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  • Thread Starter crystalm36


    o thanks CrouchingBruin for checking back with me.
    My site is hard to view because I am building this website solely to use in an app plugin. So what you are seeing on the desktop or laptop is not necessarily what you are going to see in the app on a mobile device. But I since figured out what to do. I had to play around in custom css and had to add !important to get some of the changes to show up. Thanks so much because I couldn’t have gotten any of this without your suggestions!

    .site-content .entry-header,
    .site-content .entry-meta,
    .site-content .entry-content,
    .site-content .entry-summary,
    .page-content {
        background: #B6B19E;
    .single-format-aside #content,
    .single-format-aside #content .hentry,
    .single-format-aside #content .hentry header,
    .single-format-aside #content .entry-content,
    .single-format-aside #content .entry-title,
    .single-format-aside #content .featured-content .entry-title,
    .single-format-aside #content a {
       background-color: #ffffff;
       color: #222016 !important;
    background-color: #B6B19E !important;
    .entry-title {
    	font-size: 18px;
    	font-weight: 300;
    	line-height: 1.0909090909;
    	margin-bottom: 8px;
    	margin: 0 0 12px 0;
    	text-transform: uppercase;
    .single-format-audio #content,
    .single-format-audio #content .hentry,
    .single-format-audio #content .hentry header,
    .single-format-audio #content .entry-content,
    .single-format-audio #content .entry-title,
    .single-format-audio #content .featured-content .entry-title,
    .single-format-audio #content a,
    .single-format-video #content,
    .single-format-video #content .hentry,
    .single-format-video #content .hentry header,
    .single-format-video #content .entry-content,
    .single-format-video #content .entry-title,
    .single-format-video #content .featured-content .entry-title,
    .single-format-video #content a {
       background-color: #222;
       color: #ffffff !important;
    .post-thumbnail {
    	background: #222;
    	display: block;
    	position: relative;
    	width: 100%;
    	z-index: 0;
    } {
    	background-color: #222;
    Thread Starter crystalm36


    Ok CrouchingBruin,
    I was able to change everything you said with the css above. But I wanted to make the title white on this page:

    I wanted the 6 – Science & Statistics Say So to be white font

    I can’t get it to change. I know that the colors haven’t changed none on this but it has changed on my app. I used this to change it:

    .single-format-audio #content,
    .single-format-audio #content .hentry,
    .single-format-audio #content .hentry header,
    .single-format-audio #content .entry-content,
    .single-format-audio #content .entry-title,
    .single-format-audio #content .featured-content .entry-title,
    .single-format-audio #content a,
    .single-format-video #content,
    .single-format-video #content .hentry,
    .single-format-video #content .hentry header,
    .single-format-video #content .entry-content,
    .single-format-video #content .entry-title,
    .single-format-video #content .featured-content .entry-title,
    .single-format-video #content a {
       background-color: #3D3A38;
       color: #fff;

    Have any ideas what to do?

    Thread Starter crystalm36



    Thread Starter crystalm36


    Thread Starter crystalm36


    Found the answer!!! YAY!

    In case the site goes down this is what I done. Added this piece of code to the functions.php

    // Change Previous / Next Text
    if( ! function_exists(twentyfourteen_post_nav) ) { function twentyfourteen_post_nav() { 
    	echo '<nav class="navigation post-navigation" role="navigation">
    			<div class="nav-links">';
    							previous_post_link( '%link', __( '<span class="meta-nav">Previous</span>%title', 'twentyfourteen' ), true );
    							next_post_link( '%link', __( '<span class="meta-nav">Next</span>%title', 'twentyfourteen' ), true );
    	echo '</div><!-- .nav-links -->
    		</nav><!-- .navigation -->';
    Thread Starter crystalm36


    You’re right, it does do the previous and next. But I have posts that are in categories and I would like to do is have the next and previous to open up the next post in that category alone not in another category. Does that make sense?

    Thread Starter crystalm36


    James do you know anything about getting the next and previous posts to open in just the category that it is in? Know what I mean?

    Thread Starter crystalm36


    Thank you! It worked!

    Thread Starter crystalm36


    Thanks! I didn’t know that there was a theme forum specifically for twenty fourteen!

    [continued at ]

    Thread Starter crystalm36


    Ok great! That answers my question. I thought that when I updated my wordpress that the twenty fourteen template would get updated along with it. So that eases my mind that it won’t. Thank you for all the good information!

    Thread Starter crystalm36


    Well this is the thing, I am trying to make an app using wordpress and the child theme doesn’t load correctly in the plugin that I am using to create the app. It works just fine using the original template. My hopes was to get this fixed but I am not having much luck getting the developer of the app fixing it. So I figured I would try another theme that didn’t come with WordPress install. I figured that when WordPress did an update to their cms then there is a chance that the stocked template may get updated as well and I would lose the changes I made. Is my thinking right or am I still not getting it?

    Thread Starter crystalm36


    I had a couple of spaces above my <php so that fixed it.
    Thanks for your help

    Thread Starter crystalm36


    Nope I am still experiencing errors
    I keep getting this one, does this make sense to you?

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/getalife1/public_html/mobile/wp-content/themes/twentyfourteen-child/functions.php:3) in /home/getalife1/public_html/mobile/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1167

    Thread Starter crystalm36


    That’s ok I think I got it… I went and reloaded some things I had made changes to and it’s working now
    Thank you!

    Thread Starter crystalm36


    I keep getting this error:
    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/getalife1/public_html/mobile/wp-content/themes/twentyfourteen-child/functions.php:3) in /home/getalife1/public_html/mobile/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1167

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