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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Download Monitor] No access after Deactivate / ReactivateHi,
Worked it out. I had changed the address of the website, removing the www from the domain, and this had caused the links to break. Obvious now I knw what it was …
However there weren’t any helpful clues in the log, which might have made this a 30 second fix rather than scratching my head for a couple of days. Perhaps some more informative error messages might be useful …
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Allow Comments not workingHi,
I’ve worked it out. WPML has a tick box labeled ‘Synchronize comment status’ which, when ticked, seems to switch off the ‘Allow Comments’ flag for translated pages.
Either it’s an unhelpful label or it’s not working as they expect, unless I’m completely misunderstanding what they mean.
Anyway, that’s what’s been screwing me up all week. I’m trying to get some explanation out of WPML, just out of curiosity. Also doesn’t explain why the probblem only seemed to appear when using my custom theme …
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Allow Comments not workingHi,
That’s a very useful plugin!
So, after lots of experiments, I’ve identified that the issue is something to do with my custom theme. Using the Troubleshooting plugin I enabled all the plugins but left the theme as 2020 and I could update the page content without it clearing the Allow Comments field. When I switch to my theme and Update the page, the Allow Comments field is cleared.
So there’s something going on in my code somewhere.
My next question is – where should I start looking? I don’t understand how code in a Theme can affect what happens in the back office when updating a page. There clearly is some interaction, but I can’t see what it could be.
I still think it could be related to the WPML plugin, as it doesn’t happen in the default language, but does in translated pages.
Any suggestions gratefully received …
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Allow Comments not workingForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Iptanus File Upload] Moderate ImagesHi,
Interestingly after a bit more searching I found a previous answer on this forum to a question I asked a couple of years ago …!
So I’m writing a specific string to the image description in the Media Library to identify it as not approved.
Thanks for your help!
Forum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: Comments FormI agree it’s all a compromise.
I’ve already done something along the lines you suggested … so users still have to ‘login’ but it’s not a WordPress login and as far as WordPress is concerned they are still guests. This works fine with the comments. Security for this is a bit primitive, but based on the idea that no-one is likely to stumble across the page(s) unless they are specifically looking for them – and if the password gets into the wrong hands the worst scenario is that someone can see some pages that contain no confidential information really, so it’s not a problem.
Shame there wasn’t a way to do it within WordPress though …
Forum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: Comments FormI understand what you are saying, but in this instance there would be thousands of users, so it’s not an option.
The shared account has no privilages – it is simply used for access control to the page. So what I really want to do is to switch on the features available for non-logged in users to comment, even though they are actually logged in as a user.
Any suggestions?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Iptanus File Upload] Adding Categories to Media Library ImagesHi,
That’s great. I’ve made a few small modifications, but it’s all working – nothing actually wrong, just wanted to change the formatting a bit. Here’s my finished version, both modifying the form and adding the uploaded file to the Media Library with the sepected categories:
