Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Shortcoder — Create Shortcodes for Anything] Shortcoder Menu Shortcoder BugYour plugin is converting the following code upon upgrading to v5 and higher…
<select class=”chosen” onchange=”location = this.value;”>
<select class=”chosen”>And this brakes all the menus on my site.
Please update your plugin to not remove code in the shortcodes.
-PaulForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Shortcoder — Create Shortcodes for Anything] Shortcoder Menu Shortcoder BugBased on what I just posted, why is your plugin stripping code from my shortcodes? Because of this, I feel like I cannot trust upgrading to the latest version since many other pages with code in their shortcodes would also be manipulated and possibly not work. So please consider fixing this. Stripping code off like wordpress.com used to do to me until I moved to www.remarpro.com was terrible.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Shortcoder — Create Shortcodes for Anything] Shortcoder Menu Shortcoder BugI found the issue…
Your plugin is converting the following code upon upgrading to v5 and higher…
<select class=”chosen” onchange=”location = this.value;”>To:
<select class=”chosen”>
<option selected=”true” disabled=”disabled”>Select Chapter</option>
<option selected=”true”>Select Chapter</option>
See below…
Original Code in Shortcode, using v4.6
<div class=”bbooks”>
<select id=”myselectio1n” class=”chosen”>
<option selected=”true” disabled=”disabled”>Select Book</option>
<option value=”1″/>Genesis</option>
<option value=”2″/>Exodus</option>
<div id=”sho1w1″ class=”myDi1v”>
<select class=”chosen” onchange=”location = this.value;”>
<option selected=”true” disabled=”disabled”>Select Chapter</option>
<option value=”/bible/genesis/genesis-1/”>1</option>
<option value=”/bible/genesis/genesis-2/”>2</option>
<option value=”/bible/genesis/genesis-3/”>3</option>
<option value=”/bible/genesis/genesis-4/”>4</option>
<option value=”/bible/genesis/genesis-5/”>5</option>
<option value=”/bible/genesis/genesis-6/”>6</option>
<option value=”/bible/genesis/genesis-7/”>7</option>
<option value=”/bible/genesis/genesis-8/”>8</option>
<option value=”/bible/genesis/genesis-9/”>9</option>
<option value=”/bible/genesis/genesis-10/”>10</option>
<div id=”sho1w2″ class=”myDi1v”>
<select class=”chosen” onchange=”location = this.value;”>
<option selected=”true” disabled=”disabled”>Select Chapter</option>
<option value=”/bible/exodus/exodus-1/”>1</option>
<option value=”/bible/exodus/exodus-2/”>2</option>
<option value=”/bible/exodus/exodus-3/”>3</option>
<option value=”/bible/exodus/exodus-4/”>4</option>
<option value=”/bible/exodus/exodus-5/”>5</option>
<option value=”/bible/exodus/exodus-6/”>6</option>
<option value=”/bible/exodus/exodus-7/”>7</option>
<option value=”/bible/exodus/exodus-8/”>8</option>
<option value=”/bible/exodus/exodus-9/”>9</option>
<option value=”/bible/exodus/exodus-10/”>10</option>
Modified by your plugin upon conversion to from v4.6 to v5.3.1
<div class=”bbooks”>
<select id=”myselectio1n” class=”chosen”>
<option selected=”true”>Select Book</option>
<option value=”1″ />Genesis</option>
<option value=”2″ />Exodus</option>
<div id=”sho1w1″ class=”myDi1v”>
<select class=”chosen”>
<option selected=”true”>Select Chapter</option>
<option value=”/bible/genesis/genesis-1/”>1</option>
<option value=”/bible/genesis/genesis-2/”>2</option>
<option value=”/bible/genesis/genesis-3/”>3</option>
<option value=”/bible/genesis/genesis-4/”>4</option>
<option value=”/bible/genesis/genesis-5/”>5</option>
<option value=”/bible/genesis/genesis-6/”>6</option>
<option value=”/bible/genesis/genesis-7/”>7</option>
<option value=”/bible/genesis/genesis-8/”>8</option>
<option value=”/bible/genesis/genesis-9/”>9</option>
<option value=”/bible/genesis/genesis-10/”>10</option>
<div id=”sho1w2″ class=”myDi1v”>
<select class=”chosen”>
<option selected=”true”>Select Chapter</option>
<option value=”/bible/exodus/exodus-1/”>1</option>
<option value=”/bible/exodus/exodus-2/”>2</option>
<option value=”/bible/exodus/exodus-3/”>3</option>
<option value=”/bible/exodus/exodus-4/”>4</option>
<option value=”/bible/exodus/exodus-5/”>5</option>
<option value=”/bible/exodus/exodus-6/”>6</option>
<option value=”/bible/exodus/exodus-7/”>7</option>
<option value=”/bible/exodus/exodus-8/”>8</option>
<option value=”/bible/exodus/exodus-9/”>9</option>
<option value=”/bible/exodus/exodus-10/”>10</option>
</div>Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ResponsiveVoice Text To Speech] Missing API KeyI was able to register my site with the code I got from the https://responsivevoice.org/ website. I also placed the Code in the header of all my pages. So the API Warning is now gone for me logged in as an admin, since my site is now verified. However, when I go into Ingognito mode in Chrome, I get the following message on every page…
ResponsiveVoice missing API key. See https://responsivevoice.org/register?devtools=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dailycdev.com%2F
ResponsiveVoice.a.init @ 000734da2c39e11e2ef9b4d2aef44183.js:1So how do I fix this for the general public and not just for me when I am logged into wordpress?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Strong Testimonials] Strong Testimonials v2.41.0 Broke BreadcrumbsThis issue seems to be fixed now after updating my customizr pro theme. So the issue was related to my current version of my wordpress theme, not the plugin itself. Thanks for looking into this, as the issue is now resolved.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Google Search] Mobile Search IssuesI was able to fix this issue myself. Here is the CSS for anyone who is interested.
.czr-wp-the-content .gsc-above-wrapper-area {
display: block;
}Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Strong Testimonials] Strong Testimonials v2.41.0 Broke BreadcrumbsI am using Customizr Pro for my WordPress theme and the “Display Breadcrumb” had worked for the testimonials plugin until v2.41.0. I am able to enable and disable breadcrumbs in customizr > Main Content > Breadcrumb >Display Breadcrumb. I hope this helps.
I updated the plugin to v1.1.3 and am still seeing one of the fonts.gstatic.com fonts still being loaded and taking 494ms of my loading?speed.That font url is…https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/sourcesanspro/v13/6xK3dSBYKcSV-LCoeQqfX1RYOo3qOK7l.woff2The GTMETRIC?Report that you can see this from is here…https://gtmetrix.com/reports/www.dailycdev.com/RnBTDbCE
Thanks for getting rid of the other fonts.gstatic.com font from loading.? Hopefully, this other one can also be stopped.Thanks.-Paul GeeForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Read More Without Refresh] Read More Button Does Not Show UpI was able to figure out how to get the read more to always be at the bottom via the following css…
.rp {
display: table;
.rp span {
display: table-footer-group;
}This issue is now resolved.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Read More Without Refresh] Read More Button Does Not Show UpI got it working, but what I want is the read more and less to show below the paragraph that comes down. Having Read less above the second paragraph is not what I am going for.
Thank you for fixing this issue! I really appreciate it. God bless you!