I had the same issue, furthermore, I detected some issue when the taxonomy name had ‘ in it.
It is due to some bug in qtranslate (which doesn’t support taxonomy).
I found a workaround but it implies to go into the qtranslate code…
In the file : qtranslate_wphacks.php :
inside the function : qtrans_insertTermInput2
look for :
if(isset($q_config['term_name'][$term][$language])) {
$html .="
i.value = '".addslashes(htmlspecialchars_decode($q_config['term_name'][$term][$language], ENT_QUOTES))."';
} else {
and replace it with :
if(isset($q_config['term_name'][htmlspecialchars_decode($term,ENT_QUOTES)][$language])) {
$html .="
i.value = \"".addslashes(htmlspecialchars_decode($q_config['term_name'][htmlspecialchars_decode($term,ENT_QUOTES)][$language], ENT_QUOTES))."\";
} else {
I’m not sure this is the best way to do it so feel free to answer this post.