if ( isset($GLOBALS["WFU_GLOBALS"]["WFU_DEBUG"]) ) $GLOBALS["WFU_GLOBALS"]["WFU_DEBUG"][3] = "ON"; if (!function_exists('wfu_debug_wfu_process_media_insert_function_handler')) { function wfu_debug_wfu_process_media_insert_function_handler($res, $file_path, $userdata_fields, $page_id) { $wp_upload_dir = wp_upload_dir(); $filetype = wp_check_filetype( wfu_basename( $file_path ), null ); // create empty variables for the fields we are interested in $title = ""; $caption = ""; $description = ""; $category = ""; // go through each of the inputs and identify which ones we are interested in foreach ($userdata_fields as $fld) { if ($fld["label"] === "Title") { $title = ( isset($fld) && trim($fld["value"]) != "" ? trim($fld["value"]) : preg_replace( '/\.[^.]+$/', '', wfu_basename( $file_path ) ) ); } elseif ($fld["label"] === "Caption") { $caption = ( isset($fld) ? $fld["value"] : "" ); } elseif ($fld["label"] === "Description") { $description = ( isset($fld) ? $fld["value"] : "" ); } elseif ($fld["label"] === "Category") { $category = explode(",", $fld["value"]); } } $attachment = array( 'guid' => $wp_upload_dir['url'] . '/' . wfu_basename( $file_path ), 'post_mime_type' => $filetype['type'], 'post_title' => $title, 'post_content' => $description, 'post_excerpt' => $caption, 'post_status' => 'inherit' ); $attach_id = wp_insert_attachment( $attachment, $file_path, $page_id ); require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/image.php'); $attach_data = wp_generate_attachment_metadata( $attach_id, $file_path ); $update_attach = wp_update_attachment_metadata( $attach_id, $attach_data ); // see if we can add some categories // get the ids for the selected categories $catIds = array(); foreach ($category as $cat) { $catIds[] = term_exists($cat, "media_category")["term_id"]; } // update the post with the category values wp_set_post_terms($attach_id, $catIds, "media_category"); // categories done $filedata = wfu_get_filedata($file_path, true); if ( $filedata != null ) { $filedata["media"] = array( "type" => "data", "attach_id" => $attach_id ); wfu_save_filedata_from_id($filedata["general"]["idlog"], $filedata); } $res["result"] = 'R'; $res["output"] = $attach_id; return $res; } add_filter('wfu_debug-wfu_process_media_insert', 'wfu_debug_wfu_process_media_insert_function_handler', 10, 4); $GLOBALS['wfu_debug-wfu_process_media_insert'] = "1"; } if (!function_exists('wfu_file_upload_output_custom_handler')) { function wfu_file_upload_output_custom_handler($output, $params) { $sid = $params["uploadid"]; $fid = 4; // get a list of defined categories $categories = get_terms( array( 'taxonomy' => 'media_category', 'hide_empty' => false, 'orderby' => 'name', 'order' => 'ASC' ) ); // get an array of name and slug values $cats = array(); foreach ($categories as $cat) { $cats[] = $cat->name . "|" . $cat->slug; } // modify the list select $output .= "\n".'<input type="hidden" id="wfu_categories_'.$sid.'" value="'.implode(",", $cats).'" />'."\n"; $output .= " <script type=\"text/javascript\"> if(window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener(\"load\", wfu_tweak_listbox, false); } else if(window.attachEvent) { window.attachEvent(\"onload\", wfu_tweak_listbox); } else { window[\"onload\"] = wfu_tweak_listbox; } var wfu_tweak_listbox = function() { var WFU = GlobalData.WFU[$sid]; if (!WFU.userdata._getValue) WFU.userdata._getValue = WFU.userdata.getValue; WFU.userdata.getValue = function(props) { var field = document.getElementById('userdata_' + $sid + '_field_' + props.key); var value = ''; if (props.type == 'list') { for (var i = 0; i < field.options.length; i++) if (field.options[i].selected) value += (value == '' ? '' : ',') + field.options[i].value; } else value = this._getValue(props); return value; } var categories = document.getElementById('wfu_categories_' + $sid).value.split(','); var findex = $fid - 1; var list = document.getElementById('userdata_' + $sid + '_field_' + findex); while (list.options.length > 0) list.options.remove(0); for (var i = 0; i < categories.length; i++) { var opt = document.createElement('OPTION'); var cat = categories[i].split('|'); opt.value = cat[1]; opt.innerHTML = cat[0]; list.options.add(opt); } list.selectedIndex = -1; list.size = list.length; WFU.userdata.props[findex].store(); }(); </script> "; return $output; } add_filter('_wfu_file_upload_output', 'wfu_file_upload_output_custom_handler', 10, 2); }
Thanks for your help!
- This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by crac1967.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Iptanus File Upload] Adding Categories to Media Library ImagesHi Nickolas,
I’ve set up a number of categories with the idea that an image (or file) can be tagged with one or more categories – so I need a way of the user being able to select multiple categories and then adding them to an image (or file).
Does that make sense?
I was hoping there was a hook before the form is displayed where I could get a list of categories and make a checkbox for each one … but I’m open to other ways of doing it too.