t make a difference though.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Firelight Lightbox] Box-sizing border-box issueAwesome, that works, thank you! ??