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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Polylang] Front page & Flag issues- zerif lite themeI have tried with only a manual style.css and same result
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Polylang] Front page & Flag issues- zerif lite themeThis is what comes currently (with the plugin):
// Recommended way to include parent theme styles.
// (Please see
add_action( ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, ‘theme_enqueue_styles’ );
function theme_enqueue_styles() {
wp_enqueue_style( ‘parent-style’, get_template_directory_uri() . ‘/style.css’ );
wp_enqueue_style( ‘child-style’,
get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . ‘/style.css’,
// Your code goes below
//Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Polylang] Front page & Flag issues- zerif lite themeHi Chrystl,
I have tried with another Child plugin (one click theme plugin) and its doing the same
when I selected the original them it works, otherwise not.If I do the child manually, I am not sure about what to put in the function.php file?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Polylang] Front page & Flag issues- zerif lite themeOk, original theme + polylang works
ASs you said, I had to manually check & save the 3 menus (manage locations tab) to get it working.Original theme + all plugins: OK
Child theme + polylang: not working
Child them + all plugins: not workingSo its definately the child theme.
I used Child theme configurator plugin to create it. Even when this plugin is desactivated, it does not work.herunder the config of my child theme: am not sure what is style-20150824203006.css
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Polylang] Front page & Flag issues- zerif lite themeForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Polylang] Front page & Flag issues- zerif lite themeHello Chrystl,
Apologize but I had to redo the whole site after a bad manipulation in forcing the theme update.
So, now I do have the flags visible in my site:
Also I can see the strings in the string translation tab but the translation are not activated when I change the language flag.
In the polylang settins, “show all languages” and “view all groups are selected”
Thanks again
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Polylang] Front page & Flag issues- zerif lite themeI seem to be using zerif lite version :
So far I have not been asked for any update. Do you mind telling me how can I do it whitout being prompted.
Usually, I just get a message from the dashboard for the necesarry updatesFor Polylang, I have got the 1.7.9 version
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Polylang] Front page & Flag issues- zerif lite themeFrom what I have seen in the WP’s forums, the difficulty to translate the front page of Zerif Lite with polylang seems to be happening to a lot of people.
Here is a site I found who seemed to manage those issues: Plugins
In reply to: [Polylang] Front page & Flag issues- zerif lite themeNope, same results with the original Zerif lite theme.
I cannot see the other sections in the String translation tab
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Polylang] Front page & Flag issues- zerif lite themeYes apologize:
I can see from your example that all the sections of the theme front page are appearing. I am not sure why its not the case for me…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Polylang] Front page & Flag issues- zerif lite themeThose are my settings:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Polylang] Front page & Flag issues- zerif lite themeYes, content hereunder.
Also, for info I am using a child theme<wpml-config>
<key name=’theme_mods_zerif-lite’>
<key name=’zerif_copyright’ />
<key name=’zerif_socials_facebook’ />
<key name=’zerif_socials_twitter’ />
<key name=’zerif_socials_linkedin’ />
<key name=’zerif_socials_behance’ />
<key name=’zerif_socials_dribbble’ />
<key name=’zerif_email’ />
<key name=’zerif_phone’ />
<key name=’zerif_address’ />
<key name=’zerif_bigtitle_title’ />
<key name=’zerif_bigtitle_redbutton_label’ />
<key name=’zerif_bigtitle_redbutton_url’ />
<key name=’zerif_bigtitle_greenbutton_label’ />
<key name=’zerif_bigtitle_greenbutton_url’ />
<key name=’zerif_ourfocus_title’ />
<key name=’zerif_ourfocus_subtitle’ />
<key name=’zerif_aboutus_title’ />
<key name=’zerif_aboutus_subtitle’ />
<key name=’zerif_aboutus_biglefttitle’ />
<key name=’zerif_aboutus_text’ />
<key name=’zerif_aboutus_feature1_title’ />
<key name=’zerif_aboutus_feature1_text’ />
<key name=’zerif_aboutus_feature2_title’ />
<key name=’zerif_aboutus_feature2_text’ />
<key name=’zerif_aboutus_feature3_title’ />
<key name=’zerif_aboutus_feature3_text’ />
<key name=’zerif_aboutus_feature4_title’ />
<key name=’zerif_aboutus_feature4_text’ />
<key name=’zerif_ourteam_title’ />
<key name=’zerif_ourteam_subtitle’ />
<key name=’zerif_testimonials_title’ />
<key name=’zerif_testimonials_subtitle’ />
<key name=’zerif_latestnews_title’ />
<key name=’zerif_latestnews_subtitle’ />
<key name=’zerif_bottomribbon_text’ />
<key name=’zerif_bottomribbon_buttonlabel’ />
<key name=’zerif_bottomribbon_buttonlink’ />
<key name=’zerif_ribbonright_text’ />
<key name=’zerif_ribbonright_buttonlabel’ />
<key name=’zerif_ribbonright_buttonlink’ />
<key name=’zerif_contactus_title’ />
<key name=’zerif_contactus_subtitle’ />
<key name=’zerif_contactus_email’ />
<key name=’zerif_contactus_button_label’ />
<key name=’zerif_contactus_sitekey’ />
<key name=’zerif_contactus_secretkey’ />
</wpml-config>Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Polylang] Front page & Flag issues- zerif lite themeOKi,
1/ Plugins
In reply to: [Polylang] Front page & Flag issues- zerif lite themeDo you mean screenshots?
In the About Us section, I have use 2 ways to input text.
1/- the standard one:
Appearance – customize – About us section – main content. allowed me to change Title, subtitle and Big left side title. I coud not input spaces between paragraph for the long text description.
2/ So I changed the text manually in the Zerif Lite: about_us.php for the BIG MESSAGE ABOUT THE COMPANY– the “Our team section”, I used again the customizer of the zerif lite template, as per 1/ Plugins
In reply to: [Polylang] Front page & Flag issues- zerif lite themeFirst Chrystl, thanks a lot for being so quick in your answers, I really appreciate it.
In the About Us section, I have use 2 ways to input text.
1/- the standard one:
Appearance – customize – About us section – main content.
This allowed me to change Title, subtitle and Big left side title.
However I coud not input spaces between paragraph for the lon text description.2/ So I changed the text manually in the Zerif Lite: about_us.php for the BIG MESSAGE ABOUT THE COMPANY– the “Our team section”, I used again the customizer of the zerif lite template, as per 1/