6 years, 5 months ago
and i can’t embed published google sheets anymore when switching to Guttenberg
6 years, 7 months ago
I dont understand your explanation.
How can you download the audio files when they do not show in the
You meant that AMPforWP does not support html5 playlists.
Then when does it support this code?
No Plugin. Just handcoding html5 playlist:
[playlist ids="280,346,348,350,355,359,362"]
The page is a page.
The added code is: [playlist ids="280,346,348,350,355,359,362"]
6 years, 9 months ago
This problem is not solved yet.
The control panel is still frozen. Tabs cannot be used.
I have a few WordPresses running. This one is the only one with this issue.
Is there any fix.
Im running 0.9.96 on WP 4.9.6