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Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: My email address has expiredIf you have to change the global admin email address (the one at Settings > General > Administration Email Address, so not the email address of your WP user account, even if you are an administrator) without confirmation, use method 2 or 3 as described on best results, choose a new global admin email address from the same domain as the website itself (i.e. webmaster@… or info@…). Or if you have to use a global email address NOT from the same domain, or the admin emails still wont be received, install and configure a SMTP plugin.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Content cuts off on different resolutions.The white container with “Weddings / Family Reunions / …” has a fixed
height: 897px; max-height: 1000px;
which messes up when the four columns switches to two or one column on smaller screens.
Same problem for the container with “Birthday Partys / Corporate Functions / Baby Showers” –height: 860px; max-height: 1000px;
Remove that height/max-height settings.To solve the responsive positioning of the “Read more” buttons and still have them at the same vertical position at the end of the columns see
Very interesting question. I’m not sure whether this can be done exactly in the way you want, but there are some alternatives and possible approaches.
The very easiest solution is not exactly what you asked for: put the new primary website at another subdomain or domain/TLD (i.e. .info instead of .com), and add a redirection from only the homepage of the old multisite to the new primary website. But it’s not optimal for SEO having a redirection at the first homepage level, and may also mess up the branding in some other ways.
The next easiest solution would be moving/renaming the multisite to a subdomain (it’s not that easy, but still easier than your wanted solution), and adding some redirects for /subsite1 + 2 + 3 on the primary website. Still not exactly what you asked for.
Another solution is transforming all subsites into individual WP installations, in server subdirectories of the primary website, matching the paths /subsite1 + 2 + 3. There some tools out there for such a task, like Duplicator Pro. Problematic if you need the users to be kept logged in on more than one subsite, maybe with the plugin “WP Remote Users Sync”. And its more work to update them all, maybe use “MainWP” or another central administration tool for multiple installations.
Your wanted solution requires the multisite to be moved to a server subdirectory of the new primary website under domainname-primary-site/multisite-main (or whatever you like as path for the multisites main site, which now has no other content or function beneath beeing the multisites main site), and adjusting the subsites urls paths and cookie paths in the database and config file, and maybe also some adjustments in the .htaccess of the primary website.
This may be an approach:
Tricky – if you want to do it manually, I recommend to exercise it on a copy of the multisite or at least an independent test installation.Or if you use NGINX, you may use path-based routing to keep the new primary website and the old multisite devided. But you still have to move the multisite’s main site out of the path from the primary website…
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: “embed-thumbnails” folder in wp-content/uploads got huge over timeUse the plugin “String locator” and search for the folder name string “
” to find out which plugin generates those images.Use an option in the detected plugin to disable those thumbnails, or configure it to reduce their filesize with smaller image dimensions and/or higher compression.
(Maybe it’s your cookie banner plugin, to show a thumbnail of an embedded Youtube video, before user consent is given.)If there is no such option, maybe you need to replace the detected plugin (or book a hosting plan with larger webspace).
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Contact form with empty messageThat’s Contact Form 7. The message input field uses the identifier
but in the mail formatting settings you may have[Your-message]
Remove that-
character to match the output shortcode in the mail template with the identifier:[Yourmessage]
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Arabic Language not showing after product import in woo commerceFrom the link given by sahilgidwani:
- CSVs should be in UTF-8 format.
So when you export the CSV from your spreadsheet program, make sure to choose UTF-8 encoding.
Guide for some spreadsheet programs: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How become an administrator?One way is to takeover an existing admin account by changing the email address directly in the database to an address you own, and using the “Forgot password” function on the login screen.
Look in the database table “wp_users” (the prefix “wp_” may be different) for the admins username (field: user_login) and change the field user_email.
If you don’t know the admins username, look up the admins user-ID in the table “wp_usermeta” (SELECT user_id FROM wp_usermeta WHERE meta_value LIKE ‘%administrator%’), then look in the table “wp_users” for that ID.Another way ist to create a new admin account via FTP, see
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Website Favicon No Longer Appears in Google, Tried EverythingThe URL /favicon.ico is OK and loading. But the size is not what Google likes, see
“Your favicon must be a multiple of 48px square, for example: 48x48px, 96x96px, 144x144px and so on”
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Is there a plugin that automatically removes scheduled actions?Take control of the system:
Disabling WP-Cron and use the system cron instead:
define( 'DISABLE_WP_CRON', true );
and add a scheduled call to https://YOUR_SITE_URL/wp-cron.php to your systems crontab or an external caller, with your own timing definition.
This is the recommended way to take over the control of WPs cron execition.… or crush the system:
Deleting all WP-Cron entries:
Hook this into something called regulary (of course not as WP-Cron entry itself):_set_cron_array( 'thisisnotanarray' );
But I’m not sure if it’s a good idea to do this…Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Is there a plugin that automatically removes scheduled actions?Try WP Crontrol. It has no automatic deletion, but mass delete.
How do you imagine should any automatic deletion happen? With a scheduled action itself?
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Migrating Multisite. Plugin suggestions?BackWPup can handle multisites, in whole or just the database.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: wie kann ich den fotos und texte ver?ndernMaybe you want to ask at the German support forums?
Visit Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WP renaming image name strangelyYes, correct.
Any “.
” followed by 2-5 letters (a-z, A-Z) will get an “_
But only if those detected possible file extension is not in the list of the allowed extension.So an uploaded file with the name
will becometest.exe_.pdf.a.ab_.abc_.abcd_.abcde_.abcdef.png
In detail:
- .exe: not allowed → becomes .exe_
- .pdf: allowed
- .a and .abcdef: not detected as extensions
- .ab, .abc, .abcd, .abcde: not allowed → _ added
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Safe to delete cache.php from public_htmlJames is right: Yes, your website is infected.
No, deleting the file won’t solve your issue. As you say, it will come back, as long as the the vulnerability that generates it is still unidentified and functional.
within WP is usually not the best idea, butsystem($_GET[…])
is simply a backdoor and doesn’t really try to hide it.
So a simple call ofMYSITEPROFILE.tld?localdate=my_secret_which_matches_the_MD5_check&localtime=do@whatever@i@want
will execute the command “do whatever i want
” at system level (sic!).Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WP renaming image name strangelyIt’s called a sanitized file name. When you upload a file, WP checks if there are possible not allowed file extensions within(!) the filename, and adds a trailing underscore to that part of the file name.
Here the “.cote” is such a not allowed file extensions, so it is sanitized to “.cote_”
See lines 2079-2099 of
(“Loop over any intermediate extensions. Postfix them with a trailing underscore if they are a 2 – 5 character long alpha string not in the allowed extension list.”)