Thanks for your fast response.
They are paid themes but your plugin works well with them if I install directly the updated theme (I’ve try it in other site and works) the problem is that I had installed v1 of secondary theme and when I updated it with v2 (removing and uploading new version) then site crash.
But if I install v2 in other site plugin works ok, the problem comes when you have a previous version and update… And if I return to v1 of theme (that works ok too in first installation) then the site crash too!!
I’ve tried to removing all pages created with v1 of theme and creating new ones but no resolve the problem.
You say that a possible solution is resetting the menu, you refer to reselect the theme in the “Select Theme for Site Home” dropbox?
The problem is strange because in first installation works ok v1 and v2 but when you remove theme and reinstall then crash.
I remove your plugin and reinstall but the problem persist, the delete process remove the plugin and interactions with themes completely?
Thanks for your help!