Forum Replies Created
I have update the italian translation of the v8.8 and is there:
https://mega.co.nz/#!BhB0SDzb!dQYBNSC3g9uqRvAv6dgTU2fAJhk6ucfaidcvIYyihsUI try on my site and with 1.28 all is ok (tried with ff9 & ie9)
Yes, also here just “Loading…” icon and nothing else. Tried in FF9 & IE9. In Firebug I see this errors:
"NetworkError: 404 Not Found - https://www.mysite.it/highslide/graphics/zoomin.cur" "NetworkError: 404 Not Found - https://www.mysite.it/highslide/graphics/outlines/drop-shadow.png" "NetworkError: 404 Not Found - https://www.mysite.it/highslide/graphics/zoomout.cur"
note that the dirs are not good
Yes, the 1.25 work ok
Yes, the new version fix the open problem, but no arrows are displayed on images ( = no navigation menu). I try in FF and IE9.
I change the line 263 of functions.hs4wp.php in
$OUT .= "};";
and now the plugin works, but no arrows are displayed on images.I retry with JSMin disabled and is the same. I use Firefox, but I try also with IE6.
I see an error in javascript:Error: missing ; before statement hs.graphicsDir='/wp/wp-content/plugins/highslide-4-wordpress-reloaded/graphics/';hs.showCredits=false;hs.fadeInOut=false;hs.align='center';hs.padToMinWidth=true;hs.headingEval='this.thumb.title';hs.outlineType=null;hs.registerOverlay({overlayId:'closebutton',position:'top right',fade:0});hs.dimmingOpacity=0.8;hs.zIndexCounter=10003;hs.lang={loadingText:'Sto caricando...',loadingTitle:'Clicca per annullare',focusTitle:'Clicca per portare in primo piano',restoreTitle:'Clicca per chiudere, clicca e trascina per spostere. Usa le frecce per la precedente e la prossima.',fullExpandTitle:'Espandi alla dimensione originale (f)',previousText:'Precedente',nextText:'Prosima',closeText:'Chiudi',moveText:'Muovi',moveTitle:'Muovi',closeTitle:'Chiudi (Esc)',resizeTitle:'Ridimensiona',playText:'Avvia',playTitle:'Avvia slideshow (barra spaziatrice)',pauseText:'Ferma',pauseTitle:'Ferma slideshow (barra spaziatrice)',previousTitle:'Precedente (freccia sinistrra)',nextTitle:'Prossima (freccia destra)'}var config1={slideshowGroup:'group1',transitions:['expand','crossfade']};
Same here. Just “Loading…” appear and nothing else. Also if I have translation enabled the text is in english. I have wp 3.3
Forum: Alpha/Beta/RC
In reply to: 2.7 beta Upgrade Issue?Oh, today I find that my host has updated the php to 5.2.8 two days ago… So I think that this is the fault: instaled in php4 and updated in 5: do a test and reinstall a fresh rc2 and update to final. But have the same error…
Forum: Alpha/Beta/RC
In reply to: 2.7 beta Upgrade Issue?I have php4 and I read in another post that 2.7 autoupgrade to work must be on php5. If this is right there must be an automatic check before autoupgrade…
Forum: Alpha/Beta/RC
In reply to: 2.7 beta Upgrade Issue?I also have a problem with automatic update. I install a new 2.7rc1 an then do an automatic update. All goes ok, but after that my blog is not usable:
Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. ...
Then I delete all the blog and the database and reinstall. After that I try an automatic update to 2.7 and have the same error. What is happen? and how I can repair without reinstall?
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Slovenian localization / languageAdded the translation od WordPress v2.6.0 and the default theme.
Damjan G.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Slovenian localization / languageI have added also the translation od latest WordPress v2.5.1 and the default theme.
Damjan G.