Forum Replies Created
Hi Lotar,
Thanks, but that’s not it, nothing installed prior to going live. I’ve also tried deactivating several plugins to fix the issue, again to no avail.
What’s odd is that I can load elementor in firefox, but not chrome, and that others in this thread have experienced the same.
OK, so I don’t have much to add, only that I’d been working fine with elementor (free) for the past 2 months, all working fine on a new wordpress site in a subfolder on the server.
Once the site was finished, put it live (kept it in subflolder, copied .htaccss and index.php to root. updated site urls in wordpress settings, updated permalinks etc)
Site works fine but… can’t get the elementor editor to load for any page or post, just halts on grey elementor load screen. Tried all suggestions here within elementor (alternative load method, and set url) disabled a few plugins. Nothing helped.
Switching from chrome to Firefox, can load elementor editor fine! Hmmm
Did you ever solve this. Having a similar issue.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Booking Calendar] Remove booking function?Ok thanks for this, very helpful. Just one thing. You say:
Or you can insert the import shortcode before booking form shortcode, so firstly system will start import process and only then show booking form, when someone visit your page.
Does this mean I don’t need to use CRON and the calendar always import the latest state of calendar before displaying ? Just maybe a small delay for visitor?
Thanks. Looks like the plugin for me. And I’ll experiment with the calendar and shortcodes.
Thanks for the updates and work on this, I’ll certainly give it a test once its up.
Came here to say the same. I just wanted a manual way to enable backorder display and purchase, and have custom messages per product, like “available in march” without automatic stock control.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Ninja Forms - The Contact Form Builder That Grows With You] Email issuesThanks Zachary, that certainly would explain it, and I can at least stop trying to get it to work until the mandrill plugin is updated. Thanks gain for your quick reply.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Ninja Forms - The Contact Form Builder That Grows With You] Email issuesJust started using this plugin yesterday, (fantastic plugin, thanks) I’ve not tried the email validation on mobile, but will look out for that. However I can confirm the bcc, or in my case the cc settings don’t seem to work.
I’m using it in the admin email just like you, receiving fine at the email set in the “to” field, but not receiving at the email set in the cc field. There is also no cc present in the headers of the main received email, so I know its not because the cc’d email isn’t being received, its more like it isn’t being cc’d at all (obviously you wouldn’t be able to see that for bcc).
I am using mandrill for email
Be interested to know if you manage to resolve, or if anyone else has any clues. If I get a solution I’ll keep you posted.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-DownloadManager] Tweak Shortcode Page outputThanks Lester, can’t believe I managed to miss that it was that template. That’s perfect though.
Many Thanks,
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-Members Membership Plugin] Restore Tos field in manage fields pageThanks Chad, filter hook works perfectly from my functions.php file, and not being much of a coder I thought the html link in with the text might have been awkward for some reason, but just a simple link worked fine. Your work here is done!
Thanks so much for all your help, really appreciated.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-Members Membership Plugin] Restore Tos field in manage fields pageThanks again Chad, but I think I wasn’t clear on which bit I meant!
I was trying to describe the tos label as it appears on the actual registration form for an unregistered user. It looks like it is hardcoded to say “Please indicate that you agree to the TOS” with the word TOS providing the link to our terms and conditions. Changing the label as you suggest above doesn’t seem to override this… I did give it a go though, and the label has changed in the wp-members settings, but only there.
Looks like its all coded in wp-members/inc/forms.php, but it doesn’t look like its as simple as editing that particular line…
Anyway, its a minor thing and not your problem really!
Thanks tho, all much appreciated
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-Members Membership Plugin] Restore Tos field in manage fields pageThanks Chad, worked perfectly!
(I had tried this but didn’t properly read the error when not including any text in the “stored value” field, and assumed it wasn’t working because I’d previously deleted the field itself…DOH! but this time I persevered)
One thing that might be worth adding at some point is the ability to change the dialogue text “Please indicate that you agree to the TOS” alongside the tos button, as in my case “tos” would be better replaced with “terms and conditions”.
The Tos Shortcode to link to a full page works well and more than makes up for it!
Great plugin , and thanks again for speedy response!