First, thank you for this plugin. I’m loving it so far.
I do have some questions regarding the Staff page.
Wordpress Version: 3.5.2
Theme: iFeature Pro 5 v. (I am using a child theme)
1) Is there a way to remove the large ‘Archive’ heading on the page?
2) Is there a way to limit the amount of text it shows?
Example: 150 characters then a ‘read more’ link to their actual page.
3) Is there a way to ‘sort’ the Staff entries? The way it is currently working for me, they are shown in order of how we add them.
While initially I could add them in the order I want them to display, it would be an issue when we add someone new since it would throw them up at the top. A sort order would help tremendously. ??
4) Is there a way to add a ‘blurb’ to the page above the Staff list?
Basically, I would like to be able to add an intro type paragraph.
5) Is there a shortcode that could be used instead so it could be set up the way the About Us and Contact Us pages are?
Thank you in advance for your help!