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  • Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: WordPress Popular Posts
    Thread Starter CovertOpsKawliga


    i have tried:


    in the loop, but it cuts off at the ‘&’ sign.

    ive tried putting it into an array – it doesn’t work; ive tried wrapping the » in just about everything:

    ' . &raquo; . '
    and MANY more

    and nothing – is there any hope for me??

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: 2.9.2 to 3.0?
    Thread Starter CovertOpsKawliga


    cool, thanks esmi! GNARLY!!!!!!!

    Thread Starter CovertOpsKawliga


    ROCK ON!! Thanks Ipstenu!

    Thread Starter CovertOpsKawliga


    AAAHHHHHH!!!!! thanks esmi THAT DID IT!!! AAAHHHH!!!!

    Thread Starter CovertOpsKawliga


    i figured it out! for my home.php:

    $args = array (
    	       'meta_key'   => '_project_type',
    	       'meta_value' => 'Featured',
    	       'showposts'  => '5'
    <?php if ( have_posts() ) : while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>

    and for my projects.php:

    $paged = (get_query_var('paged')) ? get_query_var('paged') : 1;
    $args = array (
    	       'paged'      => $paged,
    	       'posts_per_page'   => '15'
    <?php if ( have_posts() ) : while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>

    just do what vtxyzzy said but instead of checking the static box, just use the dropdowns and it should work

    Thread Starter CovertOpsKawliga


    ok, ive tried everything and i just dont understand.

    my index.php file displays an intro slideshow and then the 5 latest featured posts (this is done by creating a custom meta field whereby it tells whether the post is regular or featured).

    i would like another page to display all of the posts. ive tried using templates (changing my intro page to home.php and my posts page to projects.php – and then creating the pages for both).

    but all this does is show my home.php on every page.

    is there another way to add pages so that i can display custom loops on each??

    Thread Starter CovertOpsKawliga


    the add pages thing isnt working for me.

    is it possible to add pages another way?? a cleaner way??

    im currently looking into add_option / get_option functions. am i going in the right direction??

    Thread Starter CovertOpsKawliga


    what do you do with the index.php page?

    sorry for the noobery

    Thread Starter CovertOpsKawliga


    thanks esmi,

    based on your advice and really digging through the docs and forums, here is what i came up with:

    // $post->ID = $current_post_id;
    function list_sub_categories($current_post_id) {
    	$category = get_the_category($current_post_id);
    	$category_parent = $category[0]->category_parent;
    	$args = array(
    	              'child_of' => $category_parent
    	$sub_categories = get_categories($args);
    	foreach ($sub_categories as $sub_category) :
    		$sub_args = array(
    				  'showposts' => 5,
    				  'category__in' => array($sub_category->term_id)
    		$posts = get_posts($sub_args);
    		if ($posts) : ?>
                <p><a href="<?php echo get_category_link( $sub_category->term_id ); ?>"><?php echo $sub_category->name; ?></a></p>
    			<?php foreach ($posts as $post) : setup_postdata($post); ?>
    				<p><a href="<?php echo get_permalink($post->ID); ?>" rel="bookmark"><?php echo $post->post_title; ?></a></p>
    			<?php endforeach; ?>
    		<?php endif;

    i tried to make it as clean as possible. it works perfectly, but please let me know if you see anything wrong with it.

    Thread Starter CovertOpsKawliga


    got it, thanks esmi, ill try that out.

    just a general question, when you add a new post do you check both the parent category and sub category, or do you only check the sub category??

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