What is not clear to me is whether it is possible how to control the way the feed is rendered on OTHER sites, not on my own. So far, everything I am seeing about this widget appears to be about displaying it on the WordPress site itself.
I would like the URL’s anchors for “continue reading” etc to open in a new Window on the host site (not mine) so that my content doesn’t render in their iframe.
Mind you, it could be that this all possible and that Better-RSS isn’t working for me. Besides showing up in my control panel and being activated and appearing in my Widgets, I see no evidence of it running. There is mention of “replacing” the existing built-in RSS widget, but – once again – I don’t know if this means the RSS braodcast, or the RSS widget – nor do I see any mechanism for “replacing” it.
I’m quite ready to admit my ignorance on the topic!