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  • Hi there! I love Tweet My Post, but it inexplicably quit working on October 4th, 2014 with the same things that dakta mentioned–no tweets and a whole bunch of empty log mentions since then.

    I’m not so good with backend code, so I’ve had no luck trying to fix this–I’m afraid to reset any of the consumer keys, etc., without really knowing what I’m deleting/changing. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. ??

    (Also, what is a “callback endpoint” and where do I put it?)

    Thread Starter CuriousLittleBird


    I fixed the problem in Firefox–part of it lay in the archive.php file, where the content <div> was not ended, allowing the category archives to overflow into the footer.

    The other part of it was apparently WordPress itself–it seemed to need time for the layout to “settle in” on the dashboard. Overnight, the latest posts page fixed itself

    Pardon the code flood and my snippiness–this project has been driving me absolutely bonkers for the last five months.

    Now, this layout is horribly broken in IE, but …well, that’s IE. ??

    Thread Starter CuriousLittleBird


    I explained why I don’t want to post a link to the site–I want to have this problem fixed before I let it go live on my client’s site. I can’t duplicate the problem on the test-site–that’s exactly the issue I was looking for help with, why one WP site shows it fine and the other won’t.

    Thanks anyway.

    Thread Starter CuriousLittleBird


    Thank you, esmi! I finally found the setting in Settings > Reading (took a bit of digging with the slightly changed-around 3.2.1 dashboard), and all it needed was to change “Front page loads ((static page name))” to “Front page loads latest posts”. Awesome! Many, many thanks!

    Thread Starter CuriousLittleBird


    Thank you both for your help! I upgraded successfully to the newest version using these tips. The manual upgrades worked much more smoothly than I expected.

    Thread Starter CuriousLittleBird


    @digital Raindrops: That little change in the file path fixed it! The images are now showing up, and I’ve been able to fix the rest of the layout now that the images are in place. (Note to self: if you want the sidebar to display before the content, you kinda have to put get_sidebar before the content div on the index page. :D)

    Many thanks to Digital Raindrops, esmi, and alchymyth for responding to this thread and helping to figure out yet another theme problem! ??

    Thread Starter CuriousLittleBird


    @david: Thank you for the detailed sections of code!

    I do have differing stylesheets for the various categories, and I can tell that the stylesheets themselves are working–I used a code like this to make them work:

    <?php if ( is_category('battlestations', 'fleet') ) {?>
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php bloginfo('template_url'); ?>/battlestations.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />;
    <?php } elseif ( is_category('lifeboat') ) { ?>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php bloginfo('template_url'); ?>/lifeboat.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />;
    <?php } elseif ( is_category('who') ) { ?>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php bloginfo('template_url'); ?>/who.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />;
    <?php } elseif ( is_category('worldconq') ){ ?>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php bloginfo('template_url'); ?>/worldconq.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />;
    <?php } else { ?>
       <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_url'); ?>" type="text/css" media="screen" />;

    This is definitely working for me–I just can’t get the image files to load from within the stylesheets. It seems that the way I’ve linked to the images from within each stylesheet is not working.

    I used /wp-content/themes/THEMENAME/images/IMAGENAME.png (that file path style, at least) to link to each of the images, like so:

    background-image: url('/wp-content/themes/gorilla_games/images/bg8.png');

    But this file path has not worked, and using the get_stylesheet_directory_uri() didn’t work, either. (I was wondering why I would use PHP in the middle of a CSS file anyway–very confused!)

    I am still very untrained with PHP and WordPress (self-taught in all things webdesign), so a lot of the tuts on the internet are way above my head right now. I was just wondering how to get the right type of filepath for the images.

    I’ve done the “/wp-content/”-style filepaths for my images on my 2.9.2 install and it works great; I’m working with 3.1.3 on my test site, and it’s like I didn’t even type anything in for an image. The install version I’m designing for is a much earlier version of WP, so I was wondering if earlier versions accepted the absolute-ish filepaths while newer ones want you to do some kind of dynamic PHP code instead.

    Thread Starter CuriousLittleBird


    @esmi: Thank you for replying! ??

    I took your suggestion and put that bit of code into the main style.css file of my theme, wherever an image needed to be loaded, but it didn’t seem to change anything, even after several resaves and refreshes. (I tried both <?php echo get_stylesheet_directory_uri();?>/IMAGENAME.png and <?php echo get_stylesheet_directory_uri();?>/images/IMAGENAME.png, with no luck.)

    With my style.css and alternate stylesheets, I’m trying to call background images for each of the divs so that I can float text atop them. Is there a way to do that and do Category Templates as well?

    [Side Note: I’m running a WP 2.9.2 blog and have had success using the file paths like “wp-content/themes/THEMENAME/images/IMAGENAME.php” for my images called from within my stylesheet. However, the test site is running 3.1.3, and those file paths don’t work. (The site I’m building the theme for is running a much, much older version of WP.) Would the various WP versions have anything to do with the images showing up/not showing up?]

    Thread Starter CuriousLittleBird


    After much, much searching and code-trying, I found something that has worked to switch category looks: using a PHP if-else statement to switch out the stylesheets depending on which category is being viewed.

