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  • Thread Starter cyberquill


    Done. Hadn’t thought of that. Thank you so much.



    I have no idea why it happens. My “episode” issue suddenly cleared up on its own, and now I can use the word without a problem.

    Thread Starter cyberquill


    In addition, the problem only occurs if the word “episode” is all lower-case letters.

    No problem with “EPISODE”,”Episode”, or “episoDe.” The problem appears to be case-sensitive.

    On my side bar, there’s a “Search Blog” feature. If I type the word “episode” into the search window, the search goes nowhere, i.e., the search page never loads. Searches for “episod” or “Episode,” however, work fine.

    So whoever reads this, perhaps you could go to my blog and type “episode” (all lower-case) into the search window on the side bar and hit “Search Blog.” Does the search page load? Then try other words–or the word EPISODE using all caps–for comparison.

    I’m curious if this phenomenon only occurs on my end here, or if it happens to visitors, too.

    Thread Starter cyberquill


    Thanks. I checked it out. The problem, though, does not appear to reside with my host or server, as all the non-WP pages on my website accept the word “episode” just fine.

    Even if I type the word “episode” into the text-widget on the sidebar, it won’t save it.

    I have the same problem, but I narrowed it down to one single word:

    If I use the word “episode” in any of my drafts, it won’t let me save or preview it. Doesn’t get stranger than this.

    So I’m guessing there is one single word in your text which prevents you from being able to save it.

    Thread Starter cyberquill


    I deactivated Akisment, but the problem remains. I can only post comments when I’m logged in, otherwise I get a “posting too fast” warning, unless I remove the ‘$ip’ from comment.php in wp-includes.

    I don’t really care if I can or can’t post when I’m logged out. I’m always logged in anyway. My only concern is that it may affect some other people, too, and then my blog won’t accept their words of wisdom. Obviously, I do receive comments from other people without apparent difficulty, so I can’t tell if any comments by others have ever been or will ever be rejected on these grounds.

    So for now, as a surefire precaution I’ll just leave the ‘$ip’ removed until I get flooded with spam such that I have to put it back in.

    Thread Starter cyberquill


    Very interesting. Thank you. But if it were the time stamp, then why can I post with no problem when I’m logged in? I don’t think I’m changing time zones when logging out.

    It seems to be related to my IP-address, or else removing ‘$ip’ wouldn’t fix it.


    Thread Starter cyberquill


    Nope. Copying and pasting produces the same result. If I’m logged out and post a comment, I get the “you’re posting too fast” warning. If I remove the ‘$ip’ from comment.php, posting works like a charm.

    I’m using the Akismet anti-spam plugin, and I’ve had ‘$ip’ removed for the last few days. The amount of spam has remained the same.

    Modifying core files may be bad for the soul, but I’ve modified a bunch of them without any trouble. I’ve modified my error messages, too, because the original ones are BORING!!! You can check what I did if you try to leave a comment on my blog without properly completing all required fields. I don’t think, though, that my modifications are the source of this particular problem.

    Thread Starter cyberquill


    You’re right in that these subscription checkboxes seem to be a built-in feature only, so your link about the “approximately equivalent feature” proves itself wrong, as it leads straight to There’s no way to install it on the self-hosted version. Unfortunately, your “fortunately” does not apply.

    Thread Starter cyberquill


    I tried your hack and somehow managed to end up with THREE (!) publish buttons instead of one, thus increasing the chances for accidentally hitting one of them.

    However, at least I learned which file contains the code for the Publish button, so I simply changed the word “Publish” to “P”, thereby making the button a lot smaller, hence more difficult to hit by mistake.

    Big improvement. Thank you.

    Thread Starter cyberquill


    Thank you very much. I wasn’t aware of the IE6 issue. I guess I’ll just wait until IE6 dies out.

    Regarding the phony “posting too fast” warning, the following code is in comment.php (located in wp-includes):

    function check_comment_flood_db( $ip, $email, $date ) {
    	global $wpdb;
    	if ( current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) )
    		return; // don't throttle admins
    	$hour_ago = gmdate( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', time() - 3600 );
    	if ( $lasttime = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT <code>comment_date_gmt</code> FROM <code>$wpdb->comments</code> WHERE <code>comment_date_gmt</code> >= %s AND ( <code>comment_author_IP</code> = %s OR <code>comment_author_email</code> = %s ) ORDER BY <code>comment_date_gmt</code> DESC LIMIT 1", $hour_ago, $ip, $email ) ) ) {
    		$time_lastcomment = mysql2date('U', $lasttime, false);
    		$time_newcomment  = mysql2date('U', $date, false);
    		$flood_die = apply_filters('comment_flood_filter', false, $time_lastcomment, $time_newcomment);
    		if ( $flood_die ) {
    			do_action('comment_flood_trigger', $time_lastcomment, $time_newcomment);
    			if ( defined('DOING_AJAX') )
    				die( __('You are posting comments too quickly.  Slow down.') );

    If I take out the $ip in the very first line of the above block of code, then I can post comments on my own blog even when I’m logged out:

    function check_comment_flood_db( $email, $date )

    The moment I put the $ip back in, I get the “posting too fast” warning no matter how fast or slowly I post:

    function check_comment_flood_db( $ip, $email, $date )

    I don’t understand this.

    Thread Starter cyberquill


    Thank you very much. Interesting. I tried to reply to your post from a logged-out state, and I get the “posting too fast” warning. Maybe it’s my IP address.

    Thread Starter cyberquill


    I figured some of it out. The two checkboxes (“Notify me of new posts via email” and “notify me of follow-up comments via email”) are included in the version but NOT in the self-hosted version. So if you have, you need plugins to get the checkboxes. I found the plugin for the “notify me of followup comments.” So far, I could NOT find a plugin for “notify me of new posts” except for the SUBSCRIBE2 plugin, which isn’t quite what I wanted.

    What do you mean “SubscribeToAny”? You mean AddToAny?

    I can’t find a plugin named SubscribeToAny. AddToAny doesn’t provide a subscribe-to-blog option, at least I don’t see one.

    It seems that these two lines:

    Notify me of follow-up comments via email.
    Notify me of new posts via email.

    are included in the version but not in the version.

    There is a plugin called Subscribe2, but I’d rather have the above two checkboxes. Interesting that they are built into the simple WP version but not into the fancier one. One would think that an advanced version of anything would give you more options, not fewer.

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