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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Cunjo: The Best Free Social Share Plugin] Facebook share bad countHi tons of sorry for the late reply but we were very busy these days. If you need to change counter for inline buttons with counter these are the instructions:
Open file !Share.php in plugin’s folder;
Find line 203 ($counters[‘facebookcounter’] = ‘<span class=”sh-counter”>’.format_num($SocialStats->get_facebook_total()).'</span>’;)
Replace $SocialStats->get_facebook_total() with $SocialStats->get_facebook_share()If you need to change the floating bars, right now that’s not possible since the bars are loaded from our servers. We might change our strategy and instead of showing total social signals, show just shares count on the floating bars.
Again sorry for the delay.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Cunjo: The Best Free Social Share Plugin] Waiting for an ID :-(Because there is no reply in more that 48hours we will mark this as resolved
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Cunjo: The Best Free Social Share Plugin] Not displaying the Plugin at allHi, thank you for contacting us. I can see at the end of this post for example:
the inline buttons with title Share the Wealth. Were exactly you want to display the inline buttons? The inline buttons once activated are displayed on all individual posts and pages.
Hi, I can see the inline buttons on about us contact us and so on. You cannot see them on inxed/main page because the plugin restricts inline buttons to be shown on home page and category/post listings. If you need to show the inline buttons also on home page let me know.
Hi, i just checked your link and can’t see any error messages. I also inspected the widget and the response from our server is the regular one, no errors. Can you show us an example. Thank you
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Cunjo: The Best Free Social Share Plugin] Google CountHi, we had this issue reported and is going to be fixed next update, the class used to retrieve share counts was working on !Share 1.5 beta but i think was formatted the wrong way on the official release. So have to get into that. Thanks again
Hi, thank you for your bug report. I will take a look into that and notify you. Cheers
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Cunjo: The Best Free Social Share Plugin] Tumblr Not FoundI will take a look at it, will notify you. Thank you
I just did HERE is a screenshot with the test with is_front_page() || is_home(). the index page has loaded in 981ms, the share icons sprite image in 160ms and the network loading has ended at 3.6s because i have on that wordpress the sharebar witch as stated is loaded remotely. you can make the test yourself as
Thank you again for your interest in !Share by Cunjo
Hi, and sorry for the late reply. There is no option right now for that in the dashboard. And yes that is true, that’s how you will show the inline buttons on home/index page but by modifying that file on the next update your modifications will be overwritten.
About your tests, I’m not quite sure you have it right. The inline buttons on posts/pages load under 1s (usually 150-200ms) cause all it has to load is a sprite image with all icons.
And if you were talking about the bars, well the bars take arrown 5s to load being generated from our server. That’s if you dont have any other scripts slowing down your loading events.
I really don’t think you that the inline buttons load in 20 seconds, that is quite a huge figure and you should show us some stats, or send us a url where we can see the plugin in action and test it.
Thank you
Hi, thank you for using !Share.
It will be released probably within a month or so, we are working on this in spare time since the plugin is free and analytics will be free as well. But since we had a lot of people asking about this feature we are doing everything possible to finish it quick.
About google analytics, the answer is not quite. We are not adopting Shareaholic’s strategy that ask you for your google analytics id and shows you stats from your google account.
We will not rely on third party api’s (ie. google) we will have our own api’s and we will store all shares and clicks stats on our servers.
You will be able to track who shared what, who clicked on those shared posts/updates/tweets for all your websites from one account with only one !Share ID, by login to your !Share account on our website or, with version 2.0 of the !Share plugin, from your wp-admin area.
That’s all the insights i can give you at this point about the future social analytics.
Again, thank you for using !Share. May you have millions of social signals ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Cunjo: The Best Free Social Share Plugin] Plugin not workingHi, it seems like a javascript error. We enqueue the scripts the proper way in wp-admin so my guess is that another plugin is generating some errors in wp-admin and causing our scripts to crash. You can debug the bage and see what is causing the errors. You can also send us temporary access to your wp-admin so we can see what the issue is. You can send login details at [email protected] with this support topic url ( Thank you
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Cunjo: The Best Free Social Share Plugin] Facebook share bad countthere are actually social signals counter for facebook. Meaning it will count all facebook, shares likes and comments about that particular link. If this bothers you i can tell you witch file to edit to only show facebook shares. Cheers
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Cunjo: The Best Free Social Share Plugin] Waiting for an ID :-(Hi, were sorry for any problems caused. We might have down time with our mail server because of the high requests. Can you send an email at [email protected] from the email used to generate the ID and I will retrieve your !Share ID and reply to your email. Email sunject and message “Please retrieve my ID”. Again sorry for the troubles. With the future release of the social analytics features will implement a share id retriever option. Waiting for your email ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Cunjo: The Best Free Social Share Plugin] Facebook Share Not WorkingHi, we will add this function within a couple of days, will let you know. Cheers