    This is the code I’m using in my header:

    <?php if ( is_category('battlestations', 'fleet') ) {?>
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php bloginfo('template_url'); ?>/battlestations.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />;
    <?php } elseif ( is_category('lifeboat') ) { ?>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php bloginfo('template_url'); ?>/lifeboat.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />;
    <?php } elseif ( is_category('who') ) { ?>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php bloginfo('template_url'); ?>/who.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />;
    <?php } elseif ( is_category('worldconq') ){ ?>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php bloginfo('template_url'); ?>/worldconq.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />;
    <?php } else { ?>
       <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_url'); ?>" type="text/css" media="screen" />;

    This is working–I can tell by the different colors of the links and text on the screen that the different CSS stylesheets are being called and used.

    Unfortunately, the layout is still kind of screwy (definitely not how it displays in just-HTML), and the images still aren’t showing up–is this the incorrect way to call images from within a stylesheet?


    Thread Starter CuriousLittleBird


    I finally found a copy of category.php (it was not part of the WP download I got, nor was it part of my install). But I’m still very confused.

    From what I’m seeing, the various category-slug.php files would all call the same header, which is problematic for me because all my layout info is in the stylesheet, which is part of the header. If they all call the same header, they will all look the same. This is what I’m not understanding about the category.php file.

    The five linked screenshots below are the five different category looks I need:

    Main/News Look–should be default for home page, news, and blog
    Category 1
    Category 2
    Category 3
    Category 4 (with a child category)

    The layouts aren’t that different from each other, but they require different CSS colors, as well as different header, background, and footer images. Where would all this differing information go, if not in the header? The category-slug.php pages don’t really have a space for that, or at least not from what I’m seeing.

    It would make oodles more sense to me if the category.php file were like a separate header for each category look. But from what I’m seeing, it’s like a separate index page calling the same exact header, which is the wall I’ve been bashing my head against all night.

    Thread Starter CuriousLittleBird


    I’ve been testing and resaving for the last few hours with no success, and I looked back over the Category Templates page. It’s saying to save various category layouts as either category-id.php (replace “id” with the number) or category-slug.php (replace “slug” with the named slug of each category).

    I’m now wondering how to construct a correct category-slug.php page. What does it need to have in it? Does it need:

    • Everything from !DOCTYPE to </html> for a normal WP theme?
    • OR

    • Just the information you’d put in a normal WP header file?

    See, the article talks all around the category-slug.php page, but it doesn’t tell you what’s supposed to go IN that page, and that’s what’s frustrating the daylights out of me. I don’t know if I’m supposed to make a separate stylesheet for every category-slug.php page or leave it internal, and I’m lost as to how to call the pages correctly after they’re made.

    Sigh. I need a tutor to just come over to my computer, look at my computer screen, and tell me what to do.

    Thread Starter CuriousLittleBird


    For each category, I want a different header image, footer image, and repeating background image. (I loaded all those in an /images/ file folder within the .zip file I used to load my theme.) I linked to all of them using the folder path style I’ve been using on my other blog (I checked to make sure I was typing the correct theme name), but none of the images show up. I’ve even typed the URL pointing straight to one of the images in the /images/folder, and it’s there–something in the file just won’t call it right.

    I’m not using different classes with each different style, nor the body_class (had no idea the latter existed). I was relying on the various internal stylesheets within each category’s header file to change the look. I’m not sure if the external stylesheet required by WordPress is simply overriding what is in the category header files or what.

    I have a test site set up at, and…I’m not sure what’s wrong with it. The CSS kinda works (the widths of the content and sidebar aren’t right, but the colors are right for the front page).

    I’m not very experienced with either WordPress or PHP (have been trying to learn it for months and it is very difficult for me to pick up on), so it may be that the if-elseif-else thing I cobbled together isn’t right.

    Thread Starter CuriousLittleBird


    I have been trying this, and it doesn’t seem to work–the categories switch just fine, but the CSS doesn’t change. Am I supposed to make a separate style-CATEGORYNAME.css file for each separate header-CATEGORYNAME.php file?

    Also, all the images are missing from the display, even though they were uploaded through the .zip file just as all the WP files were. I’ve changed all the images’ paths to /wp-content/themes/MYTHEMENAME/images/IMAGENAME.png, and nothing helps. (This configuration worked on my main WordPress blog, so I’m not sure why it’s not working here.)

    Thread Starter CuriousLittleBird


    Since I would be basically calling a different header, footer, and sidebar with each category, is_category would seem to work best.

    I imagine I would name the different header templates for the different category IDs or slugs, such as “header-news.php”, “header-maintenance.php”, etc. when using the is_category, such as:

    <?php if ( is_category('news') ) {
              get_header('news'); } ?>

    Thank you for the reply, and I’ll try the is_category tag and see if it does what I need it to do!

    Thread Starter CuriousLittleBird


    @esmi: Thank you so much for that suggestion! single.php was missing from my theme files entirely, so I built one based on the default theme’s single.php. With one last correction of a syntax error, the comments form finally showed up, and I did test it on an older entry and found that it worked.

    Many thanks and much appreciation for your help! ?? YAY comments work, at last! ??

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