Curdin Krummenacher
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Plugin page is not showing plugins correctlyHi,
It sounds likely that a plugin is actually breaking the plugin interface. Try disabling plugins manually, one-by-one, until you have found the culprit. Info on how you can disable plugins without the admin UI is a Google search away – here’s a start:
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Firewall rules for WordPressHi,
WordPress needs access to the a range of sites using HTTP and HTTPS over port 80 and 443.
You could try locking it down to * but I’d keep it open to the internet at large.
If you are behind a proxy you can also set proxy settings in wp-config.php as follows:
/* Configure proxy Server */ define('WP_PROXY_HOST', 'proxy'); define('WP_PROXY_PORT', '8080'); define('WP_PROXY_USERNAME', ''); define('WP_PROXY_PASSWORD', ''); define('WP_PROXY_BYPASS_HOSTS', 'localhost');
Lastly, if you want to make WordPress not connect to the internet at all you can set
to true in wp-config.php. If this is not set but your firewall is blocking traffic it can really slow down the WordPress UI. This is because some admin screens in particular will request external resources, eg. WordPress news RSS feed, and not render until the request times out.Hope this helps
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: White border around lightbox imageHi,
Something like
#body .gallery img { border: 2px solid white; }
should do the trick.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: html app cache when already have .htaccessHi,
appcache enables a browser to cache content for offline use, while the expiry headers set in .htaccess generally only speed the site up when you do have a connection. The .htaccess settings will not allow you to view the site when offline.
Do note that appcache can be quite difficult to maintain. A more modern approach to making a site available offline is using Service Workers. This approach also seems more flexible and robust if you are heading down that way.
If you simply want to speed the site up I suggest looking into a caching plugin like WP Supercache which takes care of not only the cache headers, but also page level caching. Another avenue to explore would be to use a CDN – Cloudflare provides a free one for small sites.
Hope this helps
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Wrong URL formation on some linksHi,
Have you tried disabling and reenabling the polylang plugin? Maybe it reads the site_url on install. As to why links still point to the old url – presumably these are absolute links? You could update the links manually if there are only a few, or do a search and replace in the database if there are many.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Hardening wordpress: can’t get file ownerships rightHi,
Have you followed the guide on which explains permissions?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WordPress site hackedHi,
The simplest way to fix this is to restore the website from backup and then immediately update WordPress and plugins. Ideally you’d do this while the website is not publicly available.
Alternatively, if you don’t have a backup available try and log in to the site and disable your plugins one by one and see whether this removes the redirect.
In general always make sure your site is up to date and that you only install plugins from trustworthy sources like the WordPress Plugin directory.
Hope this helps
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WordPress files on dedicated server?Hi,
That sounds like you’re in a bit of a pickle. You’ll need to get access to the backend of WordPress somehow, whether it is via FTP or SSH. Did your developer leave any passwords/accesskeys behind? Alternatively, maybe your hosting provider can help you with getting access.
Once you find a way in there are a number of methods to change the url back to your subdomain, see . At that point I’d look at engaging a developer that you can get hold off when you need to and get them to make your site live. It probably needs some DNS changes and possibly other steps before going live.
All the best
Forum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: Changing the wordpress post IDHi,
As far as I know the post ID is sequential and numerical, and cannot be changed from that format. If you raised this because you are looking to update the url structure you can do so in Permalinks Settings,
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Organizing a lot of photosHi,
This is my personal opinion. WordPress’ media library has improved massively over the years and is quite slick but for that amount of media you might need some additional management tools.
You’ve already identified that you need some means of categorising. I’d spend some more time working out what else you need to manage a library of that size and then look at using or writing a plugin to extend to the additional functions required.When looking at plugins also look at more framework based ones. Eg allows for extending media with taxonomies I believe.
Hope this helps somewhat ??
Couldn’t you simply do a conditional in the
file using either permalink functions or perhaps the REQUEST_URI server variable?Using REQUEST_URI you could do something along the following pseudo code
if post_date < cutoff_date <link href="" rel="canonical" /> else <link href="" rel="canonical" /> endif
Let me know how you get on
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Hyperlinks adding my website name at beginningHi,
Did you copy this link tag from somewhere? It looks like the link tag uses curly quotation marks rather than straight ones. This creates invalid HTML.
<a href=””target=”new”>GRAMMY Awards</a>
should be
<a href="" target="new">GRAMMY Awards</a>
If you didn’t copy this url but the editor inserted the link like this I’d disable all plugins to ensure they are not causing the issue.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Menu stopped workingHi,
It appears there are a couple of javascript issues that are likely preventing the pages from loading. Your theme depends on javascript to do pageloads which isn’t great. Anyway, to fix it you need to resolve these issues. The first oneis that your Google Maps request is missing an API key. See screenshot attached.
Hope this helps
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: make embed short code responsive or narrowerHi,
Are you using a plugin to provide embed functionality, as I think WordPress doesn’t provide this out of the box? If you are using a plugin I’d suggest directing this question at the plugin author.
Hi gameslopedy,
You should be able to remove the field by unsetting the url field via the comment_form_default_fields filter. In a simple plugin, or alternatively in functions.php use something like
function disable_website_field($fields) { if(isset($fields['url'])) unset($fields['url']); return $fields; } add_filter('comment_form_default_fields', 'disable_website_field');
This should do the trick. Filters and actions are your friend when it comes to amending default functionality