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  • Hey @fruchtfliege,

    I just stumbled upon what appears to be the same (or at least very similar) issue and after a lot of troubleshooting, I discovered that since PHP error reporting was on, there was a PHP Warning about missing arguments and the HTML for that warning was being returned instead of valid JSON. After I set the following in the wp-config.php file, my forms started submitting normally again.

    define('WP_DEBUG', false);
    define( 'WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', false );
    @ini_set( 'display_errors', 0 );

    It may or may not be a solution to your specific issue but since I consistently found this post in my trip through Google searches, I figured it couldn’t hurt to provide a potential solution.

    Hope it helps!


    Thread Starter Craig Ralston


    So I played around with this a little more and I am now exposing the Job Information field (this was not available when I replied above) using the following code:

    add_action( 'rest_api_init', 'slug_register_job_content' );
    function slug_register_job_content() {
    	register_rest_field( 'jobman_job',
    			'get_callback'    => 'slug_get_job_content',
    			'update_callback' => null,
    			'schema'          => null,
    function slug_get_job_content( $object, $field_name, $request ) {
    	$jobs = get_posts( 'post_type=jobman_job&numberposts=-1' );
    	foreach( $jobs as $job ) {
    	    return get_post_meta( $job->ID, 'data5', $job->post_content, true );
    Thread Starter Craig Ralston


    Hey Thomas,

    If you install the latest version of your plugin along with the WP REST API (which is already partially merged into core as a feature plugin), you are unable to access any data from the custom post types that this plugin registers.

    With both plugins installed, visit and you will see:

    {"code":"rest_no_route","message":"No route was found matching the URL and request method","data":{"status":404}}

    register_post_type() takes a new argument show_in_rest which will expose some of the data.

    So if I update the register_post_type() call in jobman_page_taxonomy_setup() from
    register_post_type( 'jobman_job', array( 'exclude_from_search' => false, 'public' => true, 'show_ui' => false, 'singular_name' => __( 'Job', 'jobman' ), 'label' => __( 'Jobs', 'jobman' ) ) );
    register_post_type( 'jobman_job', array( 'show_in_rest' => true, 'exclude_from_search' => false, 'public' => true, 'show_ui' => false, 'singular_name' => __( 'Job', 'jobman' ), 'label' => __( 'Jobs', 'jobman' ) ) );

    I am then able to access some of the data – I installed the plugin on a live site with that line updated and as you can see here

    I emphasized “some” intentionally because the “one line of code” I suppose is a bit exaggerated if you want to go all the way with REST API support. In order to expose all of the fields in a job, you would need to use register_rest_field() hooked to rest_api_init see: for an example.

    Is this plugin on Github somewhere? I’d be happy to send a PR with these updates so you can test it out.

    After a little more testing – Is your front page set to a static page or your latest posts? I don’t think the Content Bottom widget area displays unless it’s a static front page.

    Hey @muttix,

    I would recommend making sure everything is fine on Google’s side first. Have they approved everything, including your domain?

    I am not entirely sure how the SAM plugin works and you may have better luck over in their support area where the developer(s) and community that use the plugin can assist you.

    Howdy @sebastian,

    Your question may be better suited over in the WooCommerce plugin forum but if you are looking to use a pure JS front-end while still interacting with customer data, I would suggest having a look at their REST API.

    Interesting.. I dropped that right at the bottom of my functions.php with Tesseract theme active and it worked fine. You could also try it this way.

    add_filter( 'get_the_archive_title', 'remove_archive_title_prefix', 10, 1 );
    function remove_archive_title_prefix( $title ) {
        if ( is_category() ) {
            $title = single_cat_title( '', false );
        return $title;

    Howdy @thejuls,

    You can filter the display of the_archive_title() using the get_the_archive_title hook. Example (add the following to your functions.php):

    add_filter( 'get_the_archive_title', function ($title) {
        if ( is_category() ) {
            $title = single_cat_title( '', false );
        return $title;

    I would also highly recommend creating a child theme for your changes. If you are editing the theme directly, you will lose your changes when it updates.

    Howdy @devu30,

    Per the forum welcome ( please seek support from the theme developer(s). We do not have access to commercial themes here.

    Howdy @nikksan,

    I deactivated all plugins and got back the default theme,still have the problem.

    Well, that was going to be my first suggestion. I cannot replicate this on a fresh install and if you are sure the issue persists with no plugins and a default theme, I am inclined to think it is something server related.

    Are you seeing any console errors? (F12 in Chrome and select the Console tab) Do you have access to your server error logs?

    Howdy @soladof,

    That is not nearly enough information for anyone to really help you.

    it couldn t load the slider and i couldn t go to my cart or open my categories etc. it was like we were looking at a picture

    Is this a custom slider? A slider plugin? Is it generating any console or server errors?

    Howdy @jwandz,

    There are known issues with using an all numeric post slug. The slug of the post that is acting strange on your site is 2302. Try changing that to something alpha-numeric and I believe it will start working (you may need to refresh your permalinks after by going to Appearance > Permalinks and just clicking Save)

    Howdy @roxysaurus,

    These forums are for self-hosted installations – .org is not the same as, which is actually ran by a company. I would suggest heading on over to their support area and see if you can find some assistance.

    It’s a very common mistake to make – Best of luck to you!

    Here is a very handy tool for updating URL’s across an entire WordPress database, I use this when moving from a staging domain to a new production domain. your database first, just in case.

    If you have hardcoded links in your template files, you will have to updates as well but I would hope that everything in there is relatively linked. I use PHPStorm to search entire directories for the staging URL while running the database search & replace linked above. I am sure there are free file searching tools you can find on the web though.

    The display is usually going to depend on your theme, so you will need to get your hands dirty with some PHP if you want to change the display. Typically your single post template will be single.php and you can grab the featured image caption while inside the loop using something like

    echo get_post(get_post_thumbnail_id())->post_excerpt;

    If you plan to update the single post template, make sure to create a child theme before making changes to your theme code so you don’t lose everything when updating.

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