However, our issue is with WP Hide plugin and not Wordfence.
We are facing issue with wp-hide security not being able to access the <u>.htaccess</u> file.
When we were troubleshooting the problem we came across a <u>trim</u> functionality which is trimming out the “\\/ “ from the ABSPATH, <u>our WordPress filesystem resides on network directory</u>, and once its trimmed out wp-hide cannot access the file since the path is not accessible anymore.
<u>Our current solution</u> is to comment out php trim functionality from <u>functions.class.php</u> in the <u>get_home_path()</u> function so that the network double backslashes are not removed from the ABSPATH.
<u>Our expectation</u> is not to comment out trim functionality on every wp-hide plugin update.