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  • I have the same issue. Just installed Blubbry, everything is working, except for the stats thing where I get the Incorrect user email address or password.
    (I am extremely sure I have the correct email and password, and I activated my free account..)

    Did you ever get this fixed ?

    I don’t have tweetbot, but I am getting the fatal error

    plugins/google-analytics-for-wordpress/wp-gdata/OAuth.php on line 8

    Thread Starter corienb


    Thank you!
    I installed Page Order and moved things around so that the drop down didn’t clash with the menu. That kinda works too..

    Thread Starter corienb


    OK. fixed.

    page.php had
    <?php the_content(__(‘(more…)’)); ?>
    <?php the_content(); ?>

    I removed one of those and now it’s working (I think I tried to get rid of ”more..”and wanted to show the full post and forgot to delete it..)

    Thread Starter corienb


    Hum. If I install the original Fresh Theme the video shows up once like it should.

    I’ll use ExamDiff to compare the original files with my alterations, hope I can figure out what caused this.

    Thread Starter corienb


    Thanks! When I switch themes the video shows up once so it must be something I did. Because yes, I adjusted the theme files (creating a child theme for it somehow didn’t work, my child files sometimes overrode the originals, but sometimes didn’t.. Once it’s working it won’t be updated anyway, so I adjusted the original)

    What and where should I look for something in the code that handles this video embedding stuff?

    For pages with children, I adjusted the CSS so submenus show up correctly (is that what you meant?)

    Thread Starter corienb


    (I’m using a child theme of Twenty Ten)

    @dave – and that’s the problem. Things do not slow down at all when there are other updates, only for WP stats. (I’m happy to give you login details if you want to check things out next time you release an update ?? )

    Installed plugins for one site are:

    *All in One SEO Pack
    Google XML Sitemaps
    Maintenance Mode
    *My Category Order
    *My Page Order
    *Page Links To
    PayPal Donations
    Simple Download Monitor
    * Stats
    *WordPress Database Backup
    WP e-Commerce Plugin
    *WP Google Analytics
    WP Hide Categories

    (my plugins differ for some of my other sites, but the WP Stats hangs on all of them..* is what I think most of my 3 sites have installed)

    @mykkal – thanks!
    Can’t say much about the server hardware other than:
    My host is, they offer WordPress through Installatron and I’ve never had any downtime of issues, so I’m guessing their hardware is good and fully compatible.

    My own hardware : 3 GHz, 2 GB RAM, DSL Website dataplan is 10 GB of space, 100 GB data per month. Don’t have a lot of visitors (yet?) so well below that data/month ??

    But why then is the WP stats the only plugin where things get slow if there’s an update? (And why are things fast when there’s no update – doesn’t the wp-admin thingie do all the same checks then?)

    And: how can I fix it?

    But it’s not the updating process itself that I’m having problems with?

    (Also, if regardless of available updates the rest of my WordPress would play nice, I don’t think I’d mind this amount of updates for WP Stats..)

    I’m listening, just not agreeing ?? and I think you might have misunderstood what’s running slow?

    Updating. I think you mean I have to see that there’s an update on my WP Dashboard, then download the new zip file by going to a webpage, unzip the file, and upload it to the plugin folder (overwriting the old) using FireFTP.

    I’m saying that is way more trouble than hitting two ‘next/OK’ buttons on the WordPress dashboard.

    I also don’t think that won’t fix my problem:

    It’s the WP Dashboard itself that’s sluggish/won’t load. The page you get right after you logged in to wp-admin. (So before I do anything with updating and plugins)

    The update process itself (once I get to it) actually runs very fast, even through the ‘slow’ high CPU method. (and I have to admit that I don’t really care that it’s high CPU, that’s what the thing is built to do ?? )

    When there is an available update for WP Stats, my WordPress Dashboard pretty much won’t load. I log into my wp-admin and then things ‘hang’ and/or load extremely slow.

    It takes a long time to for example click on Posts or Pages and wait for the next page to load, UNTIL I have updated WP Stats. And then everything runs fine again.

    I do not have that problem at all with any of the other plugins and available updates for those, so I’m pretty sure something in the WP Stats plugin is causing the sluggishness.

    I’ve already got FireFTP, but if WP Stats is the only plugin that slows things down I doubt it’s CPU power that’s the problem..

    I can upgrade and install all of WordPress without things slowing down.

    Also – the Dashboard shows me when there’s an upgrade, installing it is one or two extra clicks (and I have to enter my FTP password there, so I’m guessing that goes through FTP already??)

    I’m trying to save time, not add time by circumventing the issue ??

    I don’t really know what you mean, but I do think I’m already updating through FTP?

    I go to my wp-admin page, login, hit “updates” and then it goes via FTP.
    I don’t know of any other way to update or check for updates?

    And to get from the dashboard start page to the FTP part takes ages if it’s a WP Stats update. All other plugins go fast.

    I’d like slightly fewer updates as well.

    Every time there is a WP-Stats-Dashboard update the admin side of my WordPress gets extremely sluggish.

    So I do ‘have’ to update WP dashboard (which takes a long time to load after pressing “updates” under Dashboard, that is if things don’t time out) before I can do anything else.

    Having to do that every day is getting quite annoying.
    I love the plugin and appreciate your hard work, but I’d rather wait a week or 2 for new features than logging in and going

    “huh, things are hanging.. must be yet another WP Stats update” ??

    (When the update is installed, everything is running fast again, and I don’t have this problem when there are updates for other plugins)

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