9 months ago
Same here. Even got my hosting supplier involved to help me look.
@pierreto you just need to remove the plugin from the wp-content/plugins folder.
I have been going across all my sites doing that.
Same here. Had clients jumping down on me that couldn’t access their websites.
4 years, 6 months ago
I am also having the same issue.
The options under the menu items are just not there.
I worked it out.
Ultimate Affiliate Pro has a dashboard access option.
4 years, 10 months ago
Thanks so much! I will try it out.
Hi Sofyan,
Thanks for the reply.
The problem that is happening is that shipping should be:
8km = R40 (which is correct) 9km = R40 + R8 = R48
Instead at 9km it is calculated R8 x 9km = R72
10 years, 11 months ago
Thanks very much. I thought I did originally, clearly not. ??