Cyber Sprocket Labs
Forum Replies Created
The plugin should automatically calculate the kilometers. Check to make sure all the settings for the plugin are in Km. If you are still having a problem let us know and we will investigate.
For items that cannot be changed via map settings, you need to use a language translation file.
Not in the current system using the built-in forms. There is a mobile listener built on REST/AJAX (JSONP actually) that could provide that feature but you’d have to custom code it or pay us to code that feature for you.
Not in the current release.
We responded via email. The driving distance would require custom coding, we can do that for a fee. Groups/icons is available with tagging in the Pro Pack add-on. CSV file formats are posted at
@InSightskiin – You need to log into your Google API console and check your settings. There is info in our Wiki ( on how to set your Google API for V3. V2 is in the same place.
@bradnpx – Obviously something changed if it worked for a few days. What else did you change on the site? Or at Google? If you changed something as simple as the host name, base URL, or something similar that puts your domain out of sync with what you registered at Google you can have issues like this.
Pro Pack has those abilities. You can set the default center of the map. There is also a geolocation sensor option in the later versions.
The Pro Pack add-on allows you set a starting center location.
Noted. We are re-organizing at the corporate HQ but have a lot of updates planned for the coming months. This one has been on the list for a while.
Turn off API V2.
Set your retry limit in our main settings page to 3.
We will need to create a feature/patch for this. Let us investigate and see if we can get it into the next release.
It will work worldwide.
You can center the map anywhere you’d like and can set the starting zoom level to a larger world view. You can also tell it to zoom to a bounding box that includes all locations.
Also, make sure you are NOT running PHP4. PHP4 and our plugin (as well as newer versions of WordPress) do not get along.
modify the open_basedir settings on your httpd configuration file.
The open_base_dir setting is primarily used to prevent php scripts for a particular user from accessing files in another user’s account. So usually, any files in your own account should be readable by your own scripts
php_admin_value open_basedir “/home/happyski/public_html/wp-content/plugins/store-locator-le/store-locator-le.php/core/languages/”
er, well, you never know what crazy things programmers will try ?? But seriously, that’s really odd. Can you think of anything that would cause this to happen on that install and not another? I’m checking it out on my end to see if there’s a typo somewhere …