Forum Replies Created
As of right now, no. The all dont have a location, they are all in the same category and I don’t want the order to be alphabetical, I want to be able to set the order. I was thinking maybe a custom field or attribute, but I wouldn’t know how to add that to the short code to display properly
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP FullCalendar] No events past May 8thI am having this same issue, after updating to the newest Event Manager today.
Same issue as well.
I rewrote my code and got it to work. I know there have been some other people in the past who had the same issue, so its a an easy way to attach a file to an event using ACF File Field
<?php $events = EM_Events::get(array('category'=>'36')); foreach( $events as $EM_Event ){ $event_id = $EM_Event->output("#_EVENTPOSTID"); // change this with the ID of the event $file = get_field('more_details', $event_id); ?> <div id="eventlist"> <?php echo $EM_Event->output("#_EVENTIMAGE");?> <h3><?php echo $EM_Event->output("#_ATT{sub_headline}");?></h3> <a href="<?php echo $file;?>">MORE DETAILS</a> </div> <?php } ?>
The ACF support told me this
If the events are just a custom post type and you can get the ID of the event, you can pass it to the second parameter of get_field() like this:
$event_id = 99; // change this with the ID of the event $file = get_field('more_details', $event_id); echo $file;
Where 99 is the ID of the event.
I’d like to use this in a list though. How do I get $event_id to equal an event id of the query, not a specific event?
How would I do that?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Widget CSS Classes] Gravity Forms ConflictNope, no add-ons, just simple gravity forms.
Here’s all my info if that helps:
PHP Version 5.4.38
MySQL Version 5.5.40
WordPress Version 4.1.1
Gravity Forms Version 1.9.2I did some further testing, and it seems like its a combination of 3 plugins. GF, Widget Classes and Page-list. GF fails to work with either or both of the other plugins activated, and only works when I have both deactivated. I’m not sure if this is a bigger wordpress 4.1.1 issue or not.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Widget CSS Classes] Gravity Forms ConflictYes, I did notice that this issue started happening once I added my licence and upgraded to the newest version. Is there anything else we can do, I really like both plugins and would love to be able to use them both.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Menu Item Custom Fields] Shortcodes in fieldsi tested quite a few things like adding filters, but to be honest I dont know enough about the plugin code, or writing shortcodes to really do much more.
Someone else designed the theme for me. They added in the custom fields in menu items for me but hardcoded divs. I want to change the hardcoded divs to be my event shortcode, so that I can have my site update dynamically instead of having to manually change my menu content everytime and entertainment act changes.
I am using the Events Manager plugin, and just need my shortcodes to work when i put them in the custom fields.
I think my ticket terminology is confusing things.
Essentially, I just need a custom attribute that is a button that links to an external url.
I wrote the code for the div to make it appear as a button and to pull in the specified custom attribute as a url using the tag.
I need the whole div and the contents within the div to not display if there is no value in that attribute. Right now, the div is not outputting a specific value if I do not define one, however, the div itself is still displaying on the page.
Bobby rush has a value for buy tickets, and it links to that url
Hot 8 Brass Band has no value for buy tickets, so it doesn’t link anywhere but the button itself still shows upis the not free code linked directly to the built in booking system? My ticket button is for an external ticket booking system. I created it as a custom attribute because it links to an external url in a new tab.
If I attach that conditional placeholder, it makes the ticket link disappear for an event that has a buy ticket button attribute
I am going to have a full list of event, some of these events will be free, and therefore wont need a buy tickets button, some of them will cost money and need to be linked to an external site to purchase the tickets.
I created the custom attribute for the events listing to link to whatever I set the custom attribute to on the individual event.
I want my event listing to only output the custom attribute if I actually have a url filled into the custom attribute field.
It’s displaying the buy ticket button for an event that does not have anything filled into the buy tickets field in the event listing.
I think the solution I am looking for is some kind of conditional on the attribute where the shortcode for the attribute only appears if there is a value for the attribute inside an individual listing, however, I do not know how to do that.
Whoops! It hardcoded the short code
a href=”#_ATT{Buy Tickets}”Buy Tickets
It’s not quite working like that.. here is my page event has tickets, one event doesn’t
My shortcode for the page is Buy Tickets
It’s outputting the buy tickets button even when i leave the custom attribute on the event listing field blank
I actually figured it out. I was using the recurring shortcode in my events list, so it was pulling in the recurring event, not the individual event on the list. As soon as I took it out, it displayed the way I wanted it to.
Thanks for the quick reply!