Norbert McDorbert
Forum Replies Created
Also – when it opens in OL, it doesn’t have “Back to directory” navigation.
Tried opening HTML in new _Blank. that doesnt work either.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Gravity Forms Directory] Filtering Entries With ParametersEver get this figured out elsewhere?
I would like to apply filters as well – doesnt seem able to do custom field filters
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How can I add 301 redirects to change my permalinks?Hey Andrew.
The code yoast provides is good, however, I just cant grasp how to redirect to categories
I didnt even know about the Htaccess cat. Man this place is huge ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How can I add 301 redirects to change my permalinks?thanks all.
i saw yoast wrote a plugin for it, but that is for
X+Y to go to /posttitle/
Was hoping someone was good with regex, so I could do an HTACCESS mod.
(scroll down)Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How can I add 301 redirects to change my permalinks?I am not asking how to Change permalinks.
Asking how to create a rule in htaccess to redirect broken permalinks.
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Live Preview in WP 3.4 Multisite not workingmaybe simple work around would be to have the live previewer preview latest posts or some such
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Live Preview in WP 3.4 Multisite not workingHey – I noticed the Live preview is buggy and doesnt display when you have custom homepages.
Ie, if your front page is set to be soemthing not normal, a plugin, a redirector, etc. Then your live preview is blank
However, within the live previewer, if you set the front page to be a normal page, or to view “your latest posts” then after a second or two it loads.
Try that, with the bugs.
Im using almost all the plugins you have and more.
Thank you Jeff for taking the time to respond ??
This indeed fixed the problem.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Thesis for Multisite?dangit – i misfired..
…ctd..thesis in a multisite install seems to not be ideal. It doesnt create child sections the way Genesis does..
All I really want to do is find a way to easily create some templates, custom pages, menus on a site. Then use site replicator from my favorite R&A duo..
When users sign up, I just replicate the test site. The sub menu or site header would need to allow for custom graphics (ideally through the admin). They can disable widgets or move things if they choose, however, the pages, etc, are all setup.
At first, I was planning on just drawing up what I neen in my favorite program, then sending it off to a developer to make into a theme.
Thesis videos convinced me I could just create soemthing in the framework; however, with my poking, I do not see a way to do custom logos, etc, for individual sites.
Fwd on the Genesis, its seemingly all script mods for most part? Which is kind of like the original idea. I could take existing themes and mod myself. However I dont want to get stuck in my most used least favorite editor doing changes to someone elses CSS. That always takes forever ??
cool ill check it out – thanks ??
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Question: Users following multiple sites – do we need BP?yep – got that part down. Was just hoping for an rss aggregator of sorts. I didnt evne know about the subscriber functionality on .com. The more i read up on it, that is what I am after.
Untill then, I will just hunt for a fairly easy to use RSS Manager i guess. Any suggestions?
(paid doesnt bother)
btw, stumbled across a certain someones site replicator plugin. Very cool. Going to get ??
Now i just need a framework (looking at genesis) and few more plugins and i can start actually doing vs theorizing
Thanks esmi.
The best thing i could find would be to use a site replicator found on wpebooks.
Basically make all mirror x site.
Then perhaps to create 10 templates/layouts. If people want me to make them one based on demo1,2,3; then I just create the account.
This way non technical people can have a nice site, and the setup is considerably less.
Now since you are a theme diva… I am looking at a fairly easy to use framework for making custom templates without having to do css modifications (en masse anyway).
Is genesis a solid framework? Or what would the Theme Diva suggest? ??
well for instance, every blog comes with a Home and an About page. Could that be modified somewhere?
So not on a theme level, but as a default?
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Question: Users following multiple sites – do we need BP?I didnt even realize that implemented it.
I do see the user roles in 3.0.1, but I cant seem to find anything that takes advantage of this beyond admin access?
Thanks James. ??
Heres my steps in case anyone else stumbles across this thread.
Since php wasnt running suPHP, I rebuilt php via easyapache, then enabled suPHP for php5 at the end. Probably overkill, but better safe than sorry.
Once I had uploaded files, i logged into to my site (not root) on this particular domain and ran the commands
find ~/public_html/ -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
find ~/public_html/ -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;Once that was done, WP install was done verbatim. No issues at all.
Yes, this is something you all know. However, I wanted to post my solution just in case someone stumbles across this thread from a search engine.