I’d like to add I’m having the same problem. The Read More even took on my custom CSS for styling a button that has a link. Just not clickable!
I also did the same troubleshooting. I’m running the latest WordPress build on WP 4.3.1 and Theme version 1.0.11. I also have Jetpack connected if that would help any.
For now, I will probably try to hide the button until this is fixed.
While the WordPress.com’s version of the page does work for me. It just doesn’t work on the .ORG side built on my rented linux server. When I hover on WordPress.com, I see a link pop up in the bottom of my browser to indicate if I click, I’ll move down to the rest of the content.
When I’m on my theme build, this is not the case. Nothing happens when I hover over Read More.