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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Change Table Prefix] Security warnings when trying to update to version 1.4Apologies for the delay replying! (I thought that I would receive an email notifying me of any replies but I didn’t.)
I have just tried to update again just now and there was no problem this time – the update went through.
I wish I could remember what the message said – all I can recall is that it was a big red box and that the wording included something like, “This plugin update has been blocked because . . . ”
Whatever the problem was, it has gone now ??
Thank you for replying and apologies again for not getting back to you sooner.
Ooops! I edited while you were posting – thank you – useful to know that I can get rid of the whole file ??
Thank you @adschnelle ??
Now – what the heck do I do about that . . . life is too short for this sort of thing ;-(
Oh – that was easy ?? Found the readme.txt file in the plugin and deleted that url.
Thank you again for your time and help @adschelle!
No probs ??
I suspected that it might be something going loopy on the Wordfence end but thought it best to check, in case something nasty had snuck in at my end and addled the plugin on my site ??
Best wishes,
CrlyWrlyForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Twitter Mentions As Comments] completely broken due to twitter api updateI have had this plugin for a quite a while and just had an alert:
“Twitter Mentions as Comments: Twitter Consumer Key and Consumer Secret are missing.”
It is version 1.5.6
I re-entered them and everything seems to be OK – just thought I would let you know in case thekey and the secret should not have disappeared.
@krishna Thanks for the link – I have already read that one before asking here – and everything else I could find about security and password protecting directories both in WordPress Support and elsewhere – but I could not find the answer to my question ;-/
Thank you anyway,
Best wishes,
CrlywrlyForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Saving draft lost all content added since previous saveHi Munny1 ??
Thank you so much for for replying so quickly!
The good news is that my most recent version was there but at first it wasn’t – I will explain.
When I did what you said, the top of this list showed a revision with a timestamp that was (now about 6 hours ago) a few minutes after the timestamp of the previous save that seemed to have got “stuck”.
When I looked at the contents it was a revision from around that time, so still missing all the more recent content.
However, when I scrolled down again there were revisions with more more recent timestamps. There was still a 4 hour “gap” where there were no revisions so I was not sure if the more recent revisions would be any different.
All the revisions up to the last one before the 4 hour gap only have one column of radio buttons on the left – the “Old” column.
There are three revisions after the 4 hour gap and they all have radio buttons in both the “Old” and the “New” columns.
The first two of these revision are recorded at exactly the same time and differ by one word only.
The third revision, ie. the current revision, is about an hour later than the two identically-timed revisions (and an hour ago from now at the time stands). However, it omits all the text that was added over the four hour period and apart form two instances of
is identical to the text of the save that seemed to get stuck.So there seems to have been a problem for about 4 hours when there were no autosaves taking place.
Then when I initiated a save, there were two saves at almost exactly the same time, which were successful bu appeared not to be.
Then an hour after that there seems to have been an autosave of the “old” version, ie. from before the 4 hour gap.
I don’t know if it helps anyone to know all that. I cannot make sense of it – I am just very grateful to you for explaining how I could recover all that work!
Many thanks again – now for some sleep! ??
Best wishes,