Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Cunjo: The Best Free Social Share Plugin] Facebook Share Not WorkingHi, can you please provide a link to your website, with the plugin active. This kind of messages are not from our message, but from restrictions on your profile, but send a link so we can take a look and give you a thought. Thank you for using !Share
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Cunjo: The Best Free Social Share Plugin] Pinterest and Sidebar IssuesThank you for your amazing feedback, we will take in account your requests. The First and last ones are already planned for after we release the free analytics features.We will also fix that issue with restriction against clicking on a disable button.
About the donation, it will be more than a generous donation for us if you could recommend !Share to people.
Again, thank you, and may you get millions of social signals ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Cunjo: The Best Free Social Share Plugin] Maintain Counts?We will definitely test the widget on Volt and fix it (if other can, we can to). But that will be in future releases since right now were focused on rolling out the Analytics features for !Share.
I can offer you another solution. Head to on the right side box (Get the widget!) click on Embedded Version, on first step select Website option and go trough the steps to create your inline buttons, at the end, on the right hand side form insert your !Share ID and hit generate code. Copy the generated code, head to your wp installation, Appearence > Editor, on the right side select for example content.php, find
<?php the_content();?>
and after or before paste the copied code (depending if you want to show icons above or under content), do this to all post types files you want to show the widget on, ie content-page.php, content-mycustom.php (the structure of these files depend on the theme). See if that works. The down side with embedded version is that you can only use one widget per page, meaning you cannot use inline and bar in the same time, also you can not use inline twice in a page.Thank you for using !Share, we will let you know when we will have that issue fixed.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Cunjo: The Best Free Social Share Plugin] Maintain Counts?Ok, i’ve seen this error to another user, but i can’t seem to be able to replicate it although I have tested the buttons on over 30 themes. For some reason wp formats the icons, wraps them up in p tags and duplicates them. This is an issue with some themes or text formatting plugins it seems. Can you pm me on [email protected] with the theme that you use so i can try to replicate this error and solve this major issue. Thank you
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Cunjo: The Best Free Social Share Plugin] Maintain Counts?Can you activate the plugin again for a second so i can see what’s wrong? Thanks.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Cunjo: The Best Free Social Share Plugin] Pinterest and Sidebar IssuesYes, as I was suspecting, you used message on sidebar left, that is not supported, only top and bottom bars support attention grabber features. The script should’nt let you select attention grabber features for sidebars (left/right) and elegant bars (bottom/left). I will have to inspect the plugin, see why you were able to select the message feature. So please if you want to display a message use the bars that support text (top & bottom bars). Thank you
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Cunjo: The Best Free Social Share Plugin] Maintain Counts?Hi, what you have on the bottom of your post is not our plugin, thats ShareThis plugin, our plugin is !Share by Cunjo.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Cunjo: The Best Free Social Share Plugin] Maintain Counts?Hi, can you post a link here with your website and active !Share buttons so I can see if there is any issue with it? If not pm me on [email protected]. Thank you
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Cunjo: The Best Free Social Share Plugin] Pinterest and Sidebar IssuesHi, thank you for using !Share. We are aware on the issues with pinterest image, since the share bars are generated from our server, we try to retrieve first image existent on the page and assign it to the pinterest share link. We are thinking of some fixes for that issue. About messages on bars, they should be only displayed on bottom and tom bars. Did you manage to add a message to left/right sidebars? If you were refering to bottom/top bars please activate the bar on your website so I can see what the issue is and try to find the solution.
Thank you
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Cunjo: The Best Free Social Share Plugin] Maintain Counts?Hi, as I stated before, the plugin takes social signals from the actual social networks. Please send a link so we can see what are the links you have previous shares and now are not showing, also you can test if you have social signals for a link to our website if the search result there is different from the one you see on your buttons it means that the counter class is not retrieving the correct url. Also, are you sure your previous plugin was actually sharing the content on social networks or only saved clicks to share on your database. Usually the way scripts that save shares in your database work is that when someone clicks on share icon the script saves the request in your database, but the script has no ideea if after that the user submited the share/shared tweeted or he just closed the window after he clicked on icon.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Cunjo: The Best Free Social Share Plugin] Maintain Counts?Hi, the plugin uses the social networks api, for example if you have a page that was shared on facebook 32 times facebook saved those records and makes them available in form of an api. We take those informations from the api and display it on your website. So the answer is yes, we get the social signals from source, it should show same as your previous plugins. Thank you
We will set this support topic as resolved. Thank you.
Hi, thank you for using !Share. At this stage there is not an option in the settings panel to disable inline buttons on specific pages post types. We will add this option in future releases.
I’ve created a piece of code for you to use if you want until we release this feature. You can place it in functions.php so it will not brake on future updates.
Here’s the code:
function remove_cunjoshare($content) { if(is_single( '2057' )) { remove_filter( 'the_content', 'cunjo_displayline'); } return $content; } add_filter( 'the_content', 'remove_cunjoshare', 1);
1. Go to your wp-admin > Appearence > Editor;
2. From the list on the left find and click on functions.php (title usually is Theme Functions);
3. Paste the code from above in the editor, under the existent code;
4. In the pasted function change the code is_single(‘2057’) with the appropriate one.
For example if you want to remove buttons from entire post type change to this'book' == get_post_type()
where book is your custom post type. If you want to remove the buttons just from few posts you can use this insteadis_single( array( 17, 19, 1, 11 ) )
and change the numbers inside array with the desired post id’s.If you have any difficulties with this send me an email at [email protected], will be glad to further assist you.
Again, sorry for not having that option into settings at this moment.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Cunjo: The Best Free Social Share Plugin] Not workingHi again, i see your website is under construction, can you drop me a line with a page where the inline buttons are active at [email protected]. It’s an issue with your theme compatibility, something goes wrong when attaching icons to the content. If you can send me that link I can try to figure out what is causing the issue. Thanks
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Cunjo: The Best Free Social Share Plugin] Not workingHi, sorry for the delay. We changed tome things for inline buttons and fixed some issues. Can you try the latest version and let me know if it works for you. We had a couple of other users with same issue like yours and it seems to be fixed for them in the latest version. Thank you