Hi, I just installed this as well.
anywhere you want to include language tags OUTSIDE of posts, thread titles or catagory titles, use:
<?php _e(“[lang_en]en[/lang_en][lang_fr]fr[/lang_fr]”); ?>
for example, I have a header image. I made a directory en and fr and put logo.jpg in both (one english, one french) and used the following: <img src=”<?php bloginfo(‘template_url’); ?>/images/<?php _e(“[lang_en]en[/lang_en][lang_fr]fr[/lang_fr]”); ?>/logo.jpg”>
works on my end.
I guess what you will have to do is find the code where your upcoming events tile is and surround it with <?php e(” and “); ?>
that should work.
I need help too, I need to know how to not show up a post if there is no translation for it!