Their FREE version DOES do something. It provides a convenient way to promote Shop owners listing on their website. To say “free version of this plug-in does, literally, nothing” is not really a valid statement.
I’ve been using it for sometime now and before purchasing their product I READ their features list which DOES meet what they are selling. There’s nothing in the features list that says you can define the number of columns for your shop listing page. That would be a nice feature, which I have requested for their next release.
The sorting of listings coming back from Etsy are not controlled by Etsy360 because it’s a limitation by Etsy NOT the developers of Etsy360. Again, it’s not mentioned that there are any sorting options such as custom sorting.
Their video tutorials and customer support is GREAT (I’ve also used them)… and judging by the above satisfied customer, it contradicts your comment.
In conclusion, you have some nerve making statements like these without first understanding what you are buying. I would say to those that are considering Etsy360 for their website….GO FOR IT!