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  • Thread Starter czargyle


    Ahh, yeah, okay, that makes sense. Fair enough. I would imagine the vast majority of people don’t actually need variations, even if they would like them. I have a somewhat niche case.

    A Python solution sounds like a cool idea. Good luck with that project, and thanks!

    Thread Starter czargyle


    Well, I haven’t really done thorough testing or anything (I like to just try out plugins and then note them for future use if I think they’re useful), but YoImages and Manual Image Crop are about on par with one another. It’s mostly a matter of which interface you like better, I would say.

    If you switch on the retina option in YoImages, it works great with WP Retina 2x, as far as I can tell. The custom crops seem to be exact at 1x and 2x.

    Thread Starter czargyle


    Hi Jordy,

    I noticed that in the changelog! Thanks a lot for your unceasing hard work. We users are very spoiled by how well you maintain your plugin. If you weren’t already aware, you may also be interested to know that a similar plugin, YoImages, recently added support for WP Retina 2x. It’s really nice when these things can work together. ??

    Thanks also to swift for looking into this a while ago! I haven’t had much use for precise image crops recently, but I know Manual Image Crop got some kind of support for 2x images a while back, and I would guess he had a hand in that. It’s very appreciated.

    I guess I might as well mark this as resolved at this point.

    Just adding a little to the discussion (unfortunately without being able to solve it):

    There has been an attempt to standardize the hook that plugin authors use to display their extra menu item fields. Helgatheviking has been pushing this a bit here and there, and her Nav Menu Roles plugin along with a few others are using the hook wp_nav_menu_item_custom_fields rather than menu_item_custom_fields (as seen under “Workaround #1”).

    The big problem is ThemeForest themes are pretty much expected to have mega menu support, and therefore need to modify the nav menu walker. Enfold’s next release will recognize the above hook, and I think Avada’s admin nav menu walker already does.

    So, it would be a start if the name of the hook was changed. I tried to do this myself (changed Menu Icons’ hook name, added it to Enfold’s walker, made sure the variables matched), and I had trouble saving the icon field on the back end. Seems to be related to Enfold, because I was able to save with Twenty Fourteen.

    That’s as far as I got. If the hook got renamed, though, Menu Icons would at least play nicely with some other plugins.

    Xsite, if you just want the icons without caring about mega menus, you can disable Enfold’s walker by deleting or commenting out line 53 in functions.php: add_theme_support('avia_mega_menu');

    I’ve found that no matter what I do, I can’t get remove_theme_support to work, so that’s the trick for now I guess.

    Glad it worked out. Looks good!

    Thread Starter czargyle


    Hey, thanks a lot for getting back to me and thanks for offering to keep my posted!

    Oddly enough, this dumb “hack” seems to have worked (after changing the widget setting, of course):

    add_filter('dpe_fpw_args', 'fpw_events_args');
    function fpw_events_args($args) {
    	if($args['orderby'] == 'author') { //just picking something unique
    		$args['orderby'] = 'meta_value';
    		$args['meta_key'] = 'fc_start_datetime';
    	return $args;

    My regular recent posts are ordered by last published, and my event posts are ordered by the custom field. I’m not sure if this is a side effect of having only one author currently, but if worse comes to worse, I can just put up with the widget included in the calendar plugin.

    I doubt this is helpful, but if you have ever heard of a plugin called Custom Content Shortcode, it does some good stuff with custom loops and there might be an example or two to study. I actually would have just gone that route for my project, except I had to convert a custom field’s date and time into a different format, which could not be done with just shortcodes.

    Thanks again and good luck with future development!

    Oh, no problem at all. I always appreciate any help I get, so it’s nice to help someone else.

    As for your new question, I’m actually taken aback by how thoughtful you are about where to put the CSS, haha… you could really put it wherever makes sense to you, but actually, if you put it in style.css, any time you update your theme, your changes will probably get overwritten. So, you could ask the Epik theme developer if there is a special place to put custom CSS that is update friendly.

    Alternatives to that:

    If you use Jetpack, you could enable the Custom CSS module. Otherwise, here are a couple of the simplest plugins (they’re basically the same, so pick whichever you prefer):

    Whether you go the Jetpack route or one of the above plugins, a new Custom CSS menu item will be created under Appearance, and if you copy and paste the above code in there and save, that should be all there is to it.

    Hi Nancy,

    I think you have two options:

    First, you could change the template markup. Find widget.php in the views folder, which is located inside the Flexible Posts Widget plugin folder. Copy it to a folder you make inside your theme folder called “flexible-posts-widget”, modify it (should be easy to find the H4s and change them to something else), save it, and it will override the default template.

    The second option is to use the dpe-flexible-posts class to be more specific and select only things inside that class. So something like this might work:

    .dpe-flexible-posts h4 {
        font-size: 11px;

    Although depending on the specificity of the selectors of the theme, you might have to go even more specific (.dpe-flexible-posts li a h4) or even use !important.

    Hi Sara,

    I think something like this will work if you add it to your CSS:

    .dpe-flexible-posts a img {
        float: left;
        width: 100%;
        margin: 0 0 0.5rem;
    .dpe-flexible-posts a .title {
        margin: 1rem;
    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
        .dpe-flexible-posts a img  {
            width: auto;
            margin: 0 1rem 0 0;
    @media only screen and (max-width: 480px) {
        .dpe-flexible-posts a img  {
            width: 100%;
            margin: 0 0 0.5rem;

    You might want to select a slightly bigger image size because it stretches things juuuust a little. If you do that, though, you also might want to change width: auto in the first media query to a set pixel value. It really depends on how big the image would be.

    Hello again,

    A walker option/snippet like that sounds like that would work for me! I don’t think it’s a big loss to “only” have the mega menu generate as fast as WordPress currently does it, and the added usability is worth it. Basic starter CSS and JS also sounds great — I wouldn’t have it any other way since I personally enjoy the do-it-yourself aspect. The bonus is anyone giving this plugin a shot for the first time will be able to see the possibilities right away, though.

    Again, I can’t say enough about how clever the interface for this is. Every system I have seen before adds a bunch of (often cluttered) options to each menu item. Your ideas here for adding menu item types on the left are so elegant and make so much sense, but no one has thought of it before. I hope the word gets out on this plugin, and I’ll be sure to give it a good review to help as soon as it becomes something the masses can use easily.

    Thanks a lot for listening to our feedback!

    A couple of things about this:

    First, in the installation instructions, step 3 is actually “Setup the menu structure under Options -> Mega Menu,” so this is likely the cause of the confusion.

    Second, after trying everything I could think of to get this to “work” as I expected it (I was thinking it would immediately replace my existing nav menu with a fully working mega menu), I have drawn the conclusion that the plugin is almost all back end, and it’s up to the plugin user to do the front end column styling, drop-down scripting, or whatever else he or she wants.

    In other words, the mega menu is going to look like an unordered list until I put in my own work on it, is that right? Because nothing I tried did anything but output an unordered list, and the column stuff was not processed at all by the regular menu, leaving me with menu items like {“url”:””,”title”:”Column 1”}.

    If that’s the case, I’d have to suggest that the shortcode method is a little awkward, and it would be better to automatically apply the mega menu walker to a menu location if a box is checked next to it, or at least let us insert a code snippet in the theme somewhere. Most users are also almost certainly looking for a complete front end output too, although I personally am willing to do my own presentational styling if that’s what I have to do.

    If I’m wrong about my conclusion, I’m really lost on how to make it work too, haha… but even so, I am very impressed with the back end of things. The way you added options to the WordPress menu editor was really well thought out, fits WordPress conventions, and works better than any other mega menu plugin I have seen, so great work on that!

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