Hello Kaspars – Thx for being so quick to release Vsn 1.0.3. Am writing to let you know that Vsn 1.0.3 is NOT working on my WP 4.0 site.
Cannot actually see any of the widget context settings for any widget I’m editing. Here’s what’s happening…
Under the widget you can see your logo with a dropdown of:
– Show widget everywhere
– Show widget on selected
– Hide widget on selected
– Hide widget everywhere
then there’s just a link w/the anchor text: Widget Context Settings
And that just brings you to tbe plugin’s Widget Context Settings Page to check the Enabled Context Modules and Save changes.
So… WHERE’s the place to actually go and set up the widget-specific settings???? THAT section isn’t showing up anywhere. I need to be able to Show widget on selected and then enter a list of targeted page urls… but no can do. Please help ASAP. Our development project’s at a total stand-still! In advance, Thanks!