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  • Nice, very nice. You are well on your way I can see. A clear topic and a consistent style.

    In Firefox on Windows, some of your ads, in the bottom of the sidebar, are too big or the sidebar to narrow.

    I can see you are using multiple categories for each post, from a seo point of view, it’s bad. It’s the way to double content, and you don’t want that.

    One categori pr post, and multiple tags is the way to go. To many similar categories is also not good.

    You need the WordPress SEO by yoast plugin, it’s a little complicated, but it’s the best af its kind. All SEO plugins are a little complicated.

    And then go to the plugin homepage and take the time to read, you will learn a lot.

    SEO is a constant and ever changing thing, but those guys have you covered, and it’s free.

    There is this guide to WordPress SEO at Read that too. You will find a lot of usefull WP stuff at this blog.

    $99/month is robbery for a blog at the size of yours, and yes it’s better to learn your self, you will use seo every time you write a post or make a page.

    Thanks!! Confidence boost!! Whoooa ??

    Now I’m curios, can you give me a link to your blog.

    The Twenty Ten is a blogger theme, then it’s a blogger theme you look for.

    How important is the picture in the header?

    When the time comes, how do you intend to make money? Adsense? Affiliate? Dropshipping? Service?

    If you are going to make money, you have to focus on one thing, you can’t do them all.

    I’m no expert, but I do know something about making money online. And I know pretty much about WordPress.

    How is your backend, do you have a backup solution, this is very important!

    Do you know about SEO? You can’t get around this one, if you want to make money, but one step at the time.

    Are you aware of safety, WordPress is the hackers darling, because of the amount of WP-sites.

    It looks like a lot, but it’s all about plugin’s.

    Maybe it’s overwhelming, it aint, just do it step by step.

    The most important thing is backup. Every post you write, every custom change you make to a theme, all your hard work can be lost over night.

    I know what I’m talking about, I’ve been hacked to pieces, I didn’t make a move online for about two years because of those SOB’s. Don’t let that happen to you. Make backups!!!!!!!


    I know envy isn’t a pretty thing, but I envy you, your house full of kids.

    Enjoy while you can, before you know of it, they are grown up, living their own life.

    Finding a theme is sometimes the hard part of blogging, there is specific themes for specific purposes. And there is a lot of everything, both free and paid.

    Do you blog to show of pictures, or is it a journal. Is your aim to make money etc..

    I would like to help you out, finding a theme, if you can narrow it down.

    You maybe tink my next question is silly. But how is my English?

    The reason I ask is, English is not my language and I’m working hard on my English writing skills. And I’m sure your language is English.

    Sorry I had to ask, it’s the Blogger Refugee statement, made me think, perhaps it’s a .com blog ??

    Then you have 4 choiches as I see it.

    1. Avoid using custom pictures
    2. Make your pictures fit the header
    3. Find another theme that fits your needs
    4. Make a Childtheme

    If you know some html and css, then making a Childtheme, isn’t that hard. And could be both fun and instructive.

    I feel a warning it at its place here: Beware WordPress has proven to be highly addictive.

    Greetings from Denmark, have a happy day and happy blogging.

    Ok then it’s clear why you don’t have a clou.

    Tell me, is it a selfhosted WordPress blog, or is it a blog you made at

    If it’s a blog, you don’t have to know what a childtheme is. And then this forum is of little use to you. There is a huge difference between the .org and the .com WordPress.

    If you host the blog your self, then I suggest you read this in the codex:

    Happy coding ??

    I can see why it’s teasing you, the Path theme has a lot of sidebars.

    The Custom sidebars plugin has been updated, and is not so straight forward as it used to be.

    It can be done, and it’s still easy, but it involves creating the menus and the sidebars.

    Then you assign the sidebars to the pages or posts, where you want to display the different menus

    English is not my language, maybe I make it sound more complicated than it is.

    I could try to make a small video, showing the procedure with the path theme, if you like.

    If you are as new to WordPress as you are to this forum, I can understand why you think it’s hard, in the beginning the dashboard and all the settings can be quite intimidating.

    And welcome to the world of WordPress, the greatest open source project on earth.

    Yes maybe, I use it on 4 sites, with both free and premium themes, and it just works.

    I will take a look on the Path theme to see if it won’t work together with the plugin.

    It should be a straight forward procedure.

    I’ll be back ??

    Sorry I answered another post about sidebars and menus.

    But for the Twenty Ten child theme option, it counts for you, any changes to a theme should always be done through a childtheme.

    The remark about being to complicated for you, wasn’t meant at you but at the other question.

    Confused, of course, I messed it up a bit sorry!!

    It’s not that complicated, the sidebar will always be visible on the page where you put it.

    It’s a straight forward procedure when the plugin first is installed, but it’s your call. ??

    The Twenty Ten theme i pretty restrictive about the size of the header picture. (Most themes are).

    It sounds like you should go for a child theme, but I imagine you will find it too complicated.

    And by the way, welcome to the world of WordPress!

    Forum: Hacks
    In reply to: Editing Child Theme…

    It’s all in the details ??

    Happy coding!

    I would use the plugin Custom sidebars.

    Make a sidebar for each page, and then use the menu widget to create a menu for each of the sidebars.

    Let me know if it’s the solution.

    The eighties is kind of special with the way it handles sidebars.

    The sidebar only shows when the user/viewer clicks on the icon in the upper right corner of the browsers window.

    The way you add widget is as I wrote above.

    For the menu, the user must click the icon in the upper left side of the browser window.

    You have to configure the menu too. Go to appearance/menus and follow the instructions on the menu page.

    Have fun

    Now I know “the eighties with increased header space”.

    Is the Theme the eighties, sorry I didn’t pay attention.

    I’ll take a look to se if I can help you out.

    Welcome to the world of WordPress ??

    I’m not quite sure about your question, I know the Twenty Ten theme.

    But what is “the eighties with increased header space”.

    If you are looking for where to put widgets in the sidebar, it’s in the control panel under appearance/widgets.

    There you can see the widget areas, expand the one you will use, and then drag and drop the widget to the widget area of your choice. There is instructions on the page, it’s easy.

    Hope that helps, else you have to be more specific, and maybe provide a link to the blog, sometimes it’s easier to explain if it’s shown.

    There is litteraly tousands of high quality guides and tutorials, about coding for WordPress.

    Make a search and use common sense to filter out the garbage(yes, there is garbage too).

    And if you have money to spend on training, there is even more.

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