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  • Thread Starter Copiaurbietorbi



    We will. Thank you for your help.

    Thread Starter Copiaurbietorbi



    We just received the files based on the new configurations suggested. Now there are more zip files to download and indeed, the big file is now divided in two.

    We hope that with these changes the backup do not present any issues later on. How can we check the integrity of the backup files once downloaded?

    Thank you for your help.

    Thread Starter Copiaurbietorbi



    We did. That’s not the problem. We changed the parameter mentioned before just to rule out other potentials reasons for this behavior.

    Based on what you mentioned, we will lower the split archive every setting to 25MB in a way to reduce the size of the plugin backup files and see how it goes.

    We’ll keep you posted.

    Thread Starter Copiaurbietorbi


    Good day,

    The backup size has been the same since the site implementation. We didn’t have any issues with that or your plugin sending the email with the backup before until now.

    Perhaps the recent updates are somehow not working properly with our wordpress platform.

    Now, where can we find previous versions of the plugin to make the testing?

    What is the oldest wordpress version your plugin work with no issues?

    We want to run this test as the last shot before deciding what to do with the use of your plugin.

    Thank you for your help and prompt response!

    Thread Starter Copiaurbietorbi



    Thank you for getting back to us. We reviewed and adjusted again the parameter upload_max_filesize to 50MB and we tried to do a backup to test this out. However, the problem persists and we are getting the same message:

    Errors encountered:
    * Email: The attempt to send the backup via email failed (probably the backup was too large for this method)

    Warnings encountered:

    * Email: This backup archive is 37.5 MB in size – the attempt to send this via email is likely to fail (few email servers allow attachments of this size). If so, you should switch to using a different remote storage method.

    Please note we didn’t have this issue before, the file was the same size and even though we didn’t make any changes, we still got the backup.

    Thank you for your help and interest!

    Thread Starter Copiaurbietorbi


    Good day,

    Thank you for your prompt response. Here is the link to the back log file: Please note is set as burn after read.

    Thank you for your interest!

    Thread Starter Copiaurbietorbi


    Goodness, we even forgot this request for help.

    No, we do not need help anymore. But thank you for reaching out.

    Thread Starter Copiaurbietorbi


    Good day,

    Thank you for the note.

    As feedback, you should know that a dissatisfied customer is more likely to switch to a competitor and share their negative experience with others. This can lead to a decline in customer retention and acquisition.


    When you don’t have good customer support, you lose customers, you lose sales. And lost sales equals a loss of profits.

    Depending on the severity of your customer loss, the number of profits you lose as a result could have a lasting impact on the financial health of your business.

    As such, today we decided to partner with other people and use other platforms and wordpress themes for our businesses.

    We promise sharing our experience with others, colleagues, friends and family, but also our networks.

    We promise never using your themes again, not even if they are free.

    Thread Starter Copiaurbietorbi


    Good day,

    It seems there is a confusion here. We opened this ticket as a way to solve something we needed and we shared some of the ideas we had to solve it; looking for some guidance, as you are the experts, owners of the theme in question.

    There were two issues. You only addressed the first one and we acted according to your suggestions, but we were not pleased with the results.

    That to say, this last one that is being discussed here is also related to the second: the hooks. For we decided to code on them directly rather than using the layouts.

    When we use a layout it creates a space, a gap in between the sections where we need to add what we need.

    Now, we do not see the hooks section anymore, despite of using Hestia Pro. But for this issue, we created a new ticket here.

    Did you have the chance to check it out? We will close this one once you properly attend the hooks problem on the new ticket we created.

    Thank you for your help and interest.

    Thread Starter Copiaurbietorbi


    We made some changes in the plugin settings that altered the original sitemap. But we also renewed and updated our sitemap with google.

    We requested a temporal removal of these pages and after a week or so, they were removed.

    We are not sure if after the 6 month period google provides to hide these pages they will reappear.

    We hope this is not the case with the changes in the plugin.

    On another note and as we mentioned in the original post, we tried to find the robots.txt file or sitemap.xml on our server but we couldn’t find anything. Perhaps we missed them.

    Could you provide some guidance as to where we can find these?

    Thank you for your help and interest!

    Thread Starter Copiaurbietorbi


    Good day,

    Where else then? We bought the licenceses but we didn’t renew them. Where is the space to get support for people like us? This is a quite important matter to us.

    As feedback and also as a reminder, lack of support can signal to customers that the company is indifferent to their needs while damaging the brand’s reputation and credibility.

    Thread Starter Copiaurbietorbi


    Good day,

    We tried your suggestion and we added a layout where we needed it. In this case and for us is in between the features section and the team section.

    We tried adding the layout in several places ( hestia_after_features_section_hook ), ( hestia_top_team_section_content_hook ) and ( hestia_before_team_section_hook ).

    The one that works for us is the first one. Nevertheless, when we added it, we noticed that there is a gap in between the layout and the team section.

    We tried to play with the padding and margin of the layout but nothing seems to work.

    We would like to know how to eliminate or close this gap in between the section in question and our layout.

    By the way, we are not able to access our hooks nor see them in the section “customize” as before. We already added a new request for support here for this matter also, as both of these requests do have priority for our development.

    Thank you for your help and prompt response.

    Thread Starter Copiaurbietorbi


    Good day,

    Thank you for getting back to us. We do need to add the snippet to create the bar we need though.

    Will the code on the link you provided work by changing the youtube video (obviously the other settings to personlize it) for the google snippet that we have and need for the website?

    If you are saying that it doesn’t support the Google integration we added, then we don’t see a point on adding or trying this code.

    Perhaps we misunderstood. Could you clarify please?

    Thank you for your help.

    Thread Starter Copiaurbietorbi


    Understood. We thank you for your help and interest.

    Have a good day.

    Thread Starter Copiaurbietorbi


    Thank you for getting back to us.

    We do have admin privileges. The HTML code that we have added before has no change despite saving. This could be an indication the capability you mentioned is enabled.

    But either way, it would be a good idea to check. Where can find this?

    On another note, do you have any ideas as to what we could do to keep the script? We tried enclosing it by using <div>, <span>. We tried shortcodes and widgets and nothing has worked out…yet!

    Thank you again for your help!

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