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  • Thread Starter cortlaw123


    I finally got someone who fixed it all for me.
    Thanks everyone for your help

    Thread Starter cortlaw123


    I’ve TRIED to follow every direction and every tutorial you’ve suggested, but there’s always jargon that totally stumps me, assumptions that I can just do something because the instructions say do it– but they don’t tell me HOW. I seem to have made matters worse, not better, with all the hours of attempts I’ve made. So A couple of hours ago I filled out the request form that I think is your business, and I DO need you to get me out of this mess or help me go back to blogger.(I’m sure the tutorials are very accurate and factual, but they’re written for people who already know all sorts of stuff that a beginner in wordpress doesn’t know. It might as well say “go to your pifjdksy, nsjsote the fnrnmruj and then execute the dnjdjdks.”)

    Thread Starter cortlaw123


    I downloaded this thing a few days ago, and did the backup. Now I get the warning message. As for these kinds of instructions:

    1.Open wp-content/plugins Folder I don’t know where or what this is
    2 Put: Folder: wp-dbmanager I don’t know what the jargon “Put” means

    So I can’t get started!

    3. Activate WP-DBManager Plugin
    4. Rename htaccess.txt to .htaccess file in Folder: wp-content/plugins/wp-dbmanager
    5. The script will automatically create a folder called backup-db in the wp-content folder if that folder is writable. If it is not created, please create it and CHMOD it to 777
    6. Open Folder: wp-content/backup-db
    7. Move the .htaccess file from Folder: wp-content/plugins/wp-dbmanager to Folder: wp-content/backup-db I don’t know how to “move’ a file
    8. Go to WP-Admin -> Database -> DB Options to configure the database options.

    As to the latter. I guess that’s what I used. I just followed instructions and imported my old blog. I know the slugs are wrong. I thought there was a method in your earlier e-mail to change them all en masse. But I can’t figure out what to do with thos einstructions because the first thing it says is “Go to the WP-Folder” but it doesn’t say where that is or how to get there!

    Help?! In simple language?!

    Thread Starter cortlaw123


    I also don’t know what to do about this. I don’t know what these files are, or how to move something from one to the other.

    Your backup folder MIGHT be visible to the public

    To correct this issue, move the .htaccess file from wp-content/plugins/wp-dbmanager to /home5/spiriuj3/public_html/wp-content/backup-db

    Blogger was so simple!

    Thread Starter cortlaw123


    Ok, I did the first part of this, and now I come to this:

    Just copy-paste following codes into a file with name like fix.php and save/upload it to the WordPress folder.

    I don’t know what (or where) “the WordPress folder” is.

    Then just open its URL from the browser. URL will be like: (replace with your domain name).

    What “it” are we referring to?

    $res = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT post_id, meta_value FROM $wpdb->postmeta WHERE meta_key = 'blogger_permalink'");
    foreach ($res as $row){
    $slug = explode("/",$row->meta_value);
    $slug = explode(".",$slug[3]);
    $wpdb->query("UPDATE $wpdb->posts SET post_name ='" . $slug[0] . "' WHERE ID = $row->post_id");
    echo "DONE";

    On executing this script, the only output you must see is “DONE”.

    I don’t know what “executing a script” means, or how or where I should see the word “Done”.

    If you could make this clearer to me (I’m getting old!), I think I can complete this.

    [Moderator Note: Please post code or markup snippets between backticks or use the code button. As it stands, your code may now have been permanently damaged/corrupted by the forum’s parser.]

    Thread Starter cortlaw123


    good grief. It looks like this will do it. But I can’t make heads or tales of this tutorial. Maybe after a night’s sleep.

    Thread Starter cortlaw123


    Well, it’s close to 11 pm on Tuesday, 8/21, and I just received the following email from Google, which seems to suggest that all my efforts so far have failed. PLEASE keep trying to help me find a solution. I really appreciate your help. This message might as well be in Swahili or Martian for all it means to me.

    Over the last 24 hours, Googlebot encountered 359 errors while attempting to access your robots.txt. To ensure that we didn’t crawl any pages listed in that file, we postponed our crawl. Your site’s overall robots.txt error rate is 47.3%. You can see more details about these errors in Webmaster Tools.

    Recommended action
    If the site error rate is 100%:

    Using a web browser, attempt to access If you are able to access it from your browser, then your site may be configured to deny access to googlebot. Check the configuration of your firewall and site to ensure that you are not denying access to googlebot.
    If your robots.txt is a static page, verify that your web service has proper permissions to access the file.
    If your robots.txt is dynamically generated, verify that the scripts that generate the robots.txt are properly configured and have permission to run. Check the logs for your website to see if your scripts are failing, and if so attempt to diagnose the cause of the failure.

    If the site error rate is less than 100%:

    Using Webmaster Tools, find a day with a high error rate and examine the logs for your web server for that day. Look for errors accessing robots.txt in the logs for that day and fix the causes of those errors.
    The most likely explanation is that your site is overloaded. Contact your hosting provider and discuss reconfiguring your web server or adding more resources to your website.

    After you think you’ve fixed the problem, use Fetch as Google to fetch to verify that Googlebot can properly access your site.

    Actually, I did just notice that a few days ago their message said my error rate was 100%. Now it’s only 47.3%. So maybe I AM making progress.

    Thread Starter cortlaw123


    Ok. Done this too. Hers’s hoping.
    Any other suggestion, I’ll try all possibilities

    Thread Starter cortlaw123


    I did it! I actually did it (I think) I found my .htacccess file, I found #Begin WordPress , and there was a space above it where I pasted in RewriteRule (.+)\.html$ /$1/ [L,R] . Then I pressed ‘save’ and it said ‘Success!’

    Does this take time to take effect? ‘cas I searched for my Plato blog post, and it still says “Page not found”

    Thread Starter cortlaw123


    Not a clue I’m afraid. My host is Bluehost, and I did find my cPanel which includes a section called “Files” and includes these icons:

    Site Backup & Restore
    File Manager
    Legacy File Manager
    Web Disk
    Disk Space Usage
    File Count
    FTP Accounts
    FTP Session Control
    Website Movers
    Unlimited FTP

    Do I go somewhere in here? (I don’t see anything about an htfile, though I don’t know what an htfile is) (I clicked the one called File Manager, but didn’t see any htfile, and nothing in there was clickable anyway)

    Thread Starter cortlaw123


    I really appreciate this. It sound like the solution. I just need a bit more help if you can. I really don’t know what this all means:

    put this RewriteRule (.+)\.html$ /$1/ [L,R] above the #Begin WordPress call in your .htaccess

    Could you tell me where to go, how to get there, and (well, maybe I can figure out what to do once I’m there, but…) how to do it?

    Thread Starter cortlaw123


    Maybe the eventual google scan will fix it. My general settings do allow search engines to index the site. I just have a few plugins. How/where do I determine if they have a Privacy setting?